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  1. Drasnia

    I must have taken a wrong turn or something

    Thank you for the greetings, person I have never heard of before in my life, especially not in regards to anything of a technical nature or about turtles. I hope I enjoy my time in TNP as well.
  2. Drasnia

    "Important" Issues for the WA

    But that would be a RL violation. I propose that every member nation's today should contain blue and white colors.
  3. Drasnia

    I must have taken a wrong turn or something

    Howdy folks, Drasnia here. I've been around a while and have had the itch to try the ole GCR thing out so I decided to try TNP. :)
  4. Drasnia

    Old Citizenship Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of North Pacific Drasnia, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage...
  5. Drasnia

    [Draft] Rights to Ballot Access

    Would something like "within a reasonable timeframe of the election, as defined by member nations" work for you? And yeah, any and all help to make sure this proposal is ironclad before going to the NS forums would be much appreciated :) It's important that we make sure that this only applies...
  6. Drasnia

    [Draft] Rights to Ballot Access

    Will fix. As for what if, I'd like this proposal to ensure that optionality is preserved. It is perfectly fine to pass something that only affects a portion of WA nations, such as democratic nations (or at least nations where there are elections for public office).
  7. Drasnia

    Foreign Envoys

    Nation: Drasnia Region: Capitalist Paradise All I really need is access to is the World Assembly Proposals section of WALL :)