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  1. Naskis

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ Gives me more credit than I deserve
  2. Naskis

    Who Posts Next?

    no MI?
  3. Naskis

    Questions Only

    isn't that dangerous?
  4. Naskis

    Pet Peeves

    PP. Persnickety Pandas (two can play at that game lol)
  5. Naskis

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ likes to snicker
  6. Naskis

    I'm Going To...

    I am tired
  7. Naskis

    Questions Only

    do you take me for a thief?
  8. Naskis

    Questions Only

    What's it worth to you?
  9. Naskis

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ one of ^^'s many admirers
  10. Naskis

    I Shouldn't.....

    I shouldn't be doing this right now
  11. Naskis

    Questions Only

    or is that pimpstressing? (is that even a word? methinks not)
  12. Naskis

    I Am...

    I am seeing that fullhead land apparently can't stay away either
  13. Naskis

    I'm Going To...

    I am about to start homework
  14. Naskis

    I Just...

    I just skipped Chinese lab
  15. Naskis

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Nothing because i-tunes is acting up me-> :fish: <-i-tunes
  16. Naskis

    Pet Peeves

    PP: Creepy former friends that won't leave you alone
  17. Naskis


    That's not gay at all :kiss: Thanks for the welcome everyone else.
  18. Naskis


    with a cog
  19. Naskis

    Questions Only

    what's in it for me?
  20. Naskis

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Hotel California- The Eagles. One of the best songs ever
  21. Naskis


    yay, people are still here. A war? that's interesting, with who? Good to see y'all
  22. Naskis

    Questions Only

    Do you want your questions answered or not?
  23. Naskis

    Describe The Person Below You!

    Not really, Plummer is on my fantasy team.No, I did not know he'd suck this year, I'm just glad he's my backup. V doesn't watch American football
  24. Naskis

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Chasing Cars-Snow Patrol, God I love that song
  25. Naskis

    Pet Peeves

    PP. Justin Timberlake. "My Love" came on my car radio for the 1,000,000 time and I realized how much I hate that man.
  26. Naskis


    Just wanted to say hello to all on the TNP forums. I was active here a while back as Huma, too active really so I decided to take a break. Now, I'm back to see what there is to see and maybe get involved again. I'm also wondering who else is still here from when I was. Any major invasions...