Midterm Address
March 2025
Suddenly, it's been two months... time flies, right? So, I have been Minister of Home Affairs now for a good number of weeks, and I think I can say I've got to grips with the job. I have really enjoyed taking on this new challenge, learning new things about the infrastructure of the region, and solving problems from a totally different perspective than I usually would. However, let's not waste any more time, and get into the nitty gritty of what's happened so far this term, how we've done, and where we're going in the second half.
Manual Recruitment
Behind the scenes, I have been tracking basically everything that goes on within the ministry, and that includes the number of manual recruitment telegrams we've been sending. I am pleased to report that when it comes to manual recruitment, we are tracking ahead of last term and well on our way to meeting our extended target!
- 8489 have been sent as of last night, which is 76.87% of last term's figure (11043), and 56.59% of the term target (15000).
- Massive shout-outs go to @Petronellania, @Matzerati, and @Owenstacey, who have sent 2449, 2024, and 1805 respectively, you are all smashing it so far this term and I can only say thank you!
In terms of telegram lists, we're tracking ahead of last term, but slightly lacking in terms of our lofty overall targets. Do keep in mind that while we might be behind our overall targets, I deliberately set those higher than they usually would be to spur on more activity!
- 6 telegram lists have been sent out, one each for the various ministries and one released today for the forums. This is 54.55% of last term's figure (11), but only 35.29% of the term target, so we need to put out lists much more regularly over the next two months (11 in total) to meet the target of 17.
I would definitely say that mentoring is one area where the overall target may need revising down, since the rate at which new members join the forums can fluctuate and somewhat randomly skew consistency when it comes to putting out pings, but I think more frequent pings with a lighter mentoring load may be the right move for the rest of the term.
- 5 mentoring pings have been put out, totalling 54 mentees throughout the term so far. Last term, 11 pings were made, which means we're just two away from matching last term at 71.43%!
- I am revising our term target from 17 down to 14 mentor pings, so technically we're at a similar distance to the term target as we are for telegram lists, at 35.71%.
Our efforts to overhaul and update the region's dispatches has been going incredibly well, mostly thanks to the absolute legend that is @Picairn. When he's not sending me links to updated dispatches, he's working on updating and visually enhancing all of the others. We have seen dozens of outdated dispatches spotted, put in our scope, and dealt with efficiently and effectively. I don't have exact numbers here, but there's not a lot left to update unless we've missed some. And if we have missed them, they'll be swiftly updated as soon as they're noticed. I am really happy with the progress made in this area and I can't wait for the day (hopefully and more likely this term) that all of them are brought to their latest and best form.
Welcome Wagon
This is one area I do believe has not received the same level of attention as the others and for that I take accountability. Of course, I will be directing Home Affairs to dedicate more time to this area specifically over the next two months so that we can onboard more effectively alongside those who have been masked from other areas as well. It has, admittedly, been more difficult for me to engage in these areas of grassroots recruitment while I have been looking at the more numbers intensive aspects of the ministry to establish a healthier baseline. This, however, will be a top priority for the remainder of the term.
Points and Rewards
I plan to release a more detailed breakdown of the points for staff so far - keep an eye out for that, I just have a few outlying tasks and dispatch edits to check and then that will be released too!
Overall, I am really happy with how things have gone so far this term and I look forward to keeping the momentum that we have built so far up. I am pretty confident we will surpass not only last term's figures, but all of the greater targets we have set. So, let's keep it going!

Minister of Home Affairs
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