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  1. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    Did < talk to fast to ^ as < was walking around in Circles while speaking to ^
  2. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    < Says it's okay to ^ as < hugs ^ in only < (self) pity
  3. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    < is really embarrased from what ^ said about <
  4. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    :offtopic: can ^ please get back on topic
  5. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    < does not see a problem with responding to ^ post
  6. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    < very cryptic and ^ very naive
  7. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    Or maybe < took over that sweet kid ^ once knew..
  8. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    Maybe < has been here before just under a different screen name *swiffy eyes* ( blows a rasberry at ^)
  9. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    Are ^ sure that < have not been here that long.
  10. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    < confused
  11. Diarmad

    People with Different taste

    :rofl: thanks for the welcome, Ator People. I hope that you agree with me :agree: or disagree :headbang: but what ever you decide is kewl with Me, the Holy Emperor of Dairtopia. :angel:
  12. Diarmad

    Describe the Person Above You

    Not if < becomes ^ king spammer. :)
  13. Diarmad

    Word Association

  14. Diarmad

    People with Different taste

    Are you sure that you all won't bite... you all could nibble or chew.. but not bite... :) I think that i will like it here. I am the Holy Emperor of Dairtopia :evil: if you all have not noticed. *Evil Laugher* :worship:
  15. Diarmad

    People with Different taste

    Yo- this is your fellow Emperor Diarmad. Just wanted to say that I think you all are great rulers, presidents and ect. I hope that our world of different cultures and history will come together in peace and harmany, (thinks) Nah, to be honest i think that there should be some wars so that we can...