Recent content by Romanoffia

  1. Romanoffia

    Just watching. :D

    I've not been active in the game for many years, but still have fun watching the region and forum. :D
  2. Romanoffia

    Voting: May 2019 General Election

    Delegate: Lady Raven Wing Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: Malphe Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: Artemis Attorney General: Funkadelia Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  3. Romanoffia


    Thank you for your service to the region.
  4. Romanoffia

    Monty Python quotes

  5. Romanoffia


    And I thought I had a complicated life.
  6. Romanoffia

    [SC - Insta-Discard] Condemn Civil Defense Siren

    This is idiotic. Against.
  7. Romanoffia

    Chapterhouse of the Order of Gryphons for TNP

    I absolutely agree.
  8. Romanoffia

    Pun Wars - Post your worst puns

    Marriage is often a question of wife and death. :P
  9. Romanoffia

    Chapterhouse of the Order of Gryphons for TNP

    The anger and sarcasm is wonderful! But appreciated. :facepalm:
  10. Romanoffia

    Pun Wars - Post your worst puns

    I knew a block of cheese that had a PhD in Fetaphysics
  11. Romanoffia

    Pun Wars - Post your worst puns

    Resistance is futile, but capacity has potential.
  12. Romanoffia

    Results: March 2019 Judicial Election

    Congrats to the winners!
  13. Romanoffia

    Greitbart: Opinion: Raid Culture and Toxic Raidsculinity

    I disagree 100%. The image is totally inaccured. Gladio does not drink apple juice!