Search results

  1. Chaos Faction

    You Might Not Know...

    555 is sometimes refered to as the number of man
  2. Chaos Faction


    Knowing that the ones I love are safe and that the ones I hate are going though hell
  3. Chaos Faction

    State the Obvious

    I just came back after a nice shower
  4. Chaos Faction

    Describe The Person Below You!

    I believe down by the local strip club V Finds my answer somewhat degrading
  5. Chaos Faction

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^Like MI for his kindness...
  6. Chaos Faction

    Pet Peeves

    PP: Hollywood celebraties thinking that the world is centered around them....
  7. Chaos Faction

    State the Obvious

    I like my avatar
  8. Chaos Faction

    I Have...

    I have no idea on what happened to the first living creature...besides that it probably died by now
  9. Chaos Faction

    I Am...

    I'm feeling that I am more that I acutally am today
  10. Chaos Faction

    Word Disassociation

  11. Chaos Faction

    I Shouldn't.....

    I shouldn't be spamming the forums when I have a TG from a possible PM asking me a few questions
  12. Chaos Faction

    Blatant Lies About The Above Poster

    Has been here since the dawn of time
  13. Chaos Faction

    I'm Going To...

    I'm going to visit my grandmother
  14. Chaos Faction

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^Is a newcomer
  15. Chaos Faction

    I'm Going To...

    I'm going to school tomorrow
  16. Chaos Faction

    Describe the Person Above You

    Has more posts than me
  17. Chaos Faction

    Blatant Lies About The Above Poster

    ^Felt like she had to go
  18. Chaos Faction

    I Feel...

    I feel open...
  19. Chaos Faction

    I Just...

    I just finished taking Abby out for a spin
  20. Chaos Faction

    I Feel...

    I feel curious
  21. Chaos Faction

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^Like pirates
  22. Chaos Faction

    I'm Going To...

    I'm going to find out why one of my friends is acting a certain way.
  23. Chaos Faction

    I Feel...

    I feel happy again
  24. Chaos Faction

    I Am...

    I am having my alter ago talk to someone as I type this message at the same time
  25. Chaos Faction

    I Have...

    I have talked to someone I haven't talked to in awhile
  26. Chaos Faction

    Movie Quotes

    ~ the 2004 verison of Dawn of the Dead
  27. Chaos Faction

    I Just...

    I just realized that you all are hardcore spammers
  28. Chaos Faction

    Who Posts Next?

    :fish: (Chaos Faction beating Korinna's wrong guess with a fresh orange fish he pick up from the black market of rejected answers.) MI?
  29. Chaos Faction

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^Is only jeolous of how I made my awsome guess count.
  30. Chaos Faction

    Who Posts Next?

    :boom CF just before being hit by MI's direct artillery strike of percison MI?