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  1. Scardino

    Embassy of Lone Wolves United

    This is the funniest thing I've seen since Andy Kaufman faked having cancer.
  2. Scardino

    Lone Wolves United

    The only thing more amusing that faux intellectualism is this faux unintellectualism... unintelligen... unintellect... I don't think there's a word to describe it. I dare say it is an entirely new concept. Heftism. Possibly caused by massive overdoses of Heftogen.
  3. Scardino

    Lone Wolves United

    Regardless of whether or not your third grade taunts offend me, you are a vandal and an annoyance. Your blatant disregard for any sort of civility has been the only impression left on this region, both on and off the forum, by your actions. Even now you desecrate a simple half-assed recruitment...
  4. Scardino

    Lone Wolves United

    I would like to thank the moderation team for suppressing the vandals. Perhaps one day they will know their place. Also, a quick note, vandals are not welcomed in Lone Wolves United either.
  5. Scardino

    Lone Wolves United

    Lone Wolves United is currently seeking competent members to serve as soldiers in one of NationStates' most efficient militaries, namely LWU's. However, incompetent, stupid, lazy or clumsy oafs are not welcomed. If you are a moron I would prefer that you didn't join. If you're an idiot you may...
  6. Scardino

    Crackheads try to take over TNP!

    I have a spot open on my schedule for a raid on Friday night. Is that convenient for you?
  7. Scardino

    From The Lexicon

    I can certainly sympathize with The Lexicon on the issue of faked deaths, though I don't know or care if this involved TNP. In Lone Wolves United we once had a spy join our ranks. The spy took an active role in LWU and its community and would, on occasion, flirt with some of the female members...
  8. Scardino

    Renegade Islands Alliance forums destroyed!

    Silence, worm. If I want your opinion I'll give it to you.
  9. Scardino

    Renegade Islands Alliance forums destroyed!

    I can assure you that Evil Wolf is not so careless.
  10. Scardino

    Fed's Blog

    I wasted ten seconds of my life on your dull, uninteresting and dimwitted blog. I will never have those ten seconds back and, for that, I hope you die a most painful death.
  11. Scardino

    Renegade Islands Alliance forums destroyed!

    Though I'm sure this won't change the opinions of some of the more stubborn people here, I have spoken with Domino Domination of RIA and was told by them that they felt this was caused by disorder in their own ranks. The brief conversation was as follows: And, Fedele, do kindly shut the...
  12. Scardino

    Renegade Islands Alliance forums destroyed!

    I didn't realise TNP had a scribe.
  13. Scardino

    Renegade Islands Alliance forums destroyed!

    Did your parents abuse you when you were little? No? They should have. To the best of my knowledge, DEN does not see it as a problem at all except the possibility of some diplomatic tension. I see the forum destruction as a problem with order within RIA's ranks as it was their own member who...
  14. Scardino

    Cybernations vs Nationstates: Cat fight!

    Wow. That's hilarious.
  15. Scardino


    It's all for show. If we had to back up half the shit we say LWU would have gone under a long time ago.
  16. Scardino


    Lone Wolves United, the largest invader region in NationStates, has just passed up the milestone number. Since the heroic days of imperialist titans, no invader region has reached three digits.
  17. Scardino


    Boo? Anyway, if I were wearing a hat, I would take it off for RoT; I started calling them the RoTweillers when they worked with LWU on raids. They were a good, respectable organization. Hey, Pump, go screw yourself. Damned commie. And I see many of you reside in Stars... If it weren't for...
  18. Scardino

    Just Visiting!!

    Lo grandino!
  19. Scardino

    Well hello there.

    Lo grandino! Welcome to The North Pacific, comrade.