National Mottos


"Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" (By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.)
EN: "Strength in Many, Faith in Many, Weakness in One"
DE: "Stärke in vielen. Glaube an alle. Schwäche in einem"
LT: "Vale in multa per multa fides, unum in infirmitate "
FR: "La force en plusieurs, la foi en plusieurs, la faiblesse en un"
RU: "Сила во многих, вера во многих, слабость в одном"
IT: "Forza in molti, fede in molti, debolezza in uno"

This thread is meant for Eras RP. Eras is the primary RP setting on TNP's forums. If you would like to join Eras please consider a map claim here.
-Prydania, TNP lead RP mod
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victoriam a Themor

This thread is meant for Eras RP. Eras is the primary RP setting on TNP's forums. If you would like to join Eras please consider a map claim here.
-Prydania, TNP lead RP mod
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"Estas son las armas del vencido"
[ These are the weapons of the defeated ]​
"Together we rule, get rid of the traitors and get stronger", Emperan Kardenccia The Great, said that on the 10 Years War (that lasted 12 years, from 1417 to 1429)
Regnet mit go vernot farmit en varnattin marsen.
Ruling with an iron fist and welcoming arms.
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Fighting and dying for your hometown is the best thing you can do.

( I'm not japanese )
’We are all members of a greater body’ quoting Seneca the Younger
"Alone we survive, United We thrive" (Im a commune type nation, still working on a seal at the moment)

Minst til teg Sjálfan
"Remember Thyself"


数の強さ / L'Union fait la Force
"Strength from Unity"