Halsoni for Vice Delegate


TNP Nation

Hello fellow North Pacificans! My name is Ruben (Halsoni on NationStates) and I’m here to ask for your vote to be your next Vice Delegate.

Who is this guy?

Since starting NationStates in October 2021, I’ve always felt out of place in the User-Created Regions. I just never felt at home there. After almost two years of trying to figure this out, I eventually arrived in The North Pacific. I knew this was my spot, despite knowing I wasn’t one of the great legal minds of NationStates. The robust culture (and the rum) was what drew me to getting involved in the government. Starting as a staffer in various ministries and after its revival I took a particular interest in Communications under then-Minister Kaschovia. Working hard I was eventually elevated to Deputy Minister of Communications, continuing in this role after Kaschovia’s resignation under former Minister Bobberino.

After Kaschovia’s win in the General Elections of September 2023 and Robepierre’s replacement of Bobberino as Minister of Communications, I was appointed as Executive Deputy Minister of Communications, serving as his number 2 and managing our written publications and regularly featuring on the Northern Broadcast Service. After Kaschovia’s reelection and Robespierre’s move to Defense, I was finally appointed as Minister of Communications and served for one full term. In that time I oversaw the release of five TNS editions, three TNL issues and two NBS broadcasts. Later I was asked by Delegate Simone to replace former Minister of Communications AraFuttio to finish the term. Despite our differences, I decided to accept for the good of the region. I served for about 1.5 months and in that time we continued to release weekly issues of The Northern Notes and finished two editions of The North Star. Last term under Delegate Picairn I served as Minister of Culture. In that role, I contributed to semi-regular events and helped with the organisation of a large interregional event which has unfortunately been delayed due to factors beyond my control. I’ve also served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Home Affairs and Culture as well as a Gameside Advocate and soldier in The North Pacific war machine (aka the NPA). All in all, I have a decent amount of experience in the executive branch of TNP’s government.

But enough about my curriculum vitae.

What is the Vice Delegate?

Essentially the Vice Delegate is the head of our security branch and makes sure there are no threats to our region, both internally and externally. Here is my vision for the basics.

Chairing the Security Council

The primary concern of the Vice Delegate is the protection of the region against all kinds of dangers. To aid them in that task is the Security Council, a body filled with experienced and seasoned members of the region entrusted with combating any threats to The North Pacific. To effectively execute this very important task, there has to be a form of synergy between the Vice Delegate and the Security Council. We’ve seen how bad cooperation can lead to unnecessary tension between the two, which can jeopardise the highest priority of the VD and the SC: security. With the right person in the VD seat who’s willing to listen to the SC and take their advice, but will stand their ground when necessary this synergy can be achieved. The ideal situation involves both institutions challenging each other when necessary and cooperating when it counts.

I have experience working with staff members from various ministries, but I recognise that the dynamic in the Security Council is different. They are not my staff, and I am not their boss. We need to work collaboratively to reach a consensus, and, in the end, it requires a united effort. My track record shows that I can be firm when I believe my position is right, and I will continue to exercise that assertiveness. However, I understand that I will be working alongside individuals with much more experience than I have. Therefore, I need to set aside my stubborn personality and work constructively with the experienced and level-headed members of the Security Council in cases which require that.

Creating transparency

This region loves its transparency and open government. The Vice Delegate, together with the Security Council, contributes to and enforces that by declassifying all logs after they’ve expired. This is a lengthy and tiresome process, but if the right person is consistently endeavouring to release the logs after the Security Council has reviewed them, it can be done. I’m aware we have a large backlog, but I know a couple of members of the Security Council have been consistently working on clearing the said backlog. I will be working together with them to encourage conversation in the Council and speed the process along as much as possible. This will involve me regularly inviting Security Councillors to offer their thoughts on declassification through pings and DMs. I admit, I might be a bit annoying while doing this, but you’ll thank me later, I promise! On a serious note, though, we have a serious backlog that has to be cleared as much as possible. The Security Council obviously plays a very essential role in this and every member has to have had the opportunity to chip into the discussion. I would like to make sure they take that opportunity by regularly notifying them of the ongoing conversations in the channels and threads.

Endotarting and encouraging growth

The Delegate’s endorsements have been in a freefall since the release of F/S (or I guess it’s just Frontiers) and it’s really starting to make me nervous. We absolutely cannot fall under the 600 endorsements unless we wish to jeopardise our influence in the World Assembly, and more relevantly to this campaign, our security. Despite our efforts with various campaigns to halt this fall, we’ve continued to consistently lose endorsements and it’s getting to a point where we can no longer look the other way and assume we’ll always be at the top. We all have to step up and do our part. Endotart, send telegrams and encourage endo swapping on the RMB. These are things anybody can do, which is why the Security Council and I will also engage in this.

Alongside encouraging Security Councillors to do the above regularly, I will work with the Home Affairs Ministry to create a dispatch that pings SC Endo Slackers, inspired by our allies in The West Pacific with their ‘The Masses’ program. It’s an annoying task, which is why I will only require it to be sent out biweekly. I will also regularly send out regional telegrams addressing the region, notifying them of a new Vice Delegate Report (more on that later) and encouraging them to endorse the Delegate, Security Council, myself and each other. I hope this will create a dynamic where I will appear approachable to the game-siders by opening up a channel where they can voice their concern or in any other way have a form of dialogue. I will also regularly engage on the Regional Message Board instead of only appearing when I need to crack down on rule-breakers. This will also make it easier to request endorsements and encourage endorsement swapping. As for the card lottery, I will talk to Sil Dorsett about what this exactly entails and how I can make it work. Many thanks to him for fixing this and for all his work in the tech guild. Speaking of, the World Assembly Development Program is a key to our success with our endorsement counts. As it has finally been fixed since r3n’s disappearance I plan on utilising it to encourage further endorsement swapping and combating the decline in WA numbers. I will be discussing with the Security Council and the tech guild how to proceed with this, and I’ll be looking at both historical and recent examples of it being put into practice.

These are all very small tasks that only take a couple of minutes a day but will, in my opinion, have a significant influence on our regional endorsement counts. I will, of course, also regularly tart myself and I will advise the Delegate and the Security Council to do the same.

Processing applications

To safeguard our region from undesirable individuals and potential threats, the Vice Delegate is responsible for vetting citizen applicants before they are granted entry. This task is straightforward and has been effectively managed by previous Vice Delegates. I intend to uphold this tradition by regularly monitoring the applications thread and consulting the Security Council whenever I have doubts about an applicant. While it can be easy to overlook an application, I will do my utmost to ensure that does not happen.

Reporting to the region

Previous Vice Delegates have consistently released weekly Vice Delegate Reports to demonstrate their presence in the region and to actively monitor developing situations. These reports typically include a brief introduction highlighting recent activities related to endorsements, along with a chart showing the endorsement counts for both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. Some Vice Delegates have also included a list of the top 20 nations with the most endorsements in the region to provide additional information to the community.

I plan to follow this format, but I will also include a graph representing the entire Security Council as an extra visual aid. While I cannot guarantee weekly reports, I commit to providing them at least biweekly, and I will issue additional reports as needed if situations arise that require closer attention.

My Vice Delegacy

The Vice Delegate is one of the highest-ranking members of The North Pacific Government, second only to the Delegate themself. The Vice Delegate has seen many changes over the years as a diverse set of individuals have held the office and given their spin on it. Here’s my philosophy regarding the office.

Establishing executive authority

In recent times, we have noticed that modern Vice Delegates are increasingly involved in executive matters. I intend to follow this example by staying fully informed about all developments in the executive branch. If the Delegate permits, I will seek access to the Executive Council and upper government channels, not only for executive purposes but also to monitor our security. I plan to engage regularly with the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Delegate to ensure the Security Council and I are aware of any foreign threats to the region. Being prepared to guide us through difficult times during emergencies is of the utmost importance, especially in times of war and an increasingly unstable and chaotic gameplay environment. I know that this job is separate from regular executive work, and while I will help out as needed and offer input, I would be there to keep up with events and know what is going on in case I need to step up. Some people see the Vice Delegate as being like the second in command to the Delegate, especially these days but that is not the case. I may be in the executive but I know the Security Council requires a different focus.

Preparing for the worst

As we’ve had two consecutive Acting Delegacies in recent years the electorate has made a shift to paying more attention to the Vice Delegacy and who occupies it. Even if it’s a rare occurrence, it’s possible that due to unforeseen circumstances, the VD has to take control of the region, either due to a resignation or worse, a rogue delegate. While it is always unlikely to happen, it is understandable that the citizenry is worried about another situation that could arise at any moment.

While I view myself as capable of taking the wheel in such a situation, some may not have the same confidence in me as I do. Hear me when I say, I get it. Your concerns are completely valid and wondering whether or not I am ready is good. I can confidently assure you that I am ready. I have served in the executive branch consecutively for almost two years now and as a member of cabinet for one year. I know how this region works and I have talked to experienced members of the region to seek their advice and thoughts on how to effectively tackle this imposing task should it come up. Some of you may have concerns not related to my experience, but rather my assertive personality and “say what I think” mentality, and these are real concerns I can understand. I have contemplated not running on this basis alone but ultimately decided against it.

Initially, I thought it would be odd to include this bit because it’s weird to basically promise that I’m serious and of course, I would not be a troll as Vice Delegate. This is a job that is all about consensus and agreement, and I know I can be part of that. But I’ve come to the conclusion it’s better to face my shortcomings head-on instead of trying to sugarcoat them. We’ve seen in the past that people with similar personalities as I, people who mess around or occasionally troll or make harsh statements, have always been able to stand up and do what needs to be done when the time comes to do the work. I have never had this opportunity before to really buckle down on something and let my serious side come to the forefront. I have always been a very loose and not-so-serious guy in public, but in private I can deal with incidents in an appropriate manner. I want to use this opportunity to also show that side of me to the public. I know a lot of you think I’ve gone too far sometimes with speaking my mind or acting out, but I’ve changed a lot since coming to TNP and that hasn’t stopped. This campaign is the ideal way for me to prove my other abilities that might not always come to the forefront, and the biggest chance to continue my progress. Some of you might not believe me or may need to see more, and I understand, but I ask that you take a chance on me as you have on other newcomers to this and other offices, and let me show you what I can do.

If you, the electorate, are willing to grant me this great honour of serving as your Vice Delegate I will be forever grateful and in your debt. I will show you that I have grown both as a person and as a politician in the years I’ve been on NationStates and in this region, even if you do not elect me. Some of you may also know that I am no longer 5’9”, I am now a grand 5’10”!


During my Vice Delegacy, I will…
  • Responsibly chair the Security Council, listen to their advice, and create a synergy to successfully combat security threats to the region.
  • Work with the Security Council on declassifying logs and plough through the backlog by regularly initiating conversation through various means.
  • Halt the fall in endorsement numbers by requesting the Security Council to actively gather endorsements in multiple ways, utilising the WADP, and creating a cooperative culture with the RMB community to more effectively stimulate endorsement swapping.
  • Swiftly process citizenship applications and consult the Security Council whenever I have concerns regarding an applicant.
  • Regularly report to the region with Vice Delegate Reports on a biweekly schedule and divert from this whenever a serious situation calls for it.
  • Stay up to date with the executive and be ready and briefed in case of a foreign threat.
  • Stand strong and lead the region in an Acting Delegacy in case the elected Delegate resigns or goes rogue.
Thank you for reading my platform, whether it was just this last part or the whole thing! If you have any questions you can leave them down below or send me a DM on Discord. I am happy to answer all your questions and address any concerns you may have.

There are Banners of Appreciation available if you wish to show your support for my campaign. If you’re interested you can shoot me a DM on Discord and I will share them with you. Thanks in advance for your support.

For the North!

This is a comprehensive platform that I personally think is probably a winning one. I'll let those more involved in the security apparatus of the region ask questions, but from where I'm at right now, I see no reason not to vote for.

Campaign Announcement

Dear voters,

As the thread has been a little bit quiet in the last few days, I thought I'd offer everyone an update and some extra information that I left out of my campaign which some of you may be interested in.

Transition and endorsement counts

My nation currently boasts 515 endorsements, and I've steadily increased that number over the past week through my effective endo-tarting efforts. With just about 120 endorsements to go before reaching Sil Dorsett, I'm poised for a seamless transition. As a skilled endo-tarter, I have complete confidence in my ability to climb to the number two spot in no time.

Opportunities for dialogue

I am European, which means I am generally not available during the American evenings. That being said, I am always open for a chat, whether that's in DMs, PMs, TGs, citizen channels, the RMB, VCs or this campaign thread. Do not hesitate to ask your questions, I am happy to answer them! I will be discussing a town hall with the Ministry of Communications, and I hereby also challenge my opponent for a debate live on NBS Radio.

Additional policy updates

In his most recent VD Report, Sil Dorsett emphasized the need to increase our World Assembly population. To achieve this, I plan to regularly reach out via telegram to nations that are not in the WA, encouraging them to join. Additionally, I aim to build strong relationships on the Regional Message Board, as I outlined in my campaign. I believe it's essential to involve the RMB community in this initiative. I want to engage RMB members in motivating each other to join the WA, rather than relying on just my efforts. The Gameside Advocates will also be involved by promoting this cause on my behalf.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update and my campaign. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to engage with me on the subject through the above-mentioned channels.

For the North!

Campaign Announcement

Dear voters,

Here's another update for everyone. This time, there will be additional information on endorsement counts along with some other details.

Transition and endorsement counts

My nation currently has 520 valid endorsements, so my numbers are slowly rising. As the Vice Delegate's endorsement count is at 638, the gap is now 118. If I win this process will be significantly sped up as the Security Council will also be helping me go up. My opponent has more endorsements than me, but that is simply because they have not actively chosen to lose endorsements after their Delegate term.

Opportunities for dialogue

The Ministry of Communications has yet to organise a town hall for me, which is a shame, but I've asked them again so it should be fine. If they are unable to do so I will organise my own and will announce it in the citizens channel. My opponent still has not responded to my challenge, despite having actively been campaigning in the meantime. I reiterate my challenge. @Simone, face me on the debate stage. Continued silence will be noted and interpreted appropriately. As always, you are free to ask me questions or voice concerns in my thread, DMs, TGs, PMs, etc. I am happy to answer and address all of your comments.

Additional policy updates

Having talked to multiple members of the Security Council, I now have a better idea of the resources available to me. I know who to contact for the WADP and what is expected of me in terms of declassification. I am certain that significant progress will be made on the latter during my term as Vice Delegate.

Thank you for reading this announcement. For questions or comments, you can reach me through telegrams, forum private messages, Discord direct messages, RMB pings, Discord pings and carrier pigeons if you're feeling adventurous.
This is a comprehensive platform that I personally think is probably a winning one. I'll let those more involved in the security apparatus of the region ask questions, but from where I'm at right now, I see no reason not to vote for.
Full support!
Thank you both for your support! It’s greatly appreciated.
Ruben I’m fairly impressed with what you’ve put out here so far, and I appreciate you’re game for a debate since those never happen anymore. I think that your effort is obvious and you’ve studied a lot for this run, but I also suspect that for many people, it won’t really come down to that stuff. What it will come down to is whether people feel you will hold back in the role and not be the bombthrower you so often are. I appreciate you took time to address this in the platform as it’s probably a bigger concern for members of the Security Council than it is for other citizens.

You and your opponent have both indicated you’re aware of the limits of the role and the fact that your involvement in the executive isn’t a big part of the job and that you have to keep in mind where your place is. He’s made it clear he’s not going to speak up as a member of the executive. You on the other hand are a regular in NSGP and offering commentary in various places. You probably won’t speak for the government in any real way, but if you do speak that’s probably what people will think.

I want to hear what consideration you will have as the Vice Delegate when you’re speaking publicly in gameplay, whether about TNP events or things happening in other parts of the game. Are you going to change how you do this? Will you hold back and not say the first thing that pops into your head? And if you’re at odds with someone in the SC, or the government, how will you change your approach to that in this role?

You also addressed the fact that you may have to step up and serve as Acting Delegate, which is what prompted your discussion about your temperament. But what about your strategy for running the executive if you should be forced to take over? Would you view this as license to try managing things your own way? Would you seek the delegacy in the special election that follows? If you end up serving for a month without an election, as happened during the last two acting delegacies, how would you approach that?
Ruben, it's clear that you've done a lot of research prior to running for this position, I have no questions about your qualifications, and I think you understand the significance of the office and understand the standard of behaviour that is expected. Honestly, there is only one section of a VD platform that I actually care about, because I feel that everything else is either determined based on a candidate's track record rather than anything they could say in the platform, or just generic stuff that every candidate will say in their platform.

So the only part I'm really interested in is your plans on addressing declining WA numbers in the region. Your plans are, as you admit, mostly small tasks, and I don't think any of it is a new idea either. So my question is, do you believe greater actions are warranted to address this significant decline, and if you don't, then why do you believe your current action steps are enough?
Ruben I’m fairly impressed with what you’ve put out here so far, and I appreciate you’re game for a debate since those never happen anymore. I think that your effort is obvious and you’ve studied a lot for this run, but I also suspect that for many people, it won’t really come down to that stuff. What it will come down to is whether people feel you will hold back in the role and not be the bombthrower you so often are. I appreciate you took time to address this in the platform as it’s probably a bigger concern for members of the Security Council than it is for other citizens.
Thank you very much. I aimed to address all the concerns I would personally have if someone like me were to run for Vice Delegate. I integrated these concerns into my platform to alleviate them to the best of my ability. Another primary goal was to be as thorough and detailed as possible. The lack of questions in my thread and the limited number of inquiries I received during my first Town Hall and in DMs indicate that this approach was relatively successful.
I want to hear what consideration you will have as the Vice Delegate when you’re speaking publicly in gameplay, whether about TNP events or things happening in other parts of the game. Are you going to change how you do this? Will you hold back and not say the first thing that pops into your head? And if you’re at odds with someone in the SC, or the government, how will you change your approach to that in this role?
As a regular in the NSGP Discord and occasionally a member of the peanut gallery on the Gameplay and World Assembly forums, it is inevitable that my comments will raise some eyebrows here and there. I understand that my remarks sometimes reflect poorly on myself and my region and I regret that. As you said in a part that I did not directly quote, while I won't necessarily speak for the executive government as Vice Delegate, many will either ignore that for their own gains or are ignorant of our complex structure. My position implies that I am the second in command. I am not, as addressed in my campaign. It's therefore important that I am careful with the things I say in public going forward. My comments could be ignored as Minister of Culture, but I would not have that benefit of the doubt as Vice Delegate, and rightfully so. It's a position with a much higher standing than Culture or Communications Minister and it is paramount that I understand the weight which the office carries with it.

I will have to be much more restrained as Vice Delegate. I believe I have shown that by not engaging on the forums in any lengthy or overly serious way for months now. It was only the week before New Year's Eve that I decided to wander on the forums and speak out-of-line, which, thanks to Minister of World Assembly Affairs Jinkies, I stopped doing only after a couple of hours had passed. I aim to largely limit myself to commenting positively on a region's actions or a WA proposal and refrain from agenda-posting or engaging in an unserious way. This is possible and I can promise that the government will not have any headaches by my doing.

As to the NSGP Discord, I like doing a bit of posting there now and then, with swaths of activity and long moments of silence. I think my attitude in the NSGP Discord is largely more positive and less controversial whenever I am being genuine and not joking around. I do think the tactic of stop, drop and roll, is a good one here instead of saying whatever I think and inadvertently jeopardise The North Pacific's foreign policy or image. I will need to get a better feel for when I can joke around and when I absolutely cannot. I'd say I am improving in this regard, and while not perfect, certainly good enough to serve in a position of this magnitude. As evidenced by my good relationships with foreigners of high standing, I can confidently say that I know when I can say certain things with these people and I know what I can say with it still being viewed as comedy.

Internally speaking my stance will largely remain the same, although a couple of tweaks here and there wouldn't harm anyone. My assertiveness towards my fellow government officials is something that I believe is generally productive, and challenging their views whenever I disagree gives them the opportunity to clarify their position to me, tweak it if they think I have a point, or allow me to get a better view on the situation. With regards to the Security Council, as outlined in my campaign, I will continue to state my case in private channels but will take a step back if I see my position is inaccurate or unfair. There are members of the government, especially in the SC who have a lot more experience than I do and listening to them is an important step I will and have taken in the past. I have full confidence in my ability to pull this off and chair the Security Council and assist the Delegate wherever necessary efficiently, effectively and productively.
You also addressed the fact that you may have to step up and serve as Acting Delegate, which is what prompted your discussion about your temperament. But what about your strategy for running the executive if you should be forced to take over? Would you view this as license to try managing things your own way? Would you seek the delegacy in the special election that follows? If you end up serving for a month without an election, as happened during the last two acting delegacies, how would you approach that?
As Acting Delegate, my primary concern would be dependent on the situation. If the Delegate resigns my goal would simply be to execute their plans to the best of my ability, but I would not hold back on tweaking certain parts if I see those parts failing or being incompatible with the state of the region. What I wouldn't do though is completely overhaul the government and give my own spin on everything. I was not elected and I do not see it as my place as an unelected Delegate to execute my own agenda in a time of uncertainty and basically take advantage of the unfortunate situation. My leadership style might differ from the elected Delegate, but the fundamental principles of their campaign would remain the same.

In the unlikely event that the Delegate goes rogue, all of that goes out the window of course. In that case, the most important thing would be the preservation and security of the region. Together with the Security Council, we would immediately have to seize the in-game delegacy and in collaboration with our allies create a strong foothold against any foreign agents who'd want to use this opportunity for their own malicious gains (pun intended). In such a situation I would simply act as a custodian of the region until things settle down. After that, I will refer to the above as my strategy.

In the case I would have to serve for a longer period of time there would obviously be an opportunity for me to see my vision for the region come to life, even if only partially. It would be a golden opportunity to give the region a taste of what a Ruben Delegacy (trademark pending) would look like and allow me to receive feedback on what I would have to do differently in a potential delegate run. Currently, I am not planning on running for Delegate for at least a couple more terms. I therefore am not sure if I would run for Delegate in a special election and can thus not give a definitive answer. As the term progresses this is a question I will probably be able to give a more clear answer to.
Ruben, it's clear that you've done a lot of research prior to running for this position, I have no questions about your qualifications, and I think you understand the significance of the office and understand the standard of behaviour that is expected.
Thank you very much!
So the only part I'm really interested in is your plans on addressing declining WA numbers in the region. Your plans are, as you admit, mostly small tasks, and I don't think any of it is a new idea either. So my question is, do you believe greater actions are warranted to address this significant decline, and if you don't, then why do you believe your current action steps are enough?
The tasks I mentioned aren't very creative or large, but the thing is, together they will make a significant impact in my opinion. If executed well, it'll at least contribute to the halt of our declining numbers. I admit it is difficult to imagine even more options that we could utilise without creating busy work, which is why at this point I do not believe there are any existing additional resources available to me nor can I at this time see more things for us to do than what I've already mentioned.

While this is not particularly related to my plans regarding the declining numbers of WA nations, I did discuss with Sil Dorsett a couple of things that could be very useful in raising our endorsement counts and encouraging people to get high endorsement counts. I will elaborate on this in another campaign announcement which I will post after my second town hall tonight.

Campaign Announcement

Dear voters,

Voting has begun! Here's an update on what I've been doing and what I will do.

Transition and endorsement counts

Currently, I have 531 valid endorsements, which means I have just surpassed Tlomz. I'm also 117 endorsements away from catching up to Sil Dorsett, who currently has 648 endorsements. I've been actively working on this and have gained about 15 endorsements since the election began. If I maintain this pace, the transition should be swift and short. My opponent has 585 endorsements, which is unusual. He shouldn't have such a high count after being out of office for four months and not being a member of the Security Council. If elected, I will definitely make this a point of action in the Council.

Additional policy updates

During my first Town Hall I discussed the potential for expansions on the Cards Lottery. I brainstormed ideas to prioritise people with high endorsement counts to encourage endotarting and putting effort into gaining more endorsements. This will be worked out in more detail as the term progresses, but it will take time as Sil has to focus on the retaliatory recruitment program first. Along with that we'll be automating telegrams and RMB messages being sent to encourage WA population growth and use the Gameside Advocates for that process as well.

Thank you for reading this campaign update. For questions or comments, you can reach me through telegrams, forum private messages, Discord direct messages, RMB pings, and Discord pings.