Search results

  1. Matzerati

    [GA—AT VOTE—AGAINST] Mining Safety Accord

    Against. What if ventillation is not an option as safety measure? One could say oxygen masks, but the resolution insists on proper ventillation.
  2. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @Comfed is granted citizenship, having passed all three checks. @Lucasoland, @Czechosaxony and @Punished Lotion pass the Speaker's check and are granted citizenship, having passed all three checks. @2 and 2 is Fish passes the Speaker's check and is granted citizenship contingent on continued...
  3. Matzerati

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    The following have failed to meet the posting requirements and will be remasked as a resident: @Jag @Krropezka @General Bolingbroke and @LuckyDan The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as a member: @Lun4t0n3, @A very stupid idiot, @Osk!ebot, @Racoda...
  4. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @epico and @MFHOX are granted citizenship, having passed all three checks. @demian is granted citizenship contingent on continued WA membership. @2 and 2 is Fish fails the Speaker's check - incorrect oath. Application rejected. Please reapply with the correct oath. @Comfed passes the...
  5. Matzerati

    Voting: November 2024 Judicial Election

    Court Justice: 1. < Pallaith > 2. < Dalimbar > 3. < Vivanco > 4. < Nutmeg The Squirrel > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  6. Matzerati

    Pallaith for Justice 9: Still Here

    Last term, you have piloted a court clerks program. How do you look back on the pilot and what are your plans with it in the future?
  7. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @TLB is granted citizenship, having passed all three checks. @epico, @MFHOX and @demian have passed the Speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the Admin and Vice Delegate checks.
  8. Matzerati

    Candidacy Declarations: November 2024 Judicial Election

    I nominate @Nutmeg The Squirrel and @Vivanco
  9. Matzerati

    New Legislation Notifications

    Mr Delegate, The Restoration of Citizenship Wrongfully Stripped Bill has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto. If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, the legislation will become law.
  10. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @Bauer is is granted citizenship contingent on continued WA membership. @Oranjeiland is granted citizenship. @Murias passes the Speaker's check and is also granted citizenship.
  11. Matzerati

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    The following have failed to meet the posting requirements and will be remasked as a resident: @Marianne-Britannia @Pamishtok @Ayad Ali and @Music fan The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remaksed as a member: @Ropanama
  12. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @Oranjeiland passes the Speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the VD and Admin checks.
  13. Matzerati

    Restoration of Citizenship Wrongfully Stripped Bill

    Formal debate is over. The vote has started here.
  14. Matzerati

    Confirmation of Gorundu as Election Commissioner

    Motion and second acknowledged. A vote will be scheduled to begin at (time=1729854000)
  15. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @Ferdinand IV, @Varanius, @Murias and @Fordbenz1925 all pass the Speaker's check.
  16. Matzerati

    Confirmation of Cloud as Election Commissioner

    Motion and second acknowledged. A vote will be scheduled to begin at (time=1729854000)
  17. Matzerati

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as members: @Kibo, @Ferdinand IV The following have failed to meet the posting requirements and will be remasked as residents: @Omnistria, @nser11, @Varanius, @mcmasterdonia
  18. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @Amestris-Britannia is granted citizenship, having passed all three checks. @Oranjeiland's application is rejected - Nation not in TNP anymore.
  19. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @Oranjeiland passes the Speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the VD and Admin checks.
  20. Matzerati

    5000 Cans of Spam on the Wall

    439 cans of spam on the wall, 439 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 438 cans of spam on the wall!
  21. Matzerati

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as members: @The Byrdlands, @ScoobySnackLand
  22. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    The following are granted citizenship, having passes all three checks: @Nordic Aurora @primebie1 and @Hanovereich
  23. Matzerati

    Confirmation of Just A Lore as Election Commissioner

    Motion and second acknowledged. A vote has been scheduled to begin at (time=1729256400).
  24. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @primebie1 and @Hanovereich pass the Speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the VD and Admin checks.
  25. Matzerati

    Confirmation of Gorundu as Election Commissioner

    @Gorundu has been appointed Election Commissioner by Delegate @Picairn. I hereby open the floor for debate and discussion on this matter. I would welcome a statement from the Delegate in support of the nominee should they wish to do so. Should this reach a vote, I intend the following motion to...
  26. Matzerati

    Confirmation of Cloud as Election Commissioner

    @Cloud has been appointed Election Commissioner by Delegate @Picairn. I hereby open the floor for debate and discussion on this matter. I would welcome a statement from the Delegate in support of the nominee should they wish to do so. Should this reach a vote, I intend the following motion to...
  27. Matzerati

    Citizenship and Residency Updates

  28. Matzerati

    Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

    The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as members: @JayDee, @Unclear In The North Paci and @Karloman.
  29. Matzerati

    Citizenship Applications

    @Nordic Aurora passes the Speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the VD check.