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  1. Katinaire

    I Just...

    I just decided to spam it up a little.
  2. Katinaire

    I Feel...

    I feel like today just started on a bad note and I hope it doesn't end that way.
  3. Katinaire

    I Am...

    I am sorry too DD but hopefully your guidance and influence will continue with him.
  4. Katinaire

    I Have...

    I have to wonder why you would even try that??
  5. Katinaire

    Word Association

  6. Katinaire

    Word Disassociation

  7. Katinaire

    I think...

    I think Cage looks just awful period.
  8. Katinaire

    Indie's Inanities

    Wow..........that ^^ was an image I may never be able to burn from my brain.....I think I need therapy now. :blink:
  9. Katinaire

    Indie's Inanities

    See!! It's not me who is blog-jacking around here!
  10. Katinaire

    Favorite Things!

    FT: blatant flirting.
  11. Katinaire

    Random thoughts go here

    Hot military personnel covered in chocolate....sounds like we have the newest reality tv show!
  12. Katinaire

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is one of the bottom five people I'd like to wake up from a sound sleep.
  13. Katinaire

    Pet Peeves

    PP: Software companies who are paranoid about piracy.
  14. Katinaire

    Ban the Person Above!

    ^ banned for not coming up with a better reason.
  15. Katinaire

    I Am...

    I am surprised because didn't you break off an engagement a couple of weeks ago?
  16. Katinaire

    Indie's Inanities

    :rofl: I don't know where you find these...and I've tried hard not to blog-jack. :)
  17. Katinaire

    Share Your Photos Here!

    :P and I'm 29 but that doesn't stop people from thinking I'm 40+!
  18. Katinaire

    Indie's Inanities

    You understood his tone?? Shoot, I didn't even understand what he was saying!
  19. Katinaire

    Random thoughts go here

    I love the way chocolate melts in my mouth.
  20. Katinaire

    Indie's Inanities

    Nice. And in my defense, you started the potty jokes. It's not like I'm flushing your life away, just jiggling the handle of your curiosity. Afterall, someone needs to check your plumbing right? *slaps himself for that last line*
  21. Katinaire

    Random thoughts go here

    "Doesn't anyone care about Syd the sloth?"
  22. Katinaire

    Ban the Person Above!

    ^ is banned for not suggesting IG model some UN flag panties.
  23. Katinaire

    I Am...

    I am still eating lunch.
  24. Katinaire

    State the Obvious

    I'm left-handed.
  25. Katinaire

    I never

    I never dated Drew Barrymore.
  26. Katinaire

    I Feel...

    I feel like everybody wants to talk to me today.
  27. Katinaire

    I Just...

    I just started eating lunch.
  28. Katinaire

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is a heck of a spammer.
  29. Katinaire

    Go Ahead...Piss Me Off..I Dare You..

    ^ looks like his mother.
  30. Katinaire

    Random thoughts go here

    Oh so something from your room?