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  1. 100 Donuts

    Word Disassociation

  2. 100 Donuts

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    O'Fortuna - Carl Orff (Song from the beer commercials)
  3. 100 Donuts


    Grape, not a fan of apple. Cake or Pie
  4. 100 Donuts

    What should you be doing instead of being here?

    I should be reading or sleeping.
  5. 100 Donuts

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    The Wicker Man - Iron Maiden
  6. 100 Donuts

    Word Association

  7. 100 Donuts


    uh, Iron i guess have no idea why. AHHH what is my topic doing way down here, I'll save it! And i should come on more. Black and white, or colour
  8. 100 Donuts


    Veggie oil. Accordian or Piano
  9. 100 Donuts

    What have you been playing?

    I've been playing this game called lingo with my friends over the internet on
  10. 100 Donuts

    Describe The Person Below You!

    Don't know him. V wants summer vacations to come
  11. 100 Donuts


    How are you dead when you don't breath for a second, it's takes abit longer then that eh. But interesting none the less.
  12. 100 Donuts

    I should...

    I should get on here more often.
  13. 100 Donuts

    I Just...

    I just had a craving for ice cream
  14. 100 Donuts

    I'm Going To...

    I'm going to go to bed soon...or at least get off the computer.
  15. 100 Donuts

    I Am...

    I am excited for my b-day!
  16. 100 Donuts

    Pet Peeves

    PP: bad timing
  17. 100 Donuts

    TNP Vending Machine!

    You get "Brain Freeze" I put in a lego dragon and a plastic sword(ones that come in sandwiches)
  18. 100 Donuts


  19. 100 Donuts


    Denver, no actual reason, i just like the name better. 100 or 101
  20. 100 Donuts

    April Fools Day

    Well it was my brother's b-day on the third, but on the 1st my parents got flowers from their friends, but they bought a card that said I love you and got one of my friends to write, "Happy birthday Randy. From your secret admirer." AT first he thought it was his friends playing a joke, but he...
  21. 100 Donuts

    Describe The Person Below You!

    Not so much. Only if it's good milk chocolate.mmmm. Psst Hulk Hogan was a wrestler and then got into doing stupid kid movies. Then this happened...NOOOOOOOO V Thinks that^ is sad.
  22. 100 Donuts


    I'd like to "buy" and e please.
  23. 100 Donuts

    Describe The Person Below You!

    Well I'd probably have to see you to find out what could suit your face. But I always like nice layered hair.
  24. 100 Donuts

    Picture Association

  25. 100 Donuts

    Word Association

  26. 100 Donuts


    Brunette, nothing against blondes, but brunettes are usually smarter. You get lots of people dying there hair blonde cause they think it's better. Running or Jogging
  27. 100 Donuts

    What religion are you?

    I'm a Christiain, though I don't always go to church on Sundays. I do hang out with the youth on friday and go to bible study on wednesday though.
  28. 100 Donuts


    Ravens. I personally think they are cooler and wel they are smarter, less annoying. We have way to many crows around here. Going to a Club or friends house
  29. 100 Donuts

    Word Association
