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  1. S

    On the Present Situation

    In summary, TEP, please come save us, so we can go back to sleep until the next rogue comes along.
  2. S

    New Drapes

    I suppose there are many here who have a thing or two to say to me, or about me. So, this is the place for it. Questions? Complaints? (god forbid) Praise? I'll do my best to respond to everyone, but I can't guarantee you will like my answers.
  3. S

    Message From the Delegate

    Thank you for that well thought out, articulate post, Roman. While I do not agree with some of what you have said, I do appreciate the spirit in which it was said. I would speak more to the points you have made about the propriety of my actions, but I do not want to distract from my most recent...
  4. S

    Message From the Delegate

    Perhaps I should have been clearer in my address above. All are welcome to participate in the process of recreating this region. More to the point, the members of this forum are not only welcome, but encouraged, to participate. You will not be treated any differently than any other member of...
  5. S

    Message From the Delegate

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I have heard it said many times that TNP is dying. I have come today to inform you that TNP is dead. Her forum seldom sees more than three native posts per day. Her ministers and justices shirk their responsibilities, crippling the government’s ability to function. Her...
  6. S

    Who Posts Next?

    Nope. Heft?
  7. S

    Comment on Current Endorsement Ranking

    I recieved a telegram from el castillo asking for my endorsement in exchange for his/hers. He/she did not actually endorse my nation. If, as has been illustrated, el castillo has garnered 195 endorsements in exchange for twelve, I imagine it is because he/she does not actually return the...
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    I heard the region was having a bit of difficulty. I am here to help if needed.
  9. S

    America: Freedom to Fascism

    I have discovered Roman's true identity: Ann Coulter!
  10. S

    America: Freedom to Fascism

    I wasn't discussing the film.
  11. S

    America: Freedom to Fascism

    I don't know about that either, Roman. They said the same thing when FDR was president. People throw words like fascism, communism, liberalism and conservatism around so much it is becoming impossible to understand what the hell they are talking about. *grumbles off into corner while puffing...
  12. S

    America: Freedom to Fascism

    Oh boy. Good thing I have a large supply of aluminum foil.
  13. S


    I told you so.
  14. S

    The Sleeper Has Awoken

    Indeed, 'tis Heap.. former speaker of the RA, I believe. WB! :D
  15. S

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ was talking about the member title :lol:
  16. S

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ joined after I did :P
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    All of the puppets in the Lexicon are dying - ADN's fault :lol:
  18. S

    Blatant Lies About The Above Poster

    ^ speaks Cantonese
  19. S

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ received a PM
  20. S

    Word Disassociation

    Al Gore
  21. S

    NJ Supreme Court supports gay marriage

    I will leave it to the competent discretion of the moderators of the forum to determine what is and is not "on topic", but I thank you for your concern. I was under the impression that we were having a civilized conversation regarding the institution of marriage, its definition and the various...
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    Galapagos Isle

    Hey! Glad you found the forum. Welcome aboard our ship of fools, matey :jack:
  23. S

    NJ Supreme Court supports gay marriage

    So, social engineers = vocal lobby groups = social engineers = vocal groups? I still don't know who you are talking about. But, I digress. I suppose terms like these don't really have any meaning, so I will stop trying to get you to elaborate. My point is that rhetoric, when used this way, is...
  24. S

    NJ Supreme Court supports gay marriage

    You have successfully replaced the term "social engineer" with "vocal lobby group." I suppose my question now is: who are these "vocal lobby groups?" You don't, by chance, mean voters do you? :lol:
  25. S

    I Just...

    I just typed "I just"
  26. S

    Blatant Lies About The Above Poster

    ^ joined the forum yesterday
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    I Have...

    I have homework to do <_<
  28. S

    I Feel...

    I feel like taking a nap.
  29. S

    NJ Supreme Court supports gay marriage

    Enjoying yourself there, little buddy? :P
  30. S

    Blatant Lies About The Above Poster

    ^ has a three legged dog