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  1. bowloftoast

    [SC - Failed] Commend The Church Of Satan

    For. Tough group to wrangle. Tough region to maintain, given how players get there. Maintaining activity and contributing to the community in this region takes effort and dedication, and that in and of itself is worth acknowledging.
  2. bowloftoast

    [GA - Passed] International Aero-Space Administration

    Against. On the surface, this seems pretty innocuous, but it overlooks the fact that precisely the same technology that allows rockets to travel to space also allows nations to deliver warheads between continents. Open sharing of 'aerospace science and engineering' may inadvertently accelerate...
  3. bowloftoast

    [GA - Failed] Repeal: “Preventing The Execution Of Innocents”

    For. The majority have already made it known that they support capital punishment at a national level, and knowing full well that it leads to the execution of the innocent on occasion, as well as the guilty. Flawed as I feel their rationale is, that's where the Assembly, as a collective, stands...
  4. bowloftoast

    [SC - Failed] Liberate The Coalition Of Fascist Nations

    Against. If they're not acting in a manner that is violating game rules or causing other players to feel subject to hatred (racist posts, repugnant displays of offensive symbols) then they are simply RPing the game in one of the variety of ways that are afforded to each individual. There are...
  5. bowloftoast

    [GA - Discarded] Repeal: On Universal Jurisdiction

    The language used is... '7. Forbids the World Assembly from preempting a member state's claim to universal jurisdiction under this resolution, including but not limited to through an international criminal court...' At no point does it say that an international criminal court can not be...
  6. bowloftoast

    [GA - Discarded] Repeal: On Universal Jurisdiction

    Against. This is just a rehash of the argument that took place previously, and it's still not true. The target still does not prevent the establishment of an international court, it prevents the Assembly from undermining any nation's right to claim universal jurisdiction, via a ruling of an...
  7. bowloftoast

    Voting: November 2018 Judicial Elections

    Court Justice (select up to 3): < Limerick1 | SillyString | Lord Lore > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  8. bowloftoast

    [GA - Passed] Don't Kill The Poor Act

    Against. Let's not fool ourselves: The 'war against the poor' is in the very DNA of capitalism, and this proposal is going to be impossible to uphold. In any purely capitalist structure, there are going to be winners and losers because it is an inherently flawed system. There will always be a...
  9. bowloftoast

    [SC - Post-Redraft, Passed] Repeal: Liberate The East Pacific

    Against. Not really sure what to make of this, and that's reason enough. Please Re-vote Below
  10. bowloftoast

    [GA - Passed] Don't Kill The Poor Act

    Ministry IFV The Don't Kill The Poor Act, whilst named in a more trivial way than perhaps it should, is a piece of legislation aimed at expanding the current definition of 'genocide' as set out in GAR#38 'Convention Against Genocide', to include those targeted due to economic status. The...
  11. bowloftoast

    [GA - Passed] Don't Kill The Poor Act

    Don't Kill The Poor Act Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Significant Proposed by: The Wallenburgian World Assembly Offices | Onsite Topic Voting Instructions: Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution. Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution...
  12. bowloftoast

    [GA - Failed] Sensible Limits on Industry Act

    Against. This proposal is a bit skimpy on detail and definition, but would grant an extraordinary amount of power to member nations. Words like 'unreasonable' are far too vague for a regulation of this nature. I'm not entirely opposed to a nation's right to ultimately shut down a...
  13. bowloftoast

    [GA - Failed] Sensible Limits on Industry Act

    Ministry IFV: While this proposal has clear ambition to achieve something positive, it suffers by the author’s decision to rush it through the review process. The result is a hazy, half-formed blueprint, that outlines an immediate leap from vague premise of offence, to the most extreme...
  14. bowloftoast

    [GA - Failed] Sensible Limits on Industry Act

    Sensible Limits on Industry Act Category: Regulation | Area of Effect: Safety Proposed by: Islands of unity | Onsite Topic Voting Instructions: Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution. Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution. Vote Abstain if you...
  15. bowloftoast

    [GA - Passed] Repeal: “Right To Self-Defense”

    For. I do agree with Pascolar, the case could easily have been made with more strength. There was lots to work with. Hopefully this is enough to get it repealed.
  16. bowloftoast

    [SC - Passed] Commend Minoa

    For. Seems like this nation has put in a lot of extra curricular work, to everyone's benefit. Founder of a modest region. Active WA author. Deserving.
  17. bowloftoast

    [GA - Passed] Right To Self-Defense

    Against. (and overwhelmingly so) This is a little back-door NRA type shananigans with some window dressing. Rights to reasonable self-defense are quite common, and they certainly don't require the legislated inclusion of weapons where they may be absent. Essentially, this proposal seeks to...
  18. bowloftoast

    [GA - Failed] Cyberweapons Control Act

    Against. I have to agree that this proposal has some problems with its definitions. A single laptop can create considerable havoc when tapped into the right network. Are we going to classify all laptops as weapons simply because they are being used in this manner? It would be very much like...
  19. bowloftoast

    [GA - Passed] Respondeat Superior

    Against. I'm not opposed to the proposal, in spirit, and like the idea of preventing companies shielding themselves behind employees, but I feel like this proposal is a bit light on detail. I think the author could have, without going too deep, done more to establish reasonable parameters, speak...
  20. bowloftoast

    Oaths of Office

    I, bowloftoast, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and...