Confirmation of Pallaith as Election Commissioner


Can’t be left unsupervised
TNP Nation
New Matzeratia
The Delegate:
Mr. Speaker,

Noting that his term expires on January 22nd, I reappoint @Pallaith as Election Commissioner.
@Pallaith has been reappointed Election Commissioner by the Delegate. I hereby open the floor to debate and discussion on this matter. I invite the Delegate to give a statement in support of the nominee.

Should this reach a vote, I put the following motion before the Regional Assembly:
The Regional Assembly, acting upon the nomination of the Delegate, confirms Pallaith to the Election Commission.
Pallaith is a part of the cabal. We should not be giving them more control over our elections. No support.
Pallaith has been an experienced and competent member of the EC for a while. I support his confirmation.
Is it true that you use your ghostie powers to confound customs officers for smuggling purposes?
Well, seeing as the incoming Delegate's new tariffs will function as a sales tax on North Pacifican workers, smuggling is practically a noble profession anyways. Full support.
The motion to vote and second is seen and recognised and will be at vote imminently.