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    • Koopa103
      Justice: 1. < Vivanco > 2. < Nutmeg The Squirrel > 3. < Picairn > 4. < Attempted Socialism > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
    • Koopa103
      Koopa103 replied to the thread Citizenship Applications.
      Nation: Palutenia I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member...
    • Koopa103
      Koopa103 replied to the thread Citizenship Applications.
      Nation: Palutenia I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member...
    • Koopa103
      Koopa103 replied to the thread Farewell Address - January 2025.
      Thank you for your time here Pic. You've done amazing, and it's hard to lose such a dedicated and impressive member of our community.
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