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  1. Icarus

    Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

    @Zaz accepted, welcome back to the NPA
  2. Icarus

    Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

    @El Fiji Grande your application has been accepted! Welcome to the NPA \o/
  3. Icarus

    Admin Requests

    Thank you!!!! :D
  4. Icarus

    Admin Requests

    Hello dear admins!! I don’t know if I’ve been masked properly because I can’t add people to the NPA, is there something I have to do to get those perms? :D
  5. Icarus

    Oaths of Office

    I, Icarus, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Minister of Defense, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  6. Icarus

    Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

    Nation in The North Pacific: Its hard to be the bard Current World Assembly nation: I usually resign between updates, so rn none but that can change at any second, last nation I had WA on was "God is kinda gay" Discord Username (if applicable): Icarus#5904 Are you able to attend operations at...
  7. Icarus

    Citizenship Applications

    Haiii,I was being silly and forgot to post on the forums so now I must reapply for citizenship! Nation: Its hard to be the bard I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The...
  8. Icarus

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will...