Search results

  1. Honeydewistan

    [SC - PASSED] Condemn Lily

    Non WA against
  2. Honeydewistan

    [SC - WITHDRAWN] Condemn Baggieland

    Non-WA opposed. Stuff listed is not that noteworthy
  3. Honeydewistan

    [SC- PASSED] Repeal Liberate Confederacy of Layem

    When did Loberate Confederacy of Layem pass? :P Non WA full support. Let's get this done and over with
  4. Honeydewistan

    MoWAA Roll Call - May 2022

    * Voting in voting threads and voting on the proposal when it reaches the voting floor. [WA - Voting] * IFV Drafting [WA - IFVs] * Assisting the Ministry in commending heroes and notables in the history of our region and providing feedback to authors. [WA - Authors]
  5. Honeydewistan

    Voting: May 2022 Special Justice Election

    Court Justice: 1. Gorundu No, I would not like to reopen nominations
  6. Honeydewistan

    [SC - PASSED] Liberate Confederacy Of Layem

    Most satisfying vote in favour I've given in a while
  7. Honeydewistan

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Colorado Controlled Territory of Canada I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the...
  8. Honeydewistan

    [SC - DEFEATED] Repeal Condemn The Black Hawks

    I think if replacing SC#52 can't happen because there's not enough content to fill it (doubtful), the TBH probably don't deserve two of them. Lol. Also I believe that SC#217 only specifically cites operations from 2011 onward, making it pretty easy to make a historical condemnation of TBH...
  9. Honeydewistan

    [SC - DEFEATED] Repeal Condemn The Black Hawks

    What part of it is not well written to the point where you can’t support it?
  10. Honeydewistan

    [SC - DEFEATED] Repeal Condemn The Black Hawks

    What do you mean by this? Why do we ‘deserve’ to have a region with two condemnations? Also, two condemnations/commendations should both be of decent quality. For example, both the commendations of Imperium Anglorum are well written. There’s no point condemning someone with a subpar resolution...
  11. Honeydewistan

    WA Affairs January Roll Call

    As a staffer of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, I am willing to participate in the following: [x] Being pinged to assist our Ministry by voting in threads and on at-vote items (@WA - Voting) [x] Writing Information for Voters voting recommendations for publication (@WA - IFVs) [x]...
  12. Honeydewistan

    [SC - DEFEATED] Declaration On China

    shitposting is the only acceptable use
  13. Honeydewistan

    Cabinet Announcement

    congrats to appointeesssssss
  14. Honeydewistan

    Voting: January 2022 General Election

    Delegate: 1. St George Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: Gorundu Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: Tree of Wisdom Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  15. Honeydewistan

    Gorundu for Vice Delegate

    heck yeah!!!
  16. Honeydewistan

    Candidacy Declarations: January 2022 General Election

    I nominate @Gorundu for Vice Delegate
  17. Honeydewistan

    Candidacy Declarations: January 2022 General Election

    I nominate @Sir Kasto for delegate
  18. Honeydewistan

    [SC - WITHDRAWN] Condemn Varanius

    Joke proposal without mentioning the funniest joke of all, Vara kicks puppies? Utterly opposed (non WA)
  19. Honeydewistan

    [SC - MISSED QUORUM] Declaration On The Existence Of Santa Claus

    Oh, really? Then, may I ask, who is the one that leaves presents under Christmas trees? Who is the one that drinks milk and eats cookies? Checkmate liberal.