Recent content by Talon

  1. Talon

    Announcement from the Delegate

    Fellow Citizens, Esteemed Minister, and Members of Cabinet: I come before you today with but one word to sum up my feelings: confusion. I would start by saying that my country is but a humble member of the North Pacific that occasionally makes its views on U.N. resolutions known. It has taken...
  2. Talon

    Current RA members: New Oath

    Nation + UN: Asiatic States "I, Talon, as the leader of the Hegemony of Asiatic States, pledge to obey the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific Region, and to act as a responsible member of its society. I understand that if my Nation leaves The North Pacific region for reasons other...
  3. Talon

    At Vote: Repeal "Support Hemp Production"

    Looks and sounds good. DAS For.
  4. Talon

    At Vote: Clothing Supply Pact

    Concurred with nays.
  5. Talon

    At Vote:Repeal "Definition of Marriage" [Complete]

    Nay indeed. How the devil did such a shitty resolution even get quorum? --- BEING disgusted by this resolution RECOGNIZING Emarian's extremely valid points CONCURRING with his analysis. Asiatic states votes nay.
  6. Talon

    At Vote:Help Prevent Ozone Depletion [Complete]

    Nay, for aforementioned reasons.
  7. Talon

    At Vote:UN Educational Aid Act [Complete]

    Asiatic States votes affirmative. The bill does actually accomplish a bit, without being micromanaging or overly stressful on the economy.
  8. Talon

    Greetings from the Asiatic States

    Fellow NSers, Just dropping in to say hello from the Asiatic States to the rest of the North Pacific. The Asiatic States is an active nation, already a member of the UN and petitioning to become a member of the RA. I'm looking forward to having some nice debates over various resolutions and...
  9. Talon

    At Vote: Hearing Impaired Aid Act [Complete]

    I think I made my views clear in the NS forums; For simple reasons of NatSov and