Recent content by HEM

  1. HEM

    Confirmation of Gorundu as Election Commissioner

    I mean, if Gor didn't care for the region and want to serve in this role it would be much easier to not go through another confirmation. I'm willing to support.
  2. HEM

    Confirmation of Chipoli as Election Commissioner

    Support as well
  3. HEM

    Opening Address: September 2023

    Congrats to all and good luck!!
  4. HEM

    Voting: September 2023 General Election

    Delegate: < Chipoli > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: 1. < Fregerson > 2. < Nutmeg The Squirrel > 3. < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Cloud > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  5. HEM

    Chipoli for Delegate - Reigniting TNP

    I appreciate your candid but very realistic assessment of the foreign affairs challenges facing us, as well as your work thus far after being thrown into the ring. I plan to cast my vote for you when the time comes.
  6. HEM

    Candidacy Declarations: September 2023 General Election

    I nominate @Siwale for Vice Delegate
  7. HEM

    Taking A Stand

    Christ on a cracker... :blink::cool: I stand in solidarity with the Delegate and their government's attempts to respond to this egregious violation of the North Pacific's sovereignty.
  8. HEM

    urgent: should i change my avatar

    thanks to everyone who has weighed in!!!! i will not change my avatar!
  9. HEM

    urgent: should i change my avatar

    hey i posted it in the games area!! these are top-notch considerations Thank you for this!
  10. HEM

    urgent: should i change my avatar

    on one hand, because i accidentally locked myself out of this account for 10+ years, I've had this avatar on TNP's forum for nearly 15 years — my best record by far. on the other hand, i don't like it anymore. thoughts?!?!
  11. HEM

    Count to 1,000 Before 2024
