Defence Opening Address - January 2025


TNP Nation

Opening Address - January 2025

Greetings, TNP,

I am grateful for the trust Delegate Chipoli has placed in me to lead the North Pacific Army once again. I am no stranger to the NPA, and I am very happy to have the chance to lead it again.

My priority at this time is the delegacy transition, and supporting our friends in The Outback. I'd like to thank the NPA soldiers who are already piling there. I will look into creating an operation ribbon for everyone who has helped us in our piling effort.

The NPA has room to grow. When I refer to growth, I am not referring to the number of soldiers, but rather the number of updaters and pilers who can be relied upon to show up for operations. This is harder to grow than simply the number of enlisted NPA members, and requires a consistent commitment from the High Command to plan regular operations of many different types. Over the next four months, my task is to ensure we are doing this, including tags, detags, and planned occupations. I believe that with the current core of officers, we can make significant progress on this front.

As Delegate Chipoli mentioned in his platform, socialization between service members forges bonds that strengthen the whole army. A well-oiled regional military should be its own social group, with people hanging out on- and off-update. These friendships form the backbone of any sustainable fighting force in NationStates, and they are formed by holding update operations where people talk and play the military game together.

An essential part of any well-governed military is that the leadership knows who they can rely upon to be active. As such, I am initiating a 72 hour roll call. All NPA soldiers must fill out this roll call in the specified time, or be discharged from the army. This roll call will also serve to assess the basic skills of soldiers and officers, which I will be using to tailor our training operations over the course of the term.

Recent developments in the world of foreign affairs mean that our ability to work with other regions on different operations has expanded. I look forward to reaching out to old allies and building new bridges with new partners. This will mean participating in more joint holds, joint tag raids, and more.

Finally, I am announcing a promotion. Cosmic has led the NPA capably during the past term. For his entire military career, I have seen him demonstrate consistent initiative and enthusiasm. For that reason, I am pleased to promote him to Colonel, and thus the High Command of the North Pacific Army. Congratulations!

Minister of Defence