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  1. Winthrop

    Old R.A. Member Application thread

    Any update on the security check? I'd love to start taking an active role in The North Pacific.
  2. Winthrop


    Thanks for the welcome! I'm just trying to get acclimated around here and get involved. Is there anything in particular I should take note of?
  3. Winthrop

    Old R.A. Member Application thread

    Nation: The Republic of Old Saybrook WA Nation: See above. I, President R.T. Winthrop, as the leader of The North Pacific nation of The Republic of Old Saybrook, pledge loyalty to the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its...
  4. Winthrop


    Hello from the Republic of Old Saybrook! I look forward to meeting you all and working with you to better our region. - W.