- TNP Nation
- Mackinac Island
- Discord
- solringen
I drafted this because campaign DMs annoy me.
Chapter 4 of the Legal Code will be amended to include Section 4.8: Private Campaign Messages as follows:
Chapter 1 of the Legal Code will be amended as follows:
Chapter 2 of the Legal Code will be amended as follows:
Chapter 4 of the Legal Code will be amended to include Section 4.8: Private Campaign Messages as follows:
40. The Speaker will publicly maintain a list of citizens who are comfortable with receiving private campaign messages from candidates for office.
41. Citizens may ask their names be added to the list of citizens in 4.40 via posting in said forum thread.
42. Campaigns must register all private campaign messages sent with the Election Commission.
Chapter 1 of the Legal Code will be amended as follows:
Section 1.14. Unsolicited Campaigning:
28. “Unsolicited Campaigning” is defined as campaigning for elected office in The North Pacific in a private message without the recipient’s name being on the list of citizens willing to receive such communications.
29. “Unregistered Campaigning” is defined as campaigning for elected office in The North Pacific in a private message without registering the campaign message with the Election Commission.
Section 1.15: Exceptions
30. Exceptions for treason, espionage or proxying may be given to members of the military and intelligence services with the consent of the Delegate and the appropriate Minister when on officially sanctioned missions for the purposes of preserving regional security.
Chapter 2 of the Legal Code will be amended as follows:
11. Unsolicited Campaigning will be punished by removal from office, and the suspension of voting rights for no less than four months.
12. Unregistered Campaigning will be punished by the suspension of voting rights, restriction on standing for election, and/or restriction on serving as a government official for whatever finite duration the Court sees fit.
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