Recent content by Blackshear

  1. Blackshear

    Questions Only

    Does it smell like burnt toast?
  2. Blackshear

    Word Disassociation

  3. Blackshear

    I Learned

    I learned snow before Halloween is awful and unacceptable (even for Canada).
  4. Blackshear

    Voting: September 2016 General Election

    Delegate: Plembobria Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: Lord Ravenclaw Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: Zyvetskistaahn Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  5. Blackshear

    Whatever Blanks Your Blank

    Whatever cakes your bake.
  6. Blackshear

    I Learned

    I learned babies are not dishwasher safe.
  7. Blackshear

    I Am...

    I am lip syncing violently.
  8. Blackshear

    You Might Not Know...

    YMNK penguins are not as nice as their PR would suggest.
  9. Blackshear

    Tell a Lie About the Person Above You

    ^ not a fan of signature images.
  10. Blackshear

    Three Word Story

    Thinking back though
  11. Blackshear

    I Have...

    I have tried to avoid social media tonight.
  12. Blackshear

    Word Chain Redux

  13. Blackshear

    What are you listening to?

    Crown the Empire - Hologram
  14. Blackshear

    Knock Knock (who's there?)

    Orange. Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
  15. Blackshear

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ dances like no one's looking (mostly when no one is looking).