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  1. Ferdinand IV

    Endorsement Simplification Act

    I’m fine with this, still preferably would like the percentage to be lowered or changed to the endo cap and also lowered.
  2. Ferdinand IV

    Confirmation of Chipoli as Election Commissioner

    I agree with the above statement and have no further comments on this. I support this decision.
  3. Ferdinand IV

    5000 Cans of Spam on the Wall

    1002 cans of spam on the wall, 1002 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 1001 cans of spam on the wall!
  4. Ferdinand IV

    Voting: March 2024 Judicial Election

    Court Justice: 1. < Vivanco > 2. < Lord Dominator > 3. < Eluvatar > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  5. Ferdinand IV

    Vivanco For Justice IX - Ius in rem

    You for sure have my vote.
  6. Ferdinand IV

    Count to 2025 before 2025!

  7. Ferdinand IV

    Endorsement Simplification Act

    Ah alright. Then my earlier opinion still stands.
  8. Ferdinand IV

    Endorsement Simplification Act

    Upon rereading, I now believe it'd be better if 5.27 were removed entirely since it's already written that Delegates may eject anyone who has surpassed the endorsement cap of the respective region. Alternatively, 5.27 could be rewritten so that delegates must eject nations that exceed a certain...
  9. Ferdinand IV

    [DRAFT] End Justice Act

    I would like an explanation for why judicial elections should be discarded with. If we are to do so then justices should be appointed not by the decision of the Delegate alone. Perhaps another position such as the Speaker could also require approval of a justice’s appointment. In general though...
  10. Ferdinand IV

    Endorsement Simplification Act

    I believe that’d be better, I’d argue for still a lower percentage if we’re saying for an endorsement cap. Realistically a complicit nation would work to have their endorsement count lower than the cap, so I believe 10 or 15% exceeding the cap should warrant a possible ban ejection.
  11. Ferdinand IV


    Only I can be the WinRAR fortunately.
  12. Ferdinand IV

    Endorsement Simplification Act

    I still find the 45% to be dangerous high, I’d recommend instead 20% or lower as frontiers will have a lot less nations and thus more exploitable to possible dangers that may invade a frontier. Say a frontier has about 90 endorsements. With the way things are a nation can obtain about 40...
  13. Ferdinand IV

    Endorsement Simplification Act

    This is something I didn't take into account when reading the amendments over. I'm in heavy agreement that the ejection threshold is overly high. If this Act is to be adopted then the threshold must be heavily lowered to ensure the security of TNP and its Frontiers. I also request what Frontiers...
  14. Ferdinand IV

    Endorsement Simplification Act

    I see no reason why these amendments shouldn't be adopted, I support these changes and believe they will ensure the security of the region in times of uncertainty like these.
  15. Ferdinand IV


    Mmm, I like turtles
  16. Ferdinand IV

    Fregerson's Security Council Application

    I too motion for the vote.