Recent content by Flemingovia

  1. Flemingovia

    The Flemingovian Hymn Book

    Hmm, I pressed "post" too fast. this is better. - YouTube Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Remember when I was young and so were you And time stood still and TNP was all we knew We...
  2. Flemingovia

    The Flemingovian Hymn Book Remember when I was young and so were you And time stood still and TNP was all we knew We burned bright Held the line and shone the light Remember when? Remember when the NPD took all we knew We gave our hearts, made the start, and it was hard We...
  3. Flemingovia

    Count to 2024 before 2024!

  4. Flemingovia

    The North Pacific Opposition Club

    So do you oppose everything and anything? Isn't that a bit negative?
  5. Flemingovia

    Site down??

  6. Flemingovia

    Appeal of the Rejection of TheDevsky's Citizenship Application

    Sorry: this is supposed to be for questions to the appliant, isn't it? Why don't you just repeat your application from a domestic IP address?Problem solved.
  7. Flemingovia

    Appeal of the Rejection of TheDevsky's Citizenship Application

    As I understand it, the admin fail was because they have applied using a business IP - in other words, an IP address that is shared with, potentially, many other users. Back in my active days, this was always rejected because it is impossible to tell if multiple applications from the one IP...
  8. Flemingovia

    Count to 15 before ANYONE post!

    I did it. It was fairly easy, but then I can count very fast.
  9. Flemingovia

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: (I also have the nation Northern Flemingovia in TNP These are my only NS nations.) I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to...
  10. Flemingovia

    Timeline - Graph of every TNP Delegate since 2008 until today

    I think Blackshear wrote an early timeline, if memory serves.
  11. Flemingovia

    Timeline - Graph of every TNP Delegate since 2008 until today

    Go back further! I wanna be on the graph.
  12. Flemingovia

    Favorite TNP Delegate of all time?

    For me those who stood out were Nast1c, McM, Blackshear and Erastide.