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  1. Dia Ravenclaw

    Who Posts Next?

    no. Kasch?
  2. Dia Ravenclaw


    *Waves* Hi.
  3. Dia Ravenclaw

    An Imki Introduction~

    Ohhhh.... I am ashamed. Airing family laundry in public. :P
  4. Dia Ravenclaw

    An Diamete Ravenclaw intro

    Thanks Sonny. :)
  5. Dia Ravenclaw

    Old Citizenship Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of Athabascians, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war...
  6. Dia Ravenclaw

    An Imki Introduction~

    Sonny, so this is where you are hiding... :)
  7. Dia Ravenclaw

    An Diamete Ravenclaw intro

    Greetings people, thought is was time for me to come over and say Hi. Amazing how many names i am familiar with here. A little about me, I have been playing NS since 2005 with various nations. Started in the feeders then moved on. Recently i was in Equinox, Osiris (the original one.) :P Now...
  8. Dia Ravenclaw

    An Imki Introduction~

    Waves at Imkihca.