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  1. ZetaOne

    I Just...

    I just ate a tasty breakfast
  2. ZetaOne

    I'm Not Going To...

    I am not going to think about random depressing stuff.
  3. ZetaOne

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is crazy... in the good way.
  4. ZetaOne

    Describe The Person Below You!

    ^ doesn't know I've don't that. / Runs around with their underwear on their head at times.
  5. ZetaOne

    State the Obvious

    I'm finally 21... yay
  6. ZetaOne

    I Am...

    I am excited about today!
  7. ZetaOne

    Daylight Savings Time change

    I think Daylight savings is an outdated ritual.
  8. ZetaOne


    ^ Cheap Vodka
  9. ZetaOne

    Blatant Lies About The Above Poster

    ^thought steal wool was candy once.
  10. ZetaOne

    Random thoughts go here

    I'm think I should start going to the gym since my friend who is practically a potato by now is starting to go to the gym... I can't let him beat me in looks now.
  11. ZetaOne

    I Am...

    I'm hating Calc homework
  12. ZetaOne

    Your day's first thought

    "OMG, I hope I didn't pee" Side Note > I didn't... but I was dreaming I was.
  13. ZetaOne

    I Just...

    I just cooked something, which is rare because I am too lazy to cook, but I love to do it.... Is that odd?
  14. ZetaOne

    State the Obvious

    There is mushiness all around here
  15. ZetaOne

    Word Disassociation

  16. ZetaOne

    I Feel...

    I feel like my dog should learn how to listen better
  17. ZetaOne

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is being mushified by ^^
  18. ZetaOne

    Favorite Things!

    FT: Chocolate ... yes chocolate :P
  19. ZetaOne

    Word Association

  20. ZetaOne

    Pet Peeves

    PP: That more people don't use higher quality words while sticking with good, gooder and goodest.
  21. ZetaOne

    Random thoughts go here

    Yes. here is a sock *hands Katinaire a sock* don't worry.. it's clean.
  22. ZetaOne

    I Am...

    I'm winning something... I just know it.
  23. ZetaOne

    Ban the Person Above!

    ^ Is banned for thinking there is nothing wrong with that.
  24. ZetaOne

    I never

    I never have won a US presidential election
  25. ZetaOne

    Ban the Person Above!

    ^ banned because i can
  26. ZetaOne

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is correct
  27. ZetaOne

    State the Obvious

    i have two ears.
  28. ZetaOne

    I Feel...

    I feel like I should head to class... but I wont... yet.
  29. ZetaOne

    I Just...

    I just realized I had homework in my Unix class... oh well.
  30. ZetaOne

    Random thoughts go here

    I hope the most useless prize ever :P