tore down the Berlin Wall
A T-72 Kurzakstan/Francore/PSSR - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Planetary_Soviet_Socialist_Republics Discord at72tank Friday at 11:43 AM #1,321 tore down the Berlin Wall
Orange The Orange Of The North Pacific - - Pronouns He, Him TNP Nation United_Orange_Valley_States Discord Orange.12345 Friday at 11:54 AM #1,322 Is actually a T-71
A T-72 Kurzakstan/Francore/PSSR - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Planetary_Soviet_Socialist_Republics Discord at72tank Friday at 1:22 PM #1,323 is actually pink
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Friday at 2:36 PM #1,324 Created the colour pink
Nori (TNI) Absolute Moron - Pronouns He/him TNP Nation The Northern Ice Discord Absolute Moron Friday at 4:17 PM #1,325 Is actually Elon Musk.
Neptune Stargazer - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation Neptunian Military Administration Discord tunenepx Friday at 7:35 PM #1,326 Isn’t Elon musk
Simone Ursine thingy - - Pronouns It TNP Nation Simone_Republic Discord simonenstnp Friday at 8:15 PM #1,327 Drives a Tesla Cybertruck (I consider it more embarrassing if you do)
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Friday at 8:37 PM #1,328 Eats a cookie every 56 seconds
Nori (TNI) Absolute Moron - Pronouns He/him TNP Nation The Northern Ice Discord Absolute Moron Saturday at 3:07 AM #1,329 Neptune: Isn’t Elon musk Click to expand... But that isn’t a lie. You are supposed to tell lies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ____________________________________________ Anyways. The person above me has never eaten a cookie.
Neptune: Isn’t Elon musk Click to expand... But that isn’t a lie. You are supposed to tell lies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ____________________________________________ Anyways. The person above me has never eaten a cookie.
Aloysius Citizen - TNP Nation Plexaris Saturday at 4:16 AM #1,330 Invented the gluten-free, Vegan, Kosher, Halal, dairy-free, unprocessed, organic, responsibly and sustainably sourced, low fat, zero-sugar, nut-free, soy-free, lactose-free, no spice, MSG-free, palm oil-free and fish-free chocolate-chip cookie.
Invented the gluten-free, Vegan, Kosher, Halal, dairy-free, unprocessed, organic, responsibly and sustainably sourced, low fat, zero-sugar, nut-free, soy-free, lactose-free, no spice, MSG-free, palm oil-free and fish-free chocolate-chip cookie.
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Saturday at 6:19 AM #1,331 Worked in the Wuhan lab from 2008 to 2020
Nori (TNI) Absolute Moron - Pronouns He/him TNP Nation The Northern Ice Discord Absolute Moron Saturday at 2:42 PM #1,332 Caused the covid pandemic.
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Saturday at 3:36 PM #1,333 Does not know about COVID lockdown
Aloysius Citizen - TNP Nation Plexaris Saturday at 7:18 PM #1,334 Is an anti-vaxxer Last edited: Saturday at 7:19 PM
Orange The Orange Of The North Pacific - - Pronouns He, Him TNP Nation United_Orange_Valley_States Discord Orange.12345 Saturday at 7:22 PM #1,335 Is lost in the woods
El Fiji Grande Over 45000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Saturday at 8:11 PM #1,336 Is PunkDaddy in disguise.
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Saturday at 11:29 PM #1,337 Went to his school yesterday
Aloysius Citizen - TNP Nation Plexaris Yesterday at 12:50 AM #1,338 Used a typewriter to type all their forum posts, then sent the copies to an external source to be uploaded onto the forum.
Used a typewriter to type all their forum posts, then sent the copies to an external source to be uploaded onto the forum.
Simone Ursine thingy - - Pronouns It TNP Nation Simone_Republic Discord simonenstnp Yesterday at 9:28 AM #1,339 Uses Microsoft Word to type forum posts
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Yesterday at 1:42 PM #1,340 Never typed a forum post
Aloysius Citizen - TNP Nation Plexaris Today at 12:16 AM #1,341 Misplet evry wurd een theyre forunm poest
Nori (TNI) Absolute Moron - Pronouns He/him TNP Nation The Northern Ice Discord Absolute Moron Today at 12:47 AM #1,342 Eats chairs
Neptune Stargazer - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation Neptunian Military Administration Discord tunenepx Today at 2:37 AM #1,343 Secretly works for the cia
Ayuzh Always an eye over here - TNP Nation Ayuzhhhhh Discord pm ayush#0820 Today at 10:07 AM #1,344 Works for the fbi