Applications for the Executive Staff

Nation in The North Pacific: Chipoli
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former 2x Minister of World Assembly Affairs
Discord Username (if applicable): chipoli
Accepted, apologies!
Nation in The North Pacific: ROM
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: i have had multiple foreign affairs much to the dismay of gorundu
Discord Username (if applicable): @TheRealRom
Nation in The North Pacific: ROM
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: i have had multiple foreign affairs much to the dismay of gorundu
Discord Username (if applicable): @TheRealRom
How scandalous! Accepted!
Nation in The North Pacific: Comfed
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former WA minister
Discord Username (if applicable): comfed
Nation in The North Pacific: Pandya Nadu
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Head of Culture in Vibonia
Discord Username (if applicable): epico_98
Nation in The North Pacific: Pandya Nadu
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Head of Culture in Vibonia
Discord Username (if applicable): epico_98
Nation in The North Pacific: New Zendo

Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Home Affairs as a Gameside Welcome Wagon

(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government:None

Discord Username: z13official
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Nation in The North Pacific: IAPL
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Culture
Nation in The North Pacific: Pandya Nadu
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Home Affairs
Previous experience in this area of government: Staffer of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Vibonia, Outreach Officer in Vibonia
Discord Username: epico_98
Nation in The North Pacific: Pandya Nadu
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Home Affairs
Previous experience in this area of government: Staffer of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Vibonia, Outreach Officer in Vibonia
Discord Username: epico_98
Nation in The North Pacific: Neptunian Military Administration
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former Culture deputy minister.
Discord Username (if applicable): tunenepx
Nation in The North Pacific: Neptunian Military Administration
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former Culture deputy minister.
Discord Username (if applicable): tunenepx
Nation in The North Pacific: Enchark
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
Discord Username (if applicable): sam_burg
Nation in The North Pacific: Enchark
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
Discord Username (if applicable): sam_burg
Nation in The North Pacific: Heparane-Kelogg
Ministry you are interested in joining:Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: none
Discord Username (if applicable): heparanekelogg
Nation in The North Pacific: Tocho
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs, although I would rather be delegate, but that won't happen
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: uhh, does governor of another region count?
Nation in The North Pacific: Heparane-Kelogg
Ministry you are interested in joining:Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: none
Discord Username (if applicable): heparanekelogg
Nation in The North Pacific: Enchark
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
Discord Username (if applicable): sam_burg
Nation in The North Pacific: Unitegone
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former MoFA
Discord Username (if applicable): owen_0
Nation in The North Pacific: MadJack
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Literally the culture goat
Discord Username (if applicable): stgeorge
Nation in The North Pacific: Pandya Nadu
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Head of Culture in Vibonia
Discord Username (if applicable): epico_98

Nation in The North Pacific: Neptunian Military Administration
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former Culture deputy minister.
Discord Username (if applicable): tunenepx

Nation in The North Pacific: Enchark
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
Discord Username (if applicable): sam_burg

Nation in The North Pacific: MadJack
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Literally the culture goat
Discord Username (if applicable): stgeorge

Nation in The North Pacific: The Black Cathedral
Ministry interested in joining: Ministry of Culture
Previous experience: hella
Nation in The North Pacific: Down Scoblic
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Home Affiars
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Past Member
Discord Username (if applicable): Soxy3137
Nation in The North Pacific: Valuxi
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs or Culture (whichever needs people more)
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Discord Username (if applicable): wordup22
Nation in The North Pacific: Down Scoblic
Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Home Affiars
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Past Member
Discord Username (if applicable): Soxy3137
Nation in The North Pacific: Unitegone
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Former MoHA
Discord Username (if applicable): owen_0
Nation in The North Pacific: Vivanco

Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Radio Communications Culture

(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Quite a bit, actually. I like to think, at least.

Discord Username: endlessjudge
Nation in The North Pacific: Amethyst Emerald
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
Discord Username (if applicable): sapphire50_
Nation in The North Pacific: Gorundu
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
Discord Username (if applicable): an_dr_ew
Nation in The North Pacific: Petronellania
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: former deputy minister of home affairs
Discord Username (if applicable): angrybear2084

Nation in The North Pacific: Petronellania
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: i dont have much experience but im always eager to learn and contribute
Discord Username (if applicable): angrybear2084

Nation in The North Pacific: Petronellania
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: same reason above
Discord Username (if applicable): angrybear2084
Nation in The North Pacific: Petronellania
Ministry you are interested in joining: Home Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: former deputy minister of home affairs
Discord Username (if applicable): angrybear2084

Nation in The North Pacific: Petronellania
Ministry you are interested in joining: Culture
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: i dont have much experience but im always eager to learn and contribute
Discord Username (if applicable): angrybear2084

Nation in The North Pacific: Petronellania
Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: same reason above
Discord Username (if applicable): angrybear2084
Accepted for HA!
Nation in The North Pacific: Picairn
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None
Discord Username (if applicable): picairn
Nation in The North Pacific: RemiorKami
Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs
(Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None in TNP. However I am a former WA Author, and TRR WA Staffer, and believe I could help over here.
Discord Username (if applicable): Fachu/(fachu123)