Recent content by Honeydewistan

  1. Honeydewistan

    [SC - Defeated] - Recognition of the Borlands

    That is obviously not the case. First of all, Trotterdam's data isn't always reliable to maximise statistics as it's just an aggregation of the max effect, min effect and standard deviation from every nation that answered that option. Also, given Northern Borland's consistency in answering...
  2. Honeydewistan

    [GA, passed] repeal - end blood sports

    There is no compelling reason to repeal since animal abuse can be covered by supplermentary resolutions (and should, to make it more effective and comprehensive than shoehorning it in blood sports regulations), and desiring a replacement that 'certain factions find desirable' can apply to...
  3. Honeydewistan

    [SC - Defeated] Liberate Alterante (0cala)

    The generative AI is the least of my problems with this. The author's attitude, including throwing a tantrum at the other authors, makes me very unwilling to support this particular version.
  4. Honeydewistan

    Gorundu for Delegate

    I stand with Gorundu
  5. Honeydewistan

    Voting: May 2023 General Election

    Delegate: Kastonvia Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  6. Honeydewistan

    Gorundu for Delegate

    W campaign
  7. Honeydewistan

    Candidacy Declarations: May 2023 General Elections

    I second the nomination of @Catalyse for Speaker
  8. Honeydewistan

    Movies with Kasto

    u should watch Infernal Affairs (the original from HK) if u can find it if u liked The Departed
  9. Honeydewistan

    Statement from the Acting Delegate

    commend gorundu
  10. Honeydewistan

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Colorado Controlled Territory of Canada I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the...
  11. Honeydewistan

    [GA - Passed] The Civil Charter of the World Assembly

    1) didn't notice the potential problems it would cause before 2) Why? 3) like I said, I didn't notice the potential problem in Rights Wrongs. If that went up to vote now I would also be against
  12. Honeydewistan

    [GA - Passed] The Civil Charter of the World Assembly

    Non-WA against. I'm iffy on the implications of the whole 'fully comply' with all WA law. The way I read it, this includes complying with non-binding parts such as encouragements and recommendations. That seems unreasonable
  13. Honeydewistan

    [GA - Passed] Legal Equality Act

    Both of these are simply how you frame it. What if a member nation says 'the public's interest in Amazon Factory XYZ remaining open clearly necessitates not closing the corporation down'? Or 'the public's interest in Politician John Smith continuing to remain in office clearly necessitates not...