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  1. Vexilia

    [GA - Missed Quorum] Repeal "Freedom of Association"

     Present. The President along with the Comrades' Assembly see this as not worthy of their time and have more pressing matters to debate.
  2. Vexilia

    [GA - Missed quorum] Rights, Lefts, Duties, and Freedoms of WA States

     For. Finally a resolution that looks like there's some effort put into it.
  3. Vexilia

    [GA - failed] Nuclear Aggression Act

    For. Vexilia already reserves these weapons for defence and we see little reason to change our foreign policies in the near or distant future.
  4. Vexilia

    [GA - Passed] Repeal "Stock Exchanges and Foreign Investment"

    For. The Comrades' Assembly has spoken.
  5. Vexilia

    [GA - PASSED] Repeal "LGBTIQA Inclusiveness in Schools Act

    Present. Another show of fickle democracy hard at work.
  6. Vexilia

    [GA - PASSED] - Repeal "International Patent Agreement"

    Present. For or against? It matters not. I alone know what the citizens need and will do whatever keeps them healthy. If a wealthy nation hoarding tech is upset by this, then I don't want to appease them anyways.
  7. Vexilia

    [GA - Passed] Repeal "Rights and Duties of WA States"

    Against. The Comrades' Assembly has spoken.
  8. Vexilia

    [SC - FAILED] Declaration Against Declarations

    Against. Waste of the Comrades' collective time. Didn't even bother bringing it up to the Comrades' Assembly.
  9. Vexilia

    [GA - withdrawn] - Protecting Religious Freedoms

    For. It isn't the matter of The State to decide the spiritual beliefs of the citizens. Unless it contradicts core national ethos...
  10. Vexilia

    [GA - PASSED] Repeal "Protection of Sexual Assault Victims"

    Present. It seems the WA at large doesn't know if it wanted this or not in the first place. Vexilia will waste little time on this.
  11. Vexilia

    [GA - PASSED] Protection of Sexual Assault Victims

    Skipped the Assembly using Presidential Veto. Vexilia votes For.
  12. Vexilia

    [SC- DEFEATED] Repeal: Recognition of the General Assembly

    Overwhelmingly against. I didn't even bother consulting the Comrades' Assembly this time. I would've vetoed the assembly had they voted in favour anyways.
  13. Vexilia

    [GA - PASSED] Repeal: "Minimum Standard of Living Act"

    After a lively debate in the Comrades' Assembly, we have a motion to vote Against.
  14. Vexilia

    [GA- PASSED] Repeal: “Whistleblower Protection Act”

    Present. Evidently democracy is being fickle once more and the Comrades' Assembly has little time to vote on this matter at this time.
  15. Vexilia

    [GA - DEFEATED] Right To Self-Defence

    Present. The Comrades' Assembly came to a tie. Thus we shall leave the matter up to the WA to determine.
  16. Vexilia

    [GA - DEFEATED] Protections During Territorial Transitions

    Against. The Comrades' Assembly has determined through parliamentary-style debate that if the, to use their words, "Losing Side" wanted special transitory rights or to uphold certain rights, they should have fought harder as to not lose in the conflict.
  17. Vexilia

    [GA - DEFEATED] Repeal: “Museums Of Musical Heritage”

    Present. This doesn't concern the Republic.
  18. Vexilia

    [GA - PASSED] Repeal: “Contact Rights Between Parent And Child”

    Against. Democracy sure is a fickle thing, isn't it?
  19. Vexilia

    [GA - FAILED QUORUM] Combating Disinformation

    For. The Ministry of Truth is the sole provider of information to the citizens of Vexilia. This proposal will assist this ministry in its task.