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  1. The Hinterland


    I was referring to this.
  2. The Hinterland

    Might As Well Introduce Myself

    Thanks for all the responses, guys/gals. It's great to be here.
  3. The Hinterland


    As I'm sure you've seen, The Pacific has requested a new embassy. According to Lord Ravenclaw, the Executive Council has failed to come to a definite conclusion as to whether TNP should accept their request. Do you support accepting their request and opening a new embassy?
  4. The Hinterland

    Might As Well Introduce Myself

    I'll take the muffins over the slavery.
  5. The Hinterland

    Might As Well Introduce Myself

    Don't smoke, man.
  6. The Hinterland

    Might As Well Introduce Myself

    I've been lurking around the forums and I made my citizenship application a while back so I thought I might as well introduce myself. Better late than never. Instead of just twiddling my thumbs and endo-tarting like crazy for some reason , I plan on getting more actively involved eventually. Oh...
  7. The Hinterland

    Old Citizenship Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of The Hinterland (, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I...