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    • Norsia
      Norsia reacted to Prydania's post in the thread Local News Topic with Like Like.
      Rainbow 7 News Viedéo Sensation Enters Politics, Joins Protect Against the IBC Party by Magen Yechi Adonai-Jireh- Yaakov Ben Domnall...
    • Norsia
      Norsia replied to the thread Today In History; RP Version.
      November 24th, 1368. The procession of Queen Hera of Norsia, Defender of the Faith, Uniter and Defender of the Realm, Slayer of the Last...
    • Norsia
      Norsia reacted to Prydania's post in the thread The Purging Fire [OPEN] with Like Like.
      2 September 2002 2:01 pm On a Monday Býkonsviði, Prydania Jannik Lieftur was, if nothing else, weary of the man who he was leading...
    • Norsia
      Norsia reacted to Prydania's post in the thread The Purging Fire [OPEN] with Like Like.
      Toronteau-de-Bâcle, Saintonge Lt.Gen. Charles-Clarent de Cluseret may have been the chief of the SRS, but the head of Santonian...
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