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  1. Ambassador Halo

    Foreign Affairs Update

    The West Pacific Foreign Affairs April Update We have a great update available this month with lots of interesting topics! 1. The Government Of The West Pacific 2. Balls, Balls Everywhere! 3. War Games with The Pacific 4. The Manners & Elections 5. TWP Radio To read the update, go to our NEW...
  2. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    I watch as the last of the guests leave, exhausted, but pleased that I was able to provide a bit of entertainment for my friends. TNP is an excellent region and I'm sure we will become even closer in time. :tnp:
  3. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    When the song ends, I escort Paris to where Prole is resting and thank her for a delightful spin about the floor. Tired, but happy that I could bring good friends together and that everyone seems to be having a good time, I stand against the wall and smile. A footman brings me a tall glass of...
  4. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    You dance wonderfully, Paris!
  5. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    an attentive footman brings Prole a glass of ice water
  6. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    I'd be delighted to, Paris. they swing around the black and white marble dance floor like champions of Dancing with the Stars
  7. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    I would love to dance, Paris!
  8. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    smiles, glad Prole is finally enjoying himself
  9. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    approaches Neenee ... Would you care to dance?
  10. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    I rise and address my guests I hope you enjoyed your dinners and the delightful chamber music performed for you by the "Royal Chamber Ensemble of Sanctus Leo" ... a home town favorite of mine. While we are entertained with the big band sound of The West Pacific's "Big Bad Badger Band", please...
  11. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    wonders if Neenee has heard Prole's story ... hmmm ... glitter ...
  12. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    Tomb, may I introduce you to Paris?
  13. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    In response to Prole ... Of course, Prole. Anything you like.
  14. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    Addressing Paris ... He is the Vice-Delegate of TNP. Allow me to introduce you.
  15. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    The expert staff who are rumored to be psychic bring Prole perfect shell mac and cheese within seconds.
  16. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    We've only just started dinner, Your Excellency.
  17. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    Vice-Delegate tomb! I'm so glad you could join us. Please be seated.
  18. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    The footmen scurry to serve the Vice-Delegate
  19. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    Addressing Prole down the table ... [i] You have very varied musical tastes, Prole. Is there anything our staff can get you to make you more comfortable?
  20. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    Since dinner was a bit delayed, we'll wait on the dancing, too, of course.
  21. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    Very nice! The dance music later is mostly big band, but they can play anything you like.
  22. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    In response to Paris ... I really do enjoy all kinds of music. It depends upon my mood. During dinner, though, it should only be classical ... preferably chamber music. How about you?
  23. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    As the toasts end, footmen begin to serve the dinner and a string quartet plays chamber music from the alcove. Black and White Ball February 4, 2016 Caramelized Pear & Goat Cheese Crostini Sancerre, Cuvee Les Coutes, P&N Reverdy, 2006 Seared Scallops with Leek Confit & Balsamic Syrup...
  24. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    :clap: Raises his glass again and smiles ... a little relived the formalities are over
  25. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    :clap: Raises his glass and smiles
  26. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    (IRL, Davelands doesn't have his login with him and he is out of the house ... he sends his apologies ... and Badger will return shortly and toast.)
  27. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    Once all the guests have been seated, I rise. On behalf of The West Pacific, I welcome His Excellency, Foreign Minister, Bootsie, Cultural Minister Syrixia and all of the Delegates, Ministers, dignitaries and guests to our embassy in The North Pacific for our Black and White Ball. The winter...
  28. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    A chime sounds. The guests make their to the dining room and are seated.
  29. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    I nod to Alfred and moments later ...
  30. Ambassador Halo

    The TWP-TNP Black & White Ball

    Well, I'll give him a minute or two, as I very much do not want to offend, but I also don't want to keep these good people waiting much longer.