Recent content by Stone Ira

  1. Stone Ira

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    I would Ike this card Card Link: Destination: Stone Ira Thanks!
  2. Stone Ira

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    What about this card:
  3. Stone Ira

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    I would like to change my request! Card: Destination: Stone Ira Card Farmer 1347 has it
  4. Stone Ira

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Link to card: Destination: Stone Ira Thanks!
  5. Stone Ira

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Link to Card: destination: Stone Ira I would like to cancel my last request. thanks
  6. Stone Ira

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    I still haven’t received my card. destination: Stone Ira
  7. Stone Ira

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Destinatio: Stone Ira Link to the card: Thanks
  8. Stone Ira

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Stone Ira Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications
  9. Stone Ira

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Stone Ira I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand...
  10. Stone Ira

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Card Collecting Nation: Stone Ira I acknowledge my obligations under the Charter of The North Pacific Cards Guild and agree to comply with these obligations.
  11. Stone Ira

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Destination: Stone Ira Link to the Card: Thanks!
  12. Stone Ira

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Stone Ira Ministry you are interested in joining: Communications (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
  13. Stone Ira

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Stone Ira I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand...
  14. Stone Ira

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Card Collecting Nation: Stone Ira I acknowledge my obligations under the Charter of The North Pacific Cards Guild and agree to comply with these obligations.
  15. Stone Ira

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Card Collecting Nation: Stone Ira I acknowledge my obligations under the Charter of The North Pacific Cards Guild and agree to comply with these obligations.