Search results

  1. Upper Tuchoim

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Accepted :)
  2. Upper Tuchoim

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    After much reflexion and discussion, I accepted @Fauzjhia request to let hemogard in the north pacific guild as long as they follow our rules, like Osheiga, they shall remain a member with full access to our services.
  3. Upper Tuchoim

    Card temporary list

    This is a temporary list for Card Shark, until i can modify threads it is important to refer to this post, rather then Rewan's post Must you obtain a card for a collection, yet you just cannot seem to wrangle it for yourself? Do you want a way to earn premium quests, yet donate no cards to...
  4. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    gifted Points : 45 gifted Points : 2850 points all counted : 2735 All is done
  5. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Everything is taken care of
  6. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Ok Hello peoples, I recently applied to become the new Guild Master today news we have 3 new legendaries, but when i can, I will add them to list /or I will make a new card sharks thread. Treadwellia on guild reject farmer 223 Greater Eareann on guild reject farmer 160 Ballotonia on guild...
  7. Upper Tuchoim

    Oaths of Office

    I, Upper Tuchoim, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Guildmaster of the Card guild, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in...
  8. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy13 gifted 3929946 to vampire_beetles bigboy29 gifted 3252047 to auranzjinilhe bigboy51 gifted 5005000 to tape bigboy66 gifted 3929849 to forest_beetles bigboy82 gifted 4930926 to vulxo bigboy100 gifted 3226026 to auranzjinilhe bigboy113 gifted 3500968 to auranzjinilhe bigboy151 gifted...
  9. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Claiming my 3 free cards: United Calanworie (500) Topid (350) Santheres (350) All sent to Bigboy0
  10. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Requesting: Candlewhisper Archive 2 copies of Nuremgard USS Monitor Knootoss Treadwellia The New California Republic Concrete Slab Kaschovia The Archregimancy Theorin Season 2 Lamoni Pencil Sharpeners 2 G-Tech Corporation Mindalia SalusaSecondus All sent to Bigboy0. All are 500 points except...
  11. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy27 gifted 3340002 to Celzlhi bigboy55 gifted 3929946 to vampire_beetles bigboy69a gifted 3339982 to Celzlhi bigboy80 gifted 3929922 to secret_beetles bigboy88 gifted 3564711 to Shion_Uzuki bigboy121 gifted 3929903 to rain_beetles bigboy133 gifted 4385658 to tape bigboy155 gifted 3225882 to...
  12. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy23 gifted 3929856 to green_beetles bigboy38 gifted 4744449 to tape bigboy38 gifted 3929927 to silver_beetles bigboy46 gifted 3929807 to brown_beetles bigboy84 gifted 3339989 to Celzlhi bigboy104 gifted 3929937 to storm_beetles bigboy111 gifted 3842439 to Fauzjhia bigboy148 gifted 3929956...
  13. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    trade_this_leg_4_upper_tuchoim gifted 3502284 to Celzlhi bigboy2 gifted 4276264 to tape bigboy24 gifted 3339984 to Celzlhi bigboy49 gifted 3340000 to Celzlhi bigboy70 gifted 3929937 to storm_beetles bigboy76 gifted 3929919 to sand_beetles bigboy105 gifted 3760856 to Celzlhi bigboy111 gifted...
  14. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Requesting: from from
  15. Upper Tuchoim

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Tuchoimidway Atoll I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the...
  16. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy8 gifted 3564729 to Shion_Uzuki bigboy28 gifted 4923020 to vulxo bigboy34 gifted 3564713 to Shion_Uzuki bigboy52 gifted 3842439 to Fauzjhia bigboy61 gifted 3929902 to purple_beetles bigboy67 gifted 3929937 to storm_beetles bigboy83a gifted 3804517 to Fauzjhia bigboy87 gifted 3929934 to...
  17. Upper Tuchoim

    Citizenship and Residency Updates

    Hey, could I have my citizenship updated? Nothing's changed, just lost citizenship due to inactivity during the NS outage.
  18. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy2 gifted 3929907 to rare_beetles bigboy33 gifted 3929809 to candy_beetles bigboy41 gifted 3929869 to june_beetles bigboy48 gifted 3929934 to spring_beetles bigboy56 gifted 4276264 to tape bigboy61 gifted 3929908 to red_beetles bigboy77 gifted 3929866 to jewel_beetles bigboy82 gifted...
  19. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy39 gifted 3929903 to rain_beetles bigboy157 gifted 3929905 to rainbow_beetles bigboy264 gifted 3929919 to sand_beetles bigboy512 gifted 3929902 to purple_beetles bigboy569 gifted 4245891 to killer_whales bigboy581 gifted 3929908 to red_beetles bigboy621 gifted 4790982 to tape bigboy667...
  20. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Requesting Robotti from Guild Reject Farmer 0
  21. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy2 gifted 3929833 to fire_beetles bigboy105 gifted 4403179 to tape bigboy140 gifted 3929801 to birthday_beetles bigboy143 gifted 3929818 to divine_beetles bigboy238 gifted 5130813 to tape bigboy278 gifted 3929801 to birthday_beetles bigboy355 gifted 3929890 to ocean_beetles bigboy586 gifted...
  22. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy93 gifted 3929890 to ocean_beetles bigboy212 gifted 3929936 to gold_beetles bigboy216 gifted 3929945 to turtoise_beetles bigboy281 gifted 3929810 to chameleon_beetles bigboy506 gifted 4061577 to tape bigboy683 gifted 3929812 to christmas_beetles bigboy721 gifted 3929854 to...
  23. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy126 gifted 3929834 to flower_beetles bigboy145 gifted 3929817 to december_beetles bigboy219 gifted 3929814 to cute_beetles bigboy250 gifted 3929857 to cyan_beetles bigboy544 gifted 4276264 to tape bigboy551 gifted 3929809 to candy_beetles bigboy631 gifted 5118315 to tape bigboy762 gifted...
  24. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy5 gifted 4156510 to tape bigboy10 gifted 3929829 to fertility_beetles bigboy39 gifted 3929863 to halloween_beetles bigboy69a gifted 3929954 to wind_beetles bigboy100 gifted 4902383 to vulxo bigboy106 gifted 3929806 to bronze_beetles bigboy217 gifted 2963318 to tape bigboy357 gifted 3929905...
  25. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy33 gifted 3929907 to rare_beetles bigboy48 gifted 3929796 to autumn_beetles bigboy159 gifted 3929889 to november_beetles bigboy187 gifted 3929866 to jewel_beetles bigboy226 gifted 4717453 to tape bigboy226 gifted 3929956 to winter_beetles bigboy288 gifted 3929894 to orange_beetles...
  26. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy76 gifted 4156510 to Tape bigboy94 gifted 4884802 to Tape bigboy159 gifted 4502446 to Tape bigboy220 gifted 4717177 to Tape bigboy408 gifted 5066384 to Caecar hungusbungus61 gifted 4672985 to Tape
  27. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy134 gifted 3929936 to gold_beetles bigboy341 gifted 3929954 to wind_beetles bigboy345 gifted 3929872 to light_beetles bigboy367 gifted 3929854 to goldsmith_beetles bigboy398 gifted 3929932 to spirit_beetles bigboy442 gifted 3929877 to mars_beetles bigboy473 gifted 3929932 to spirit_beetles...
  28. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy329 gifted 3929903 to rain_beetles hungusbungus33 gifted 3929797 to azure_beetles
  29. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy22 gifted 3929865 to january_beetles bigboy159 gifted 3929804 to blessed_beetles bigboy301 gifted 4930924 to vulxo bigboy308 gifted 4826570 to tape bigboy320 gifted 2963318 to tape bigboy414 gifted 3929951 to water_beetles bigboy419 gifted 3929910 to river_beetles bigboy422 gifted 1836 to...
  30. Upper Tuchoim

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    bigboy79 gifted 3929919 to sand_beetles bigboy165 gifted 3929905 to rainbow_beetles bigboy170 gifted 3929891 to october_beetles bigboy195 gifted 4340410 to Tape bigboy203 gifted 5152060 to Tape bigboy203 gifted 5152060 to Tape (found twice on the same puppet) bigboy254 gifted 3929954 to...