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- cosmicsonic

Closing Address
11 January 2024
It's been a long term in the Ministry of Defense. We started out the term strong with quite a few operations, but as time went on, our activity slowly fell off while the NPA was piling up in various regions throughout most of the term. Despite this, we brought back fash bash raids as an attempt to increase activity, where we did see high turnout. Additionally, we support many of our allies, from The Wellspring’s transition into a stronghold to providing protection for The Outback while they established their government. I have no doubt that the next Minister of Defense is fully qualified for the job and I have already heard about some great plans for the coming term.
I would like to thank first and foremost Delegate @Picairn for the opportunity to serve the North, as well as both my Chiefs of Staff, @Nutmeg The Squirrel and @Rom for their service and assistance during the term. I would also like to thank the rest of high command for their guidance as I was learning the ropes of the position, as well as our officers for serving as the core of our army. Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank all of our soldiers for their hard work and dedication, we wouldn’t be able to function without you.
As my last act as MoD, after recommendations by some members of High Command, I hereby promote @Comfed to General! He has more than earned the rank after all he has done for the NPA.
As I said in my opening address, serving in the NPA is truly an experience like no other, and I am happy to have served the North and the NPA. See you next term!
One last time, For the North Pacific!
- Cosmic
Join the NPA!
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