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  1. Honeydewistan

    [Accelerator - GA] Repeal: “Child Firearm Safety Act”

    Reject until my suggestion is implemented
  2. Honeydewistan

    [SC - IN QUEUE] Condemn The Black Hawks

    We should repeal one of the condemnations instead of giving them a new one. against
  3. Honeydewistan

    World Assembly Accelerator Program [UPDATED MARCH 2023]

    Your argument should be only be: "The WA hereby repeals GA#235 because the WA should not legislate on gun control."
  4. Honeydewistan

    [SC - PASSED] Repeal: "Liberate The Embassy"

    This is a stupid take. This is actually a necessary repeal. for.
  5. Honeydewistan

    [SC - WITHDRAWN] Condemn Libertanny

    At least put effort into your dross if you're going to campaign for it. Against
  6. Honeydewistan

    [SC - FAILED] Condemn Lily

    Against!! I'm in Lily and I don't want to be condemnd :((((( for fun. you should try that sometime
  7. Honeydewistan

    [SC - WITHDRAWN] Condemn Frenchy

    For, though I wish a little more effort was put in cry me a river
  8. Honeydewistan

    Ministry of WA Affairs Office

    Congrats! Well deserved
  9. Honeydewistan

    A Message in a Bottle

    Someone sent me one... legitimately made my day :)
  10. Honeydewistan

    [GA - PASSED] Supporting People with Disabilities

    for also preempting cretox's vote for him: 'AGAINST,!!!!>|^€[€\£
  11. Honeydewistan

    [SC - PASSED] Repeal: "Commend Northern Borland" (2)

    Extremely unimaginative, clearly a lazy effort to jump on this bandwagon. How does Mike do it? AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST
  12. Honeydewistan

    [SC - WITHDRAWN] Repeal: "Commend Northern Borland"

    clever satire, I love it! For! ... nahhh. Against
  13. Honeydewistan

    [GA - PASSED] Right To Assemble

    Probably Greater Cesnica
  14. Honeydewistan

    [SC - PASSED] Commend 1 very fast endotarter

    Password not retrievable :(
  15. Honeydewistan

    [GA - WITHDRAWN] Right to Peaceful Assembly

    This proposal allows governments to arrest people who peacefully protest on private property if the owner does not allow it, which is an automatic dealbreaker
  16. Honeydewistan

    [SC - PASSED] Commend Northern Borland

    Where have I been hypocritical? I'd be a hypocrite if I was condemning Northern Borland for banning video games while I banned them, but I'm not.
  17. Honeydewistan

    Favorite TNP Delegate of all time?

  18. Honeydewistan

    [SC - PASSED] Commend Northern Borland

    I don't want to condemn them
  19. Honeydewistan

    [SC - PASSED] Commend Northern Borland

    It would be unfair to condemn Northern Borland when in the end he opposed Tinhampton's version, especially when all he's done is stats and not anything inherently evil.