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  1. mtboy66

    TNP Fantasy World- Map Claims Topic Would this work?
  2. mtboy66

    Yavneh Roya

    The Thenacan Gov's personal jet was to land at Iralia's capital - Adonai-Jireh, in 15 more minutes. During the relatively short 3 hour trip, David and Albert were going over information needed for the diplomatic exchange that was sure to happen. "...What about their leaders? Feldshuh and...
  3. mtboy66

    Yavneh Roya

    Nation: The Commonwealth of Thenaca The number of officials attending: 2 Names of officials attending: Prime Minister David Drake, Minister of Foreign Relations Albert Langley. Other Personnel in attendance: 4 Parliamentary Honor Guards, 1 staff. Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 7
  4. mtboy66

    Hands Up

    David looked for hostages that were in the most danger - namely, one that's right on the edge of the firefight between Vasco and the remaining robbers. This particular hostage was laying flat on the floor, and it'd look like he'd been shot in the waist. David crouched down and used the pillar to...
  5. mtboy66

    Hands Up

    "I've been hit-!" David yelled out, as a sudden sharp and burning sensation came over the lower side of his stomach. He'd been shot, an enemy bullet having clipped the edge of his Kevlar vest, tumbling into his unprotected area. He then fell back, wincing from the shock of being shot for the...
  6. mtboy66

    The Queen is dead, long live the Queen.

    David stared out the passenger window of the rented car as he, Amara, and Joseph were traveling to the palace, deep in thought... "...This hurts for you, doesn't it. David?" Amara asked him, out of concern for her brother. "It hurts for everyone involved. I've seen all four of our grandparents...
  7. mtboy66

    Hands Up

    "Now... or never... Now... or never." kept ringing in David's head, as he sat there behind the wall under the barrage of enemy bullets. He took the time to reload, then sat there for a minute - or five? He wasn't sure, it still seemed like time was slowing down around him. David could feel...
  8. mtboy66

    Voting: May 2017 General Election

    Delegate: Pallaith Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes Speaker: Bootsie Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  9. mtboy66

    A short summary of Thenaca

    "As mentioned before, Thenaca is a Commonwealth with a Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy. It's Head of State is the Syrixian Emperor, Rajesh III - although he holds no actual influence on Thenaca's day-to-day affairs. It's Head of Government is currently Prime Minister David Drake, a...
  10. mtboy66

    Hands Up

    David was very nervous at this point. "There's already a firefight?!" he thought to himself, trying not to be left behind. Sweat trickled down his face as he took cover behind the wall, behind the others. As soon as the flashbang was over, David carefully- very carefully, G36 aimed and ready...
  11. mtboy66

    The Queen is dead, long live the Queen.

    Prime Minister David Drake and Prime Advisor Amara Drake set out early in the morning (~7:00AM) for the Talmain Air and Naval base, where their issued transport - a small civilian jet, was waiting. Also waiting inside for them were the rest of Talon Team One, the same squad of special forces...
  12. mtboy66

    A short summary of Thenaca

    "The total population of Thenaca is a little over 30 million (33,826,574 to be exact), as of census year 2010. With 69.47% (23,499,321) of that population living in cities, and 30.53% (10,327,253) living in smaller towns or rural areas. Population density is nearly 87/km2. Most of the people...
  13. mtboy66

    A short summary of Thenaca

    "The climate and land of Thenaca is generally moderate and fertile, respectively. The geography is primarily flatland, a mix of plains and grassland. With a major mountain range stretched across the middle of the nation, along with several major rivers leading from the mountains and flow into...
  14. mtboy66

    The Queen is dead, long live the Queen.

    Full nation name: The Commonwealth of Thenaca Amount of family members attending: 3 Specify who: Prime Minister David Drake, Prime Advisor Amara Drake (sister to David), and Minister of Interior Joseph Burns (cousin to the Drakes) How many security guards: 9 Special request: None.
  15. mtboy66

    World Leaders Information Thread

    Name: David Drake Official Title: Prime Minister, Prime Diplomat, Captain of Talon Team One (of the Talon League), Will of the People, Son of the Falcon Styles: Your Excellency (formal), Prime Minister (also formal), Captain (formal in military, used primarily by members of Talon Team One)...
  16. mtboy66

    A short summary of Thenaca

    "The Thenacans were a local people of many tribes that were first discovered by nearby McMasterdonia. And through influence by diplomacy and early colonization efforts, adopted the language of Mercanti early on. This effort to bring the Thenacan people under the McMasterdonian flag was halted...
  17. mtboy66

    The Sangatha

    To Emperor Rajesh III of the Empire, By our restored relations and a national proposal that had passed both Parliament and popular vote, I, Prime-minister and Prime-diplomat David Drake, would like to ask His Imperial Magnificence for acceptance into the Commonwealth. It is by the Will of the...
  18. mtboy66

    Hands Up

    David Drake was one of the officers who made it last second into the back of an armored transport, since it usually took him longer to get geared up, and he was busy at target practice when the alert happened. By the time the transport made it to the scene, David had finally adjusted...
  19. mtboy66

    Hands Up - Signups and OOC thread

    Character Name: David Drake Role (Select One): Firearms Response Unit
  20. mtboy66

    [Archive this Plz] Eras Map Claims Topic

    I would like to claim this area, as drawn, for my nation (Thenaca), thanks. :) (On the South-Eastern most continent, if anyone has trouble finding it)
  21. mtboy66

    Old Citizenship Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of Thenaca, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against...
  22. mtboy66

    Hey guys...!

    Hey y'all. Just wanted to say thank you for welcoming me here in advance, and I hope to be of help when needed. Thanks again. :) Some basic info: Current main nation is Thenaca I'm from the U.S. of A. And I'm already acquainted with your Discord server (though in general, I don't chat much). :)