Recent content by Caius

  1. Caius

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: United States of Dictators I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war...
  2. Caius

    Roll Call - January 2025

    Nation in The North Pacific: United States of Dictators Discord Username: cayus.code Mark X in the boxes for each thing you are interested in this term: [ ] Recruiting (Telegram Lists, Manual Recruitment, ...) [ ] Mentor (Forum, Discord and Gameside) [X] Birthday Messages [X] Reviewing...
  3. Caius

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  4. Caius

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  5. Caius

    Voting: November 2024 Special Speaker Election

    Speaker: 1. < Matzerati > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  6. Caius

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  7. Caius

    Midterm Address - November 2024

    Midterm Address 16 November 2024 Fellow residents, We have now crossed the half way mark in our term, it's been a enjoyable experience so far serving as your Minister of Home Affairs. We have accomplished a lot, in this report, we will look into the work we have done so far in this term as...
  8. Caius

    Voting: November 2024 Judicial Election

    Court Justice: 1. < Pallaith > 2. < Dalimbar > 3. < Vivanco > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  9. Caius

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Rejected given past history of spamming.
  10. Caius

    List 4: New Nations for the Citizenship

    Claim: 1 - 120 Number of rows: 120 Delivered: 72 Blocked: 1
  11. Caius

    Office of the Minister of Home Affairs

    Introduction of Staff Rewards 19 October 2024 As part of my plans to introduce a reward system for Ministry of Home Affairs’ staffers and extend their recognition for the hard work they do, the Ministry of Home Affairs is now proud to announce the revival of the points program for our...
  12. Caius

    Staff Rewards, Badges and Card Requests

    Staff Rewards, Badges and Card Requests This thread contains all the information pertaining to the Points Program of the Ministry of Home Affairs, how to use it, as well as all card requests made by staffers. Part I: Points The Points system works similar to that of a trading system, wherein...
  13. Caius

    Freedom of Information Request

    Here are your logs:
  14. Caius

    List 2: New Nations for the Executive Staff

    Claim: 1-105 Number of rows: 105 Delivered: 66 Blocked: 2