Search results

  1. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Processed, enjoy!
  2. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 Destination: Link: Card #1 Destination: Link...
  3. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Welcome to the cards guild!
  4. Rewan Demontay

    [OUTDATED] Card Sharks

    Card Sharks Must you obtain a card for a collection, yet you just cannot seem to wrangle it for yourself? Do you want a way to earn premium quests, yet donate no cards to the government? Have you increased the value of a TNP card, and wish to be compensated? Become a Card Shark and help...
  5. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Processed, enjoy!
  6. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Nice to see you here at last, Brasil! Welcome to the club!
  7. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 Destination: Link: Card #2 Destination: Link...
  8. Rewan Demontay

    Opening Address: September 2022-January 2023

    On your appointment, set your oaths, let's begin another wonderful term!
  9. Rewan Demontay

    Oaths of Office

    I, Rewan Demontay, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Minister of Cards, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  10. Rewan Demontay

    Results: September 2022 General Election

    *flashes a white light at you* An election with no mistakes committed; how wonderful!
  11. Rewan Demontay

    Voting: September 2022 General Election

    Delegate: < Pallaith > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Hulldom > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Sil Dorsett > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  12. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Processed, enjoy!
  13. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 Destination: Link: Card #2 Destination: Link...
  14. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    You must become a citizen first. Welcome to the guild!
  15. Rewan Demontay

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Accepted! Be sure to join the executive server on Discord, and we'll mask you there!
  16. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Processed, enjoy!
  17. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 Destination: Link: Card #2 Destination: Link...
  18. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Welcome to the club, New Makasta!
  19. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Processed, enjoy!
  20. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 Destination: Link: Card #1 Destination: Link...
  21. Rewan Demontay

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    What specifically are you asking in reference to? All the information is on the first page of this thread.
  22. Rewan Demontay

    Vending Machine*

    You get a free copy of Sonic 2 because I just watched it tonight. I inset a bottle of ginger ale.
  23. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Processed, enjoy!
  24. Rewan Demontay


    May you carry on peacefully and sucessfully, ever forward into the light.
  25. Rewan Demontay

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Card #1 Destination: Link: Card #2 Destination: Link...