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  1. G

    Voting: November 2020 Judicial Election

    Juiz do Tribunal: 1. <Abstenção> Você gostaria de reabrir as candidaturas? <Não>
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    Voting: September 2020 Special Judicial Election

    Court Justice: Vivanco Would you like to reopen nominations? No
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    Voting: September 2020 General Election

    Delegate: 1. Praetor 2. Gorundu 3. TlomzKrano 4 9003 5. Pigeonstan Would you like to reopen applications? No Vice-delegate: 1. Dreadton 2. Bobberino 3. New Francois Would you like to reopen the nominations? No Speaker: 1. St George 2. Comfed 3. Lady Raven Wing Would you like...
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    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Brsil I swear loyalty to the North Pacific, obedience to its laws and responsible action as a member of its society. I promise to register only one nation to vote for the North Pacific. I swear that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that...
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    Citizenship Applications

    Nação: Brsil Juro lealdade ao Pacífico Norte, obediência às suas leis e ação responsável como membro de sua sociedade. Prometo registrar apenas uma nação para votar no Pacífico Norte. Juro que nenhuma nação sob meu controle fará guerra contra o Pacífico Norte. Eu entendo que, se quebrar este...
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    Citizenship Applications

    Nation:Brsil I swear loyalty to the North Pacific, obedience to its laws and responsible action as a member of its society. I promise to register only one nation to vote for the North Pacific. I swear that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that...