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  1. Blue Wolf II

    Picairn for Delegate: Onward!

    Well, now that we've dominated Pic's thread, if anyone wants to ask me about Pic's assertions about me, or wants me to rebut any specific part of his campaign, I'm more than willing to do so here.
  2. Blue Wolf II

    Picairn for Delegate: Onward!

    So, just to establish, you called me toxic, denied calling me toxic, got called out, and are now back to calling me toxic. Cool. I'm quite sure the word "toxic" has now lost all meaning.
  3. Blue Wolf II

    Vote Ron, Then Vote Dreadton

    Would you return NPA to a "one gameplay military only" membership model that we've had in the past?
  4. Blue Wolf II

    Picairn for Delegate: Onward! claiming those quotes are "examples of toxic statements" that means you think those statements are toxic... What?
  5. Blue Wolf II

    Vote Ron, Then Vote Dreadton

    What is your opinion on Raiders serving in the NPA?
  6. Blue Wolf II

    Picairn for Delegate: Onward!

    That's a very odd thing to say coming from someone who just complied a list of quotes from me and presented them as "statements which one could clarify as toxic" and then, when called out, denied saying anything about those statements being toxic or not, even though you explicitly presented...
  7. Blue Wolf II

    Picairn for Delegate: Onward!

    Nothing I said was toxic. You're acting like reasonably responding to people making dubious accusations and then expressing disappointment is "toxic", but the accusations are just fine. Was my call to encourage Comfed to ask his supporters to calm down with the negative attacks also toxic...
  8. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    LWU isn't in my platform.
  9. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    Again, he has nothing but attacks and hatred. I would never run a campaign in such a way. I do hope @Comfed joins me in condemning this truly saddening behavior, and helps bring the temper of his supporters down.
  10. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    I'm not sure answering the question of someone who is so hostile to his fellow Citizens is appropriate. Your willingness to accuse your fellow citizens of providing aid to the enemy without cause or merit has more or less made me lose all respect. If you'd like to have someone else pose your...
  11. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    To be clear, I am not proposing an alliance with LWU, as I have stated from the start. Two people in this thread are trying to twist words and manipulate voters in favor of their preferred candidate. It's an dirty tactic, but such is life. I have stated, when asked directly, that I would be...
  12. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    Well, does @Comfed support your stance, @Dreadton, that all region's that don't explicitly state their opposition to BoM providing, as you put it "material support for an enemy"? Does this apply to all regions or just LWU? Every one of our neutral allies, or just specifically LWU?
  13. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    In fairness, I'm going off the operational reports I can see. I freely admit that I was not aware of those operations until this moment. We do make mistakes and I feel that transparency is key, so I apologize for that. None the less, these are not very good numbers, as you have said, and I do...
  14. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    Very good. Please come back when you have an actual question for the campaign. We do welcome your input.
  15. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    I am sorry you feel that way, Ghost, but you're simply mistaken and seemingly trying to manufacture a controversy where there is none. Now, if you're done inventing scandals to be upset about, were there any other questions I could address for you Ghost?
  16. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    Again, I said LWU has not worked with BoM in the six months since that aforementioned operation. Nothing Tom said contradicts my claim. You're muckraking and lying to the masses due to a personal grudge. Trying to make dirt to sell, if you will. This is all very disappointing and comes off as a...
  17. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    Of those operations, only CCD was NPA led within the past six month. Of note, Elba Island was a Vibonia operation that NPA contributed five pilers to and Valdosta was a joint TWP/LWU led operation back in February that NPA also contributed in. If you have to fish back that long, you're not being...
  18. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    We have had a long tradition of anti-fascist raiding traditions that have sadly died out in the past few years. There are certainly plenty of deserving targets. In fact, I would love to bring back the anti-fascist operations. It is important that our military knows how to do all types of...
  19. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    I believe LibCord is a good asset, but one we're clearly over-relying on. At one point, more than 50% of our operations were going through LibCord, or LibCord established, single operation discords, and considering the NPA is running less than one operation per three weeks in the past three...
  20. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    The operation you refer to happened six months ago and was hosted by TBH and it wasn't related to any region of TNP interest. Yes, BoM was there, yes LWU also participated. This caused the MoFA at the time to become extremely upset and end what were informal talks with LWU. Since that time, LWU...
  21. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    I won't say that, no. I know certain people are extremely obsessed with my LWU connections, but I have been delegate before and never have I pushed TNP towards LWU relations. Do I think it's a bad idea for us to reach out to LWU? No, not really. LWU has had an on again/off again relationship...
  22. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    I would love for Radio be active enough to stand on it's own, don't get me wrong. I fully understand that radio is it's own beast, but I think, for this moment, the best thing we can do is keep them under Comms and feed them support. Once they've proven to be stable, I will shred them out to...
  23. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    We have already taken steps to court the Augustin Alliance and I would love to see us continue on that trend. I feel like they would be a fantastic ally, even outside of the context of the current war. This is the sort of ally I would love to court more of. Additionally, if we can drive a wedge...
  24. Blue Wolf II

    A Wolf For Delegate? You Bet!

    BLUE WOLF FOR DELEGATE - BET ON BLUE! Why hello there friend! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Blue Wolf II, a former Delegate of The North Pacific, Former Vice Delegate, Former Security Council Member, Former Justice, and Founder of the current iteration of the North Pacific Army. I have been...
  25. Blue Wolf II

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2024 General Election

    I nominate @Comfed for Delegate. I nominate @Halsoni for Vice Delegate.
  26. Blue Wolf II

    Tug of War
