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  1. Chapstickisfun

    This terms Deputy MoA&E

    Wow i am the slackenist Deputy ever because I just saw this post. But now I can say hooray!!!! even if it is a little late.
  2. Chapstickisfun

    MP: Special Golden Blog Edition

    I knew there was a reason I liked you.
  3. Chapstickisfun

    Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

    I am so mad it was sold out last night! Hopefully we can all get tickets tomorrow. My feet are so tired. I decided I would be the wonderful daughter my parents alrteady know I am and clean the house today...for those of you who have never been to my house (which is all but one of you), you...
  4. Chapstickisfun

    Describe the Person Above You

    :blush: ^ Never fails to make me turn red
  5. Chapstickisfun

    Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

    I know your's is june 27th? That is so crazy!
  6. Chapstickisfun

    Your day's first thought

    Why isn't the sun up yet?
  7. Chapstickisfun

    Describe the Person Above You

    Flatters me in my heart..not sexually though.. sorry :hug: Maybe later
  8. Chapstickisfun

    Random thoughts go here

    I knew it...I can see right you mister! What shoyuld do with you now that you have misbehaved so badly?
  9. Chapstickisfun

    Random thoughts go here

    You would know wouldn't you? You are involved in the whole damn conspiracy!
  10. Chapstickisfun

    Your day's first thought

    Why do I have a job?...Is it that important?
  11. Chapstickisfun

    Random thoughts go here

    Where did all the anvils go?
  12. Chapstickisfun

    Your day's first thought

    :rofl: Why did I drink so much last night?
  13. Chapstickisfun

    Your day's first thought

    I wish he was still laying next to me...damn parents house
  14. Chapstickisfun

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    There is a Light That Never Goes Out - Morrissey
  15. Chapstickisfun

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ Is way neater
  16. Chapstickisfun

    I Am...

    I am losing weight
  17. Chapstickisfun

    Favorite Things!

    FT: Passion Tea Lemonade made by extrememly talented Baristas
  18. Chapstickisfun

    Pet Peeves

    P.P. The red tape involved in the health insurance business
  19. Chapstickisfun

    Word Association

    Mental Institution
  20. Chapstickisfun

    State the Obvious

    I don't have to get up until nine am tomorrow morning..ahh beautiful freedom
  21. Chapstickisfun


    ^ steel wool
  22. Chapstickisfun

    Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

    Why thank you for letting me know how amazing I am. It's nice to hear it and my birthday is actually the end May..The 27th actually. :lol:
  23. Chapstickisfun


    I wonder how old the girl in your avatar is.
  24. Chapstickisfun

    Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

    Thank you for your concern DD. I appreciate it and no offense taken
  25. Chapstickisfun

    Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

    Okee dokee.. Today is sort of glum....on a positive note my good friend from high school became an uncle today. His sister gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. And speaking of babies my sister showed me a picture of my high school boyfriend's new son. He is beautiful. It kind of made me sad but...
  26. Chapstickisfun

    MP: Special Golden Blog Edition

    I'm glad I make you laugh. :hug:
  27. Chapstickisfun

    Go Ahead...Piss Me Off..I Dare You..

    ^ Is the convenience store clerk supplying the drugs.
  28. Chapstickisfun

    MP: Special Golden Blog Edition

    Bruce Almighty was funny and you yourself said that the other day. Dork
  29. Chapstickisfun

    Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

    Unfortunately MP is out of luck coz it is just for girls. Unless the stories about his "phallus" are false. :P
  30. Chapstickisfun

    I Am...

    I am not