Search results

  1. stalin1953

    Diplomatic Corps

    I would like to be an ambassador in Lazarus (since I represented this region before). I am not trying to steal the position from Myroria.
  2. stalin1953

    Diplomatic Corps

    I don't know if you guys saw this, but here is my second application for Lone Wolves United so that you will know. Thanks! Name: stalin1953 [b]Requested Region: Lone Wolves United
  3. stalin1953

    Diplomatic Corps

    scukey1, I am willing to represent Lazarus as ambassador.
  4. stalin1953

    Diplomatic Corps

    Name: stalin1953 [b]Requested Region: Lone Wolves United
  5. stalin1953

    Diplomatic Corps

    I would like to apply for the ambassadorship of Lazarus, since I was the former ambassador to Lazarus before Lazarus was couped.
  6. stalin1953

    April 2015 Special Election for Justice: Voting

    Court Justice (select one): < Stalin1953 > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  7. stalin1953

    Diplomatic Corps

    Name: Stalin1953 [b]Requested Region: Global Right Alliance [b]Name: Stalin1953 [b]Requested Region: Allied States
  8. stalin1953

    Taijitu-TNP Treaty

    I support this treaty.
  9. stalin1953

    Voting: March 2015 Judicial Election

    Court Justice (select 3): < Funkadelia | plembobria | flemingovia > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Attorney General: < Gracius Maximus > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  10. stalin1953

    Dispatch - Tomb's Election

    Delivered in the New Inquisition, Stargate and Lazarus.
  11. stalin1953

    Press Release 4.0

    Delivered to Stargate.
  12. stalin1953

    Voting: February 2015 Special Delegate Election

    Delegate: The Democratic Republic of Tomb Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes
  13. stalin1953

    Diplomatic Corps

    Name: stalin1953 Requested region: The East Pacific Name: stalin1953 Requested region: Lazarus Processed
  14. stalin1953

    TNP Map Claims Thread

    I would like to claim the territory I had on the last map.
  15. stalin1953

    Vote Chatter

    I protest my exclusion from the ballot.
  16. stalin1953

    Stalin1953 for Delegate!

    Greetings, my fellow TNPers! I am stalin1953 and I am running for the Special Election for Delegate. I accepted my nomination from the wonderful JhonsJoe, who nominated me for the candidacy of Delegate. Before I tell you my manifesto, I would like to say that McMasterdonia was a great delegate...
  17. stalin1953

    Press Release 4.0

    Delivered in the New Inquisition.
  18. stalin1953

    Diplomatic Corps

    Name: Stalin1953 Requested region: Stargate Processed
  19. stalin1953

    Candidacy Declarations: February 2015 Special Delegate Election

    I accept my nomination for Delegate.
  20. stalin1953

    Voting: February 2015 Special Speaker Election

    Speaker: Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes
  21. stalin1953

    Voting: February 2015 Special Justice Election

    Court Justice: Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes
  22. stalin1953

    Press Release 3.0

    Delivered to the New Inquisition.
  23. stalin1953

    The Northern Lights Issue V distribution

    Posted in the New Inquisition and dispatch upvoted.
  24. stalin1953

    Voting: January 2015 General Election

    Delegate: mcmasterdonia Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes Vice Delegate: The Democratic Republic of Tomb Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes Speaker: Lord Nwahs Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes
  25. stalin1953

    Voting: December 2014 Special Justice Election

    Court Justice: Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes
  26. stalin1953

    Press Release 2.0

    Posted in the New Inquisition.
  27. stalin1953

    Voting: Special Election for Vice Delegate

    Vice Delegate: stalin1953 Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes