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  1. Drusselstein

    Voting: May 2019 General Election Attorney General Runoff

    Attorney General: < Darcania >
  2. Drusselstein

    Distribution: TNL Issue XXVIII

    What code do I post in Forest's forums?
  3. Drusselstein

    Voting: May 2019 General Election

    Delegate: < El Fiji Grande > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Sil Dorsett > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Artemis > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Attorney General: < Dinoium > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  4. Drusselstein

    Distribution - TNS VI

    Posted in Forest.
  5. Drusselstein

    Declaration of War on The Rejected Realms

    A region that endangers the security of our citizens in their sedentary positions is bound for our wrath. Upon careful consideration, I give my unwavering support for this declaration. Regnorum soli reprobi!
  6. Drusselstein

    Peace TNP

    Very sad that another nation departs us. But we head on to wherever the wind takes us. Best of luck and do not forget that you are a true and pure North Pacifican!
  7. Drusselstein

    Two Years in NS! Cheers to more!

  8. Drusselstein

    Two Years in NS! Cheers to more!

    Thank you, Duce.
  9. Drusselstein

    Two Years in NS! Cheers to more!

    Thank you! I look forward for more! Thanks!!! Thank you!!!
  10. Drusselstein

    Two Years in NS! Cheers to more!

    Thank you!
  11. Drusselstein

    Two Years in NS! Cheers to more!

    Thank you!
  12. Drusselstein

    Two Years in NS! Cheers to more!

    Two days ago, on 24 January 2019, this great nation was founded two years ago on 24 January 2017. I know, two years is nothing to be proud of, but for me, it is insufferably stunning that I, the Founder of Drusselstein, was able to run the affairs of this nation in defiance of all the odds. I...
  13. Drusselstein

    The North Pacific Party for Dignity and Honor

    Thank you! Long live TNP and the Party! :tnp::tnp::tnp:
  14. Drusselstein

    The North Pacific Party for Dignity and Honor

    I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself, so help me God.
  15. Drusselstein

    Results: January 2019 General Election

    Congratulations to Delegate-elect Pallaith, Vice Delegate-elect Sil Dorsett and AG-elect Crushing Our Enemies. As I am bound by my oath and conscience, I pledge unwavering loyalty to our new constitutional government, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. Long live The North Pacific...
  16. Drusselstein

    Voting: January 2019 General Election

    Delegate: < BMWSurfer > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Brendog > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Dinoium > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Attorney General: < Yuno > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  17. Drusselstein

    Constitution of the Free Republic of Drusselstein

    I think I may have to amend some parts, and maybe extend the Constitution. I shall also divide up some longer provisions.
  18. Drusselstein

    Constitution of the Free Republic of Drusselstein

    Definitely not. The Conscription Provision is very much ambiguous about how strict the conscription will be enforced. Plus, Drusselstein has a rather laughable history about wars, so most conscripts are almost always civilians merely prepared by the military for any conflicts. Life goes on...
  19. Drusselstein

    Constitution of the Free Republic of Drusselstein

    I AM OPEN FOR ANY PROPOSALS TO CHANGE, OMIT OR REPHRASE. REPLY BELOW. THE CONSTITUTION Preamble: We, the sovereign and powerful people of Drusselstein, imploring the aid of Almighty God and his saints, in order to build and preserve a Nation existing under the conclusion that all men are...
  20. Drusselstein

    BMWSurfer for Delegate

    A committed public servant. Best of luck! :tnp:
  21. Drusselstein

    Bobberino for Delegate

    Definitely a frontrunner in my list. :yes:
  22. Drusselstein

    Brendog for Vice Delegate

    You, good sir, have my vote. You are highly-qualified, of unassailable integrity. You are the man for the job. Good luck! :tnp:
  23. Drusselstein

    Dino for Speaker January 2019: Finally a humble nation for the job!

    :tnp:I must say, I already know that you, sir, will do an excellent job as Speaker. You have the credentials, qualifications, it would be inane to deny you of this position. You have my vote. I pray, sire, that you successfully win this post.
  24. Drusselstein

    Pre-Election Polling

    I do not think so.
  25. Drusselstein

    Marcus Antonius For Justice

    Good day. I came by to announce that you, sir, have my full support in this bid. I myself am a new nation, but I really believe that you, sir, with your candidacy, give so-called rookies a voice in the court. I will keep things short and simple, I believe that you will make a simple yet...
  26. Drusselstein

    Voting: November 2018 Judicial Elections

    Court Justice (select up to 3): < SillyString | Limerick1 | Marcus Antonius > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  27. Drusselstein


    Reply and a deformed sloth will appear in your dreams.