United Commonwealth Worldbuilding v2.0


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The United Commonwealth
Kraviteras Samæna Hemænebestr, Krawiterska, Obyedinyonnaya Domospolita Kravitera, Severoszlavia, The Commonwealth


Aerial view of the Imperial Castle with Dominarskie Miasto skyline

The United Commonwealth is at a geographic crossroads. It links the fertile lowland plains of East Craviter and the sea lanes of the Argent Sea and the Auburn Channel to the mountainous highlands of Central Craviter. Now bounded by six nations, the Commonwealth has waxed and waned over the centuries, buffeted by the forces of regional history. In 43 AD, the Argent conquest of Krawiterska began. In 863, Lech the Szlav liberated much of Krawiterska, made governor by Dominar Andronikas I, and when the Argent Imperium ended in 1137, the wiecze, an assembly of landlords and merchants, elected their own dominarz to lead the First Commonwealth. In the Partitions of the Commonwealth (1659-1678), the lowlands became known as Nordic Krawiterska, a collection of possessions held by the United Kingdom of Goyanes and Andrenne in personal union, and its highland territories were parceled out to Callise and Khastenia. Arrandali and Essalanean principalities were carved out of the Commonwealth's southern regions. Syrixia took over Krawiterska after the 1st Nordic-Imperial War. In the Wars of the Callisean Republic (1814-1819), the General Wiecze of Krawiterska voted to oust Samprati III in 1815, declared itself a sister republic of Callise, and marked the beginning of the short-lived Second Commonwealth. The Army of Lechia, the standing forces tasked to defend Syrixian Krawiterska, was bogged down by the Army of the Wiecze until the arrival of Syrixian-Nordic Coalition forces in 1819.

Even at times of national crisis, however, the cultures of the United Commonwealth remained strong; indeed, it even flourished. Intellectuals, musicians, filmmakers, and writers came from Krawiterski Alemaners, Arrandalis, Calliseans, Essaleneans, and Lechites. Callisean revolutionary ideals were carried by Regent Kazimierz Pułaski, a Lechite, and Speaker Jarl Herman Bohuslæn, an Alemaner-Prydanian; both founding fathers of the modern Commonwealth. They led the national effort behind the Krawiterski Constitution of 1821. The name "Krawiterska" was first mentioned in the document. The new Third Commonwealth incorporated ideals of the Callisean Republic, the Supreme Law of Goyanes, and the Santonian Revolution, and created a parliamentary federation. The elective monarchy that existed since the First Commonwealth was replaced by a hereditary dynasty. Princess Astrid Loðbrók of Prydania became its first monarch in 1827.

In the 1930s the exploitation of oil and natural gas became the major industry, with the Commonwealth emerging in the 1940s as one of the world’s leading petroleum exporters. Andrenne, Maloria, and Syrixia were the main benefactors of the oil concessions. The Fascist War was particularly damaging. The Third Commonwealth was ended by the Covenant, a group of radical Gotic officers that sought to join the Dominion alliance. They committed the coup that established the Fourth Commonwealth. It imposed forced Gotification policies on the Krawiterski Szlavic population. In both the Commonwealth and Krawiterski-occupied Khastenia, the Courantist and Zmeyist religions were banned. Andrenske became the sole official language. The use of the Arrandi, Lechite, and Szlavonic languages were prohibited. The Alemaner and Callisean languages gained legal protections. With the defeat of the Dominion in 1951, the Third Commonwealth was restored.

Dominarz George's ill-fated plans for political and economic reforms and bribery from Andrenne led to the 1979 coup, sponsored by Maloria, replaced the Third Commonwealth with the Fifth Commonwealth. 14 years of fascist rule under the Solidarist Party followed, though not without strong challenges on the part of Krawiterski workers, who, supported by a dissident Laurenist Church, called the economic failures of the Solidarist system into question. In the late 1980s, beginning in the shipyards of Gdańsk, Krawiterski workers formed a nationwide movement called Konfederacja (Confederation). Despite the arrest of Konfederacja's leadership, its newspapers kept publishing, spreading its values and agenda throughout the country. In May 1993 the Solidarist Party, under the new leadership of Konfederacja leader Prince Włodokus Bolkonsky, announced a general amnesty, regular party elections, and an end to political oppression, planting the seeds of the Commonwealth's return to more democratic practices.

Although the demise of central economic planning and totalitarian rule brought profound political and economic changes, including the beginnings of the formation of a large middle class, for much of the post-totalitarian era the Krawiterskis had to endure a generally weak economy, high inflation, and a complex of social ills that served to lower life expectancy significantly. The Bolkonsky Government was unable to prevent the Interconfessional Wars (1994-2007). Hundreds of Laurenist and Courantist churches were destroyed and the faithful persecuted in both Szlavic and Gotic-dominated states. As a result, 3 million people were displaced. 2 million left for Oklusia. Allegations of collusion with the Andrennian, Malorian, and Syrixian governments plagued each successive government since the post-1993 parliamentary elections in 1995.

Quick Facts

Flag of Krawiterska
Anthem: Mazurka Craviteru
Head Of State:
Krawiterski Dominarz: Matthew VIII
Head Of Government:
State Chancellor: Ritter Wilhelm von Städtler III
Capital: Dominarskie Miasto
(2024 est.) 62,775,198
Currency exchange:
1 IBU equals D25,405.02
Total Area (Sq Km):
Form of Government:
Federal Solidarist constitutional monarchy
with two legislative houses
(Senate [325]; Council of Craviter [418])
Official Languages:
Andrenske; Szlavonic
Official Religion:
Official Name:
Kraviteras Samæna Hemænebestr
Domospolita Kravitera
(United Commonwealth
of Krawiterska)
Total Area (Sq Km):
Total Area (Sq Mi):
Monetary unit:
Krawiterski draak (D)
Density: Persons Per Sq Km: (2024)
Density: Persons Per Sq Km: (2024)
Literacy: Percentage Of Population
Age 15 And Over Literate:

Male: (2021) 92% Female: (2021) 85%
GDP (Nominal):
(2024) 545.1 billion IBU
GDP per capita (Nominal):
8,683 IBU​
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The United Commonwealth | Predicica (www.predicica.com/place/The-United-Commonwealth)

Top Questions

The full name of the Commonwealth is the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska. "Krawiterska", the Lechite name, is the preferred spelling in Mercanti. Prior to 1992, "Craviter" was also used, particularly by Gotic speakers. "Krawiterska" has become popular with the Gotic peoples of the Commonwealth. "Severoszlavia" is the name preferred by the Szlavic peoples, first coined by Szlavic nationalist Baron Wawrzyniec Cezari. Alternatively, it can be simplify referred to as "The Commonwealth" or "Domospolita." It is a compound of the terms "domos" from "dominium", the official name of the Argent Imperium, and "pospolita" or "common."
Andrennian and Khastenian are the official languages of the Commonwealth. The two other predominant languages are Alemaner and Lechite. There are four other languages, including dialects from three language families—Gotic, Kylian, and Szlavic—that are commonly spoken.
The United Commonwealth is a federation of 2 kingdoms, 4 grand principalities, 1 archduchy, 3 grand duchies, and 3 Ganzianer cities:
  • Kingdoms: Lechia, Tristain
  • Grand Principalities: Mindaǔzem, Taǔragorsca, Volhynia, Turov
  • Archduchy of Mittelreich
  • Grand Duchies: Brunswick, Drusselstein, Silesia
  • Margraviates: Grefanland, Klænsland, Tannenburg
  • Ganzaner Cities: Nowogród, Gdańsk, Hintzenhaven
Michal Pucilowski was the first Solidarist leader in the Third Commonwealth. He was elected as head of government from 1917 until his dismissal in 1924 after his nationalization of the oil industry failed due to international pressure. Grand Duke Leopold IV of Brunswick, founder of the Covenanter Party, defeated the Solidarist Democratic Party (SDP) in the 1924 election before he suspended future elections and banned opposition parties. The Covenanter Party became the sole ruling party. This ended the Third Commonwealth. Leopold and his son, Ernst, from 1949, led the new Fourth Commonwealth under a totalitarian, Gotic supremacist regime until Ernst's capture by Allied forces in 1951. Elections held in 1952 were won by Yuliy Kopsov of the Conservative Party of Craviter (CPC), leading from 1953 to 1957 for a term and a half, known for his secularization program.

Wilhelm Städtler I was another prominent leader, serving from 1957 to 1960. His tenure was marked by the creation of the National Krawiterskan Oil Company, a multinational consortium invested by Maloria and Syrixia, led by the Andrennian National Energy Company. The CPC and the SDP alternated in governing the country in an ineffective two-party system, formed 11 different ministries, the last 3 collapsed within a year, before the 1979 coup. General Eugeni Bazhenov forced Emperor Henryk II to appoint him as prime minister. Another totalitarian one-party state was established under the Solidarist Party. After Bazhenov, he was succeeded by Yuriy Zhurov, Matvey Rayt, Prince Gilbert Lodewiyg, Baron Izydor Dembe, Panteley Dimitry, and Vladiszlav Yanayev. In 1993, Prince Włodokus Bolkonsky introduced political, civil rights, and economic reforms. It made the Solidarist Party more democratic, the government less oppressive, and the economy more open.
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Text of the New Union Treaty | Predicica (www.predicica.com/topic/New-Union-Treaty)

Text of the New Union Treaty


Szlavonic bulletin at United Commonwealth referendum, 1993

On November 23, 1992, the Declaration and Treaty on the Formation of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska was adopted by the Conference of Plenipotentiary Delegations from the Prinsverbund (Gotic) and the Soviet Argentskikh Knyazey (Szlavic) countries of Krawiterska and the Solidarist Kingdom of Tristain. The Declaration and Treaty were confirmed by the 316th General Wiecze on March 6, 1993, and signed by heads of the delegations, including Krawiterski Dominarz Matthew VI, the guarantor of the original Union Treaty of 1979, David von Städtler, the de facto leader of the Gotic countries, and Prince Włodokus Bolkonsky, the de facto leader of the Szlavic countries. The divisive debates in the conference extended reactionary and separatist violence to the individual referenda to approve a new treaty in each Commonwealth States. In the end, they agreed to a confederation of independent countries with a common head of state, foreign policy, and military. However, after the events of the 1994 Krawiterski constitutional crisis, the 1995 Constitution of the United Commonwealth retained almost all of the aspects of the previous centralized federation. Plans to create a new declaration for the New Union Treaty were abandoned and the original declaration from the 1979 Union Treaty was re-adopted.

We, Matthew the Sixth, by the Will of the High and Mighty Lords of the General Wiecze, Krawiterski Dominarz, King of Lechia and Tristain, Archduke of Mittelreich, Duke of Lesser Lechia, Moravia, and Gothia, Thane of Hołmogród and Wiepsia, Count of Kraków, Cieszyn, Racibórz, Bytom, Colonhac, Mervelha, Rieselfeld, and Uttingen-am-Kiel, and Jarl of Nowogród, Ruzia, Białojeziero, Cichwin, and Wielkie Łuki, and Sovereign of the Mountain Princes,

hereby decree in the name of the United Solidarist Commonwealth of Krawiterska, after the consent of the Senate and the Council of Craviter, the following:

Section 1.
In place of the Constitution of the United Solidarist Commonwealth of Krawiterska agreed between the USCK and the Kingdoms of Lechia and Tristain on accession to the attached

Text of the Constitution of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska.

Section 2.
The laws enacted in the United Solidarist Commonwealth of Krawiterska referred to by special federal law shall be declared to be laws of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska, and as such shall be introduced into the whole territory of the United Commonwealth, with the effect that, where these laws refer to the United Solidarist Commonwealth of Krawiterska, its constitution, territory, members or states, indigenous persons, constitutional organs, relatives, officials, flag, etc., these are to be understood to refer to the United Solidarist Commonwealth of Krawiterska and its corresponding relations. The laws designated there are imperial laws.

Section 3.
The agreements in the Treaty of Landereau on February 15, 1993, and the Pacta Conventa of Krawiterski Dominarza Astrid on May 28, 1827, are not affected by this Act.

Certified under Our Signature and the affixed Imperial Seal.

Given at Cesarkie Miasto, March 17, 1993.

Prior to the formation of the Solidarist Commonwealth States, the states of the world were split into two camps: the camp of capitalism and the camp of communism.

There, in the camp of capitalism, there is national inequality, colonial slavery, pogroms, and imperialist atrocities.

There, in the camp of communism, there is national enmity, chauvinism, national oppression, and wars.

Here, in the camp of Solidarism, there is mutual trust and peace, national freedom and equality, peaceful coexistence and fraternal co-operation of the peoples.

The attempts of the capitalist world for decades to resolve the question of nationality by combining the free development of the peoples with the system of exploitation of man by degenerate men and the attempts of the communist world to resolve it by suppressing the free development with the system of exploitation of labor by thuggish labor proved fruitless. On the contrary, the tangle of national contradictions, whether by pluralism and factionalism, is becoming more and more entangled, threatening the very existence of capitalism and communism. The disunited peasants, workers, capitalists, and gentry proved powerless to establish cooperation among the peoples.

Only in the camp of Solidarism, under the conditions of pan-Craviterian nationalism, social feudalism, class collaboration, syndicalism, and corporatism, led by the gentry, which rallied around itself the capitalist, worker, and peasant classes, was it possible to abolish national inequality, national oppression, and post-nationalism at their roots, to create an atmosphere of mutual confidence and to lay the foundations of fraternal co-operation among the peoples. It was only thanks to these circumstances that the Solidarist Commonwealth States were able to repel the imperialists of the capitalist and communist worlds, internal and external. Only thanks to these circumstances did they manage to successfully prevent total war, ensure their existence and begin peaceful economic construction and political reform and the preservation of ancient traditions and Messianist values.

But the years of civil unrest did not pass without a trace. Exhausted economic resources inherited from the brief insurgencies and riots make the individual efforts of individual states for economic construction insufficient.

The very structure of Solidarist power, national syndicalism, harnesses the irremediable, fruitful, and beneficent inequality of men to push the classes of the Solidarist Commonwealth States to the path of unification into one family, to ensure the success of the Solidarist Revolution.

All these circumstances imperatively demand the unification of the Solidarist Commonwealth States into one commonwealth state, capable of ensuring both external security and internal economic prosperity, and the freedom of the development of the peoples.

We, the Most High, Most Mighty, and Most Excellent Lords of the General Wiecze, on behalf of the peoples of the Solidarist Commonwealth States, have adopted the decision to form a union of Craviterian nations, a reliable guarantee that this Commonwealth is a voluntary association of equal peoples, that the right of free secession from the Commonwealth is guaranteed to each states, that access to the Commonwealth is open to all Solidarist states, both existing and those that will arise in the future, that the new commonwealth state is a worthy crowning of the foundations of peaceful coexistence and fraternal co-operation of the peoples, laid back in February 1979, that it will serve as a true bulwark against capitalist and communist worlds.

Declaring all this before the whole world and solemnly proclaiming the inviolability of the foundations of Solidarist power, which have found expression in the constitutions of the Solidarist Commonwealth States which have authorized us, on the basis of the powers vested in us, decide to sign a treaty on the formation of the "United Solidarist Commonwealth of Krawiterska."

I. Basic Principles

1. Each country that is a party to the Treaty is a state of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska (abbreviated as the KSH in Andrenske or ODK in Szlavonic). The ODK is a sovereign federal democratic state formed as a result of the unification of equal states and exercising federal power that the parties to the Treaty voluntarily grant it.
2. The states forming the Commonwealth reserve the right to independently resolve all issues of their development, guaranteeing equal political rights and opportunities for socio-economic and cultural development to all peoples living on their territory. The parties to the Treaty will proceed from a combination of universal and national values, resolutely oppose racism, chauvinism, and any restriction to the rights of the Commonwealth States.
3. The states that form the Commonwealth see the most important condition for the freedom and well-being of the people and each person in the formation of civil society. They will strive to meet the needs of the people on the basis of a free choice of forms of ownership and methods of management, the development of the all-Commonwealth market, the implementation of the principles of social justice and security.
4. The states that form the Commonwealth have full political power, independently determine their national-state and administrative-territorial structure, and the system of authorities and administration. They may delegate part of their powers to other Commonwealth States. Each Commonwealth State recognizes democracy based on a representative expression of the will of the peoples as a common fundamental principle and strive to create a federation based on the rule of law, which would serve as a guarantor against any tendencies towards totalitarianism and arbitrariness.
5. The United Commonwealth of Krawiterska acts in international relations as a single sovereign state, a subject of international law, the successor of the United Solidarist Commonwealth of Krawiterska. Its main goals in the international arena are lasting peace, cooperation among other sovereign states, and solidarity of the peoples in solving the global problems of mankind.

II. Structure of the Commonwealth
Article 1: Membership of the Commonwealth
Membership of states in the Commonwealth is voluntary.

Relations between the Commonwealth States are regulated by treaties between them, the Constitution of the states in question and the Constitution of the ODK In the case of the Solidarist Kingdom of Lechia, by a federal treaty or the Constitution of the United Commonwealth.

Membership in the Commonwealth is open to all the sovereign states of Craviter that recognize the Treaty.

The states forming the Commonwealth retain the right to freely withdraw from it in accordance with the procedure established by the parties to the Treaty and enshrined in the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth.

Article 2: Citizenship of the Commonwealth
A citizen of a Commonwealth State is at the same time a citizen of the Commonwealth.

Citizens of the United Commonwealth have equal rights, freedoms and obligations enshrined in the Constitution, laws and international treaties of the Commonwealth.

Article 3. Territory of the Commonwealth
The territory of the Commonwealth consists of the territories of all states that form it.

The Parties to the Treaty recognize the boundaries existing between them at the time of signing the Treaty.

The borders between the states forming the Commonwealth may be changed only by agreement between them that does not violate the interests of the other parties to the Treaty.

Article 4: Relations between the states forming the Commonwealth
Relations between the states forming the Commonwealth shall be regulated by the present Treaty, the Constitution of the ODK, and treaties and agreements that do not contradict them.

The parties to the Treaty build their relations within the Commonwealth on the basis of equality and respect for territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs, settlement of disputes by peaceful means, cooperation, mutual assistance, conscientious fulfillment of obligations under the Union Treaty and agreements between several Commonwealth States.

The states forming the Commonwealth undertake: not to resort to force and the threat of force in their relations with each other; not to encroach on the territorial integrity of each other; not to conclude agreements contrary to the objectives of the Commonwealth or directed against the states forming it.

The use of troops of the Ministry of Defense of the O.D.K. within the country is not allowed, except for their participation in the solution of urgent national economic problems in exceptional cases, in the management of natural and environmental disasters, as well as in cases provided for by the special federal law on the state of emergency.

Article 5. Sphere of competence of the Commonwealth
The parties to the Treaty vest the O.D.K. with the following powers:

– Protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Commonwealth and its subjects; declaration of war and conclusion of peace; ensuring the defense and management of the Armed Forces, border, special (government communications, engineering and other), internal, railway troops of the Commonwealth; organization of the development and production of weapons and military equipment.

– Ensuring the federal state security of the Commonwealth; establishment of the regime and protection of the federal border, economic zone, sea and airspace of the Commonwealth; management and coordination of the activities of the security bodies of the Commonwealth States.

– Implementation of the foreign policy of the Commonwealth and coordination of the external policy of the Commonwealth States; representation of the Commonwealth in relations with foreign states and international organizations; conclusion of international treaties of the Commonwealth.

– Implementation of foreign economic activity of the Commonwealth and coordination of foreign economic activity of the Commonwealth States; representation of the Commonwealth in international economic and financial organizations, conclusion of foreign economic agreements of the Commonwealth.

– Approval and execution of the Commonwealth budget, implementation of monetary emission; storage of gold reserves, diamond and currency funds of the Commonwealth; management of space research; air traffic control, all-Commonwealth communication and information systems, geodesy and cartography, metrology, standardization, meteorology; nuclear energy management.

– Adoption of the Constitution of the Commonwealth, amendments and additions to it; adoption of laws within the powers of the Commonwealth and regulation of any special federal law on issues agreed with the Commonwealth States; supreme constitutional control.

– Management of the activities of federal law enforcement agencies and coordination of the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Commonwealth and the states in the fight against crime.

Article 6. Sphere of Joint Competence of the ODK and the Commonwealth States
The bodies of federal state power and administration of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States jointly exercise the following powers:

- Protection of the constitutional system of the Commonwealth based on the present Treaty and the Constitution of the ODK; ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens of the ODK.

– Determination of the military policy of the Commonwealth, implementation of measures for the organization and provision of defense; establishment of a unified procedure for conscription and military service; establishment of the border zone regime; resolving issues related to the activities of troops and the deployment of military facilities on the territory of the Commonwealth States; organization of mobilization preparation of the national economy; management of defense enterprises.

- Determination of the strategy of the federal state security of the Commonwealth and ensuring the local state security of the Commonwealth States; change of the federal state borders of the Commonwealth with the consent of the relevant party to the Treaty; protection of state secrets; determination of the list of strategic resources and products that are not subject to export outside the Commonwealth, establishment of general principles and standards in the field of environmental safety; establishment of procedures for the receipt, storage and use of fissile and radioactive materials.

- Determination of the foreign policy of the ODK and control over its implementation; protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the ODK, the rights and interests of the Commonwealth States in international relations; establishment of the foundations of foreign economic activity; conclusion of agreements on international loans and credits, regulation of the external public debt of the Commonwealth; unified customs business; protection and rational use of the natural resources of the economic zone and the continental shelf of the Commonwealth.

– Determination of the strategy for the socio-economic development of the Commonwealth and the creation of conditions for the formation of the all-Commonwealth market; implementation of a single financial, credit, monetary, tax, insurance and pricing policy based on a common currency; creation and use of gold reserves, Diamond and Currency funds of the Commonwealth; development and implementation of all-Commonwealth programs; control over the execution of the Commonwealth budget and the agreed monetary issue; creation of all-Commonwealth funds for regional development and elimination of consequences of natural disasters and catastrophes; creation of strategic reserves; maintenance of unified all-Commonwealth statistics.

– Development of a unified policy and balance in the field of fuel and energy resources, management of the country's energy system, main gas and oil pipelines, all-Commonwealth railway, air and sea transport; establishment of the foundations of nature management and environmental protection, veterinary medicine, epizootics and plant quarantine; coordination of actions in the field of water management and inter-Krawiterski-state resources.

– Determination of the foundations of social policy on employment, migration, working conditions, remuneration and protection, social security and insurance, public education, health care, physical culture and sports; establishment of the basis for pension provision and the preservation of other social guarantees, including when citizens move from one Commonwealth State to another; the establishment of a unified procedure for indexation of incomes and the guaranteed subsistence minimum.

– Control over compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth, decrees of the Krawiterski Dominarz, decisions taken within the framework of the Commonwealth competence; creation of an all-Commonwealth criminalistic accounting and information system; organization of the fight against crimes committed on the territory of several Commonwealth States; determination of a unified regime for the organization of correctional institutions.

Article 7. Procedure for exercising the powers of the State Bodies of the Commonwealth and Joint Powers of the State Bodies of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States
Issues related to joint competence are resolved by the authorities and administration bodies of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States through coordination, special agreements, adoption of the Fundamentals of Legislation of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States and the corresponding local state laws. Questions referred to the competence of the Commonwealth bodies shall be resolved by them directly.

Powers not directly attributed by Articles 5 and 6 to the exclusive competence of the bodies of power and administration of the Commonwealth or to the sphere of joint competence of the bodies of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States, remain under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth States and are exercised by them independently or on the basis of bilateral and multilateral agreements between them. After the signing of the Treaty, a corresponding change in the powers of the governing bodies of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States is made.

The parties to the Treaty proceed from the fact that with the formation of the all-Commonwealth market, the sphere of direct state management of the economy is shrinking. The necessary redistribution or change in the scope of powers of the governing bodies will be carried out with the consent of the states forming the Commonwealth.

Disputes on the exercise of the powers of the Commonwealth bodies or the exercise of rights and the performance of obligations in the field of joint powers of the bodies of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States shall be resolved by means of conciliation procedures. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disputes shall be submitted for consideration by the Constitutional Court of the Commonwealth.

The states forming the Commonwealth participate in the implementation of the powers of the Commonwealth bodies through the joint formation of the latter, as well as special procedures for coordinating decisions and their implementation.

Each Commonwealth State may, by concluding an agreement with the Commonwealth, additionally delegate to it the exercise of its individual powers, and the Commonwealth, with the consent of all the Commonwealth States, transfer to one or more of them the exercise of certain of its powers on their territory.

Article 8. Commonwealth property
The Commonwealth and the states forming it ensure free development, protection of all forms of ownership and create conditions for the functioning of enterprises and economic organizations in the markets of the single all-Commonwealth market.

The land, its subsoil, waters, other natural resources, flora and fauna are the property of the Commonwealth States and the inalienable property of their peoples. The procedure for their possession, use and disposal (the right of ownership) is established by the local state laws of the Commonwealth States. The right of ownership in relation to resources located on the territory of several Krawiterski states is established by the federal state laws of the Commonwealth.

The states forming the Commonwealth assign to it the objects of state property necessary for the exercise of the powers vested in the Commonwealth bodies of power and administration.

The property owned by the Commonwealth is used in the common interests of its constituent Commonwealth States, including in the interests of accelerated development of lagging regions.

The states forming the Commonwealth shall have the right to their share in the gold reserves, the diamond and currency funds of the Commonwealth available at the time of the conclusion of this Treaty. Their participation in the further accumulation and use of treasures is determined by special agreements.

Article 9. Commonwealth taxes and fees
In order to finance the expenditures of the Commonwealth budget related to the implementation of the powers delegated to the Commonwealth, uniform Commonwealth taxes and fees shall be established at fixed interest rates, determined in agreement with the Commonwealth States, on the basis of expenditure items submitted by the Commonwealth. Control over the expenditures of the Commonwealth budget is carried out by the parties to the Treaty.

All-Commonwealth programs are financed at the expense of share deductions of the interested Commonwealth States and the Commonwealth budget. The scope and purpose of all-Commonwealth programs are regulated by agreements between the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States, taking into account the indicators of their socio-economic development.

Article 10. Constitution of the Commonwealth
The Constitution of the Commonwealth shall be based on this Treaty and shall not contradict it.

Article 11. Laws of the Commonwealth
The laws of the Commonwealth, the constitutions and laws of the Commonwealth States forming it shall not contradict the provisions of this Treaty.

The federal laws of the Commonwealth on issues of its jurisdiction have supremacy and are binding on the territory of the Commonwealth States.

The local laws of a Commonwealth State have supremacy on its territory in all matters, with the exception of those that fall within the competence of the Commonwealth.

The Commonwealth shall have the right to suspend the application of a law of the Commonwealth on its territory and to protest against it if it violates the present Treaty or contradicts the Constitution or the laws of a Commonwealth State adopted within the limits of its powers.

The Commonwealth shall have the right to protest and suspend the operation of a law of a Commonwealth State if it violates the present Treaty, contradicts the Constitution or the laws of the Commonwealth adopted within the limits of its powers.

Disputes are referred to the Constitutional Court of the Commonwealth, which makes a final decision within one month.

III. Bodies of the Commonwealth
Article 12. Formation of the Bodies of the Commonwealth
Bodies of power and administration of the Commonwealth are formed on the basis of the free expression of the will of the peoples and the representation of the states forming the Commonwealth. They shall act in strict accordance with the provisions of this Treaty and the Constitution of the Commonwealth.

Article 13. General Wiecze
The legislative power of the Commonwealth is exercised by the General Wiecze of the ODK, consisting of two chambers: the Senate and the Council of Craviter.

The Senate consists of representatives of the Commonwealth States delegated by their supreme bodies of power. The Commonwealth States and national-territorial formations in the Senate retain a number of seats no less than the number of seats in the Council of Craviter at the time of signing the Treaty.

All senators directly included in the Commonwealth have one common vote in resolving issues. The procedure for electing senators and their quotas shall be determined in a special agreement of the legislature of a Commonwealth State and the electoral law of the ODK.

The Council of Craviter is elected by the members of all federal syndicates. At the same time, representation in the Council of Craviter of all Commonwealth States participating in the Treaty is guaranteed.

The Chambers of the General Wiecze jointly introduce amendments to the Constitution of the ODK; accept new states into the ODK; determine the foundations of Commonwealth domestic and foreign policy; approve the Commonwealth budget and the report on its implementation; declare war and conclude peace; approve changes in the borders of the Commonwealth.

The Senate adopts special federal state laws on the organization and procedure for the activities of the Commonwealth bodies; considers issues of relations between the Commonwealth States; ratifies international treaties of the ODK; gives consent to the appointment of the Council of State of the ODK.

The Council of Craviter considers questions of ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens of the ODK and adopts laws on all issues except those that fall within the competence of the Senate. Federal laws adopted by the Council of Craviter shall enter into force after approval by the Senate.

Article 14. Krawiterski Dominarz
The Krawiterski Dominarz is the head of the Commonwealth, who has the highest executive and administrative power.

The Krawiterski Dominarz acts as a guarantor of the observance of the Union Treaty, the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth; is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth; represents the Commonwealth in relations with foreign countries; exercises control over the implementation of international obligations of the Commonwealth.

The Krawiterski Dominarz is hereditary in the House of Severyn-Loðbrók-Mavoia. It passes by absolute primogeniture.

Article 15. State Chancellor of the ODK
The State Chancellor of the ODK shall be appointed by the Krawiterski Dominarz with the consent of the General Wiecze. The State Chancellor exercises individual functions of the Krawiterski Dominarz as empowered by him, and deputizes for the Krawiterski Dominarz in the event of his absence or inability to perform his duties.

Article 16. Council of State of the ODK
The Council of State of the Commonwealth is the executive body of the Commonwealth, subordinate to the Krawiterski Dominarz and responsible to the General Wiecze.

The Cabinet of Ministers is formed by the Krawiterski Dominarz in coordination with the Council of Senate of the General Wiecze of the United Commonwealth.

The heads of state of the Commonwealth States participate in the work of the Council of State of the Commonwealth with the right of decisive vote.

Article 17. Constitutional Court of the ODK
The Constitutional Court of the ODK shall be formed on an equal basis by the Krawiterski Dominarz and each of the chambers of the General Wiecze.

The Constitutional Court of the ODK considers issues of conformity of the legislative acts of the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States, decrees of the Krawiterski Dominarz and the heads of state of the Commonwealth States normative acts of the Council of State of the Commonwealth with the Union Treaty and the Constitution of the Commonwealth, and also resolves disputes between the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States, and between several Commonwealth States.

Article 18. Commonwealth Courts
Commonwealth (federal) courts are the Supreme Court of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Commonwealth, and courts in the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth.

The Supreme Court of the Commonwealth and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Commonwealth exercise judicial power within the powers of the Commonwealth. The chairmen of the highest judicial and arbitration bodies of the Commonwealth States are ex officio members of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Commonwealth, respectively.

Article 19. Prosecutor's Office of the ODK
Supervision over the implementation of legislative acts of the Commonwealth is carried out by the Prosecutor General of the Commonwealth, prosecutors general (prosecutors) of the Commonwealth States and prosecutors subordinate to them.

The Prosecutor General of the Commonwealth is appointed by the General Wiecze and is accountable to it.

The Procurators General (Procurators) of the Commonwealth States are appointed by their supreme legislative bodies and are ex officio members of the Collegium of the Prosecutor's Office of the Commonwealth. In their activities to supervise the implementation of Commonwealth laws, they are accountable both to the supreme legislative bodies of their states and to the Prosecutor General of the Commonwealth.

III. Final Provisions
Article 20. Languages of Interethnic Communication in the ODK
The Commonwealth State independently determine their state languages. The parties to the Treaty recognize the Andrenske and Szlavonic languages as the languages of interethnic communication in the ODK.

Article 21. Capital of the Commonwealth
The capital of the ODK is the city of Dominarskie Miasto.

Article 22. State Symbols of the Commonwealth
The ODK has a state coat of arms, a flag and an anthem.

Article 23. Entry into force of the Treaty
This Treaty shall be approved by the supreme bodies of state power of the states forming the Commonwealth, and shall enter into force from the moment of their signing by plenipotentiary delegations.

For the Commonwealth that signed it, the Treaty on the Formation of the OSDK of 1979 is considered invalid from the same date.

With the entry into force of the Treaty, the most-favored-nation regime applies to the Commonwealth States that have signed it.

Relations between the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska and the Commonwealth States that are part of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska but have not signed the present Treaty shall be regulated on the basis of the legislation of the ODK and mutual obligations and agreements.

Article 24. Liability under the Contract
The Commonwealth and the Commonwealth States forming it shall bear mutual responsibility for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed and compensate for the damage caused by violations of this Treaty.

Article 25. Procedure for amending and supplementing the Agreement
This Treaty or its individual provisions may be canceled, amended or supplemented only with the consent of all states forming the Commonwealth.

If the need arises, appendixes to the treaty may be adopted by agreement between the Commonwealth States which have signed it.

If necessary, annexes to the Treaty may be adopted by agreement between the signatory States.

Article 26. Succession of the supreme bodies of the Commonwealth
In order to ensure the continuity of the exercise of state power and administration, the supreme legislative, executive and judicial organs of the United Solidarist Commonwealth of Krawiterska shall retain their powers until the formation of the supreme state organs of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska in accordance with the present Treaty and the new Constitution of the ODK.
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Flag of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska | Predicica (www.predicica.com/topic/flag-of-the-United-Commonwealth-of-Krawiterska)

Flag of the United Commonwealth of Krawiterska
Kraviterianskiy Trikolor, Kraviterískr Tréklidr, Craviterian Tricolor


A horizontally striped white-red-purple tricolor with a red and yellow star. Ratio is 2:3.

Prior to 1821, Krawiterska did not have a national flag. Since Argent rule, it had various flags under the different rulers and dynasties that ruled it, often personal or representative of the dynastic house. The House of Lech, the founding dynasty of the First Commonwealth, had a coat of arms, a black eagle on a red shield. It is called the Orzeł Dominarskiej (Lechite for "Imperial Eagle"). After Sigric of Kippernoch was elected dominarz, they kept the Orzeł Dominarskiej by putting their white dynastic shield on the breast of the eagle. The imperial banners of the 17th and 18th centuries were usually divided into two or three horizontal stripes, often swallow-tailed, of red and white.


Imperial banner of Dominarz Maximilian III Dagsson-Uttingen

In the Wars of the Callisean Republic, the Second Commonwealth was established as a constituent republic of the planned Grand Republic of Craviter. In solidarity, the General Wiecze adopted the Callisean Tricolor but reordered, top to bottom, to white-red-purple instead of red-white-purple. It is locally referred to as the Craviterian Tricolor. In 1821, two years after the defeat of Jacques Chevalier, Consul Karl II Brunswick-Augustenburg led the effort to establish a constitutional monarchy to appease the victorious Nordic Coalition. The tricolor fell into disuse due to its association with Chevalier. Either the personal banner of arms of the Krawiterski Dominarz and the Krawiterski Naval Jack were typically used to represent the country in embassies, books, and ships until 1867, when the Craviterian Tricolor was formally re-adopted.


The Craviterian Tricolor in the Third Commonwealth

The tricolor remained the sole national flag, even under the Gotic supremacist Covenanter Party and when they led the country in the Fascist War. In 1979, the Solidarist Party established the Fourth Commonwealth, a fascist dictatorship that claimed its ideology to be a branch of Social Feudalism with "Syndicalist characteristics." They imposed a re-designed Craviterian Tricolor with their official symbol, a hammer, sword, and sickle in a red five-pointed star on a five-spoked cogwheel. This version served as the national flag of Krawiterska until 1993, when the symbol was reduced to a red star in the tricolor of the current Fifth Commonwealth.


The Craviterian Tricolor in the Fourth Commonwealth
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Dominarz's and Dominarzas of Krawiterska | Predicica (www.predicica.com/places/Dominarzs-and-Dominarzas-of-Krawiterska)

Dominarz's and Dominarzas of Krawiterska

The fascist United Commonwealth, at its center, is a monarchy, in which the monarch shares power with a supposedly constitutional government. The reigning dominarz or dominarza is the country’s head of state. They share political power with the State Chancellor and the cabinet.

The following table provides a chronological list of the sovereigns of Krawiterska.

dynasty or house
relationship with predecessor(s)
other title(s)
Lech I​
founder of the First Commonwealth​

founder of the House of Lechia​
King of the Argents​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Krak I​
son of Lech I​
King of the Argents​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Krak II​
son of Krak I​
King of the Argents​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Lech II​
deposed as a result of the Pagan Rebellion​
son of Krak II​
King of the Argents​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
usurped Lech II​

King of the Alemaners​
Duke of Megenland​
Matthew I "The Red"​
son of Sigric​
King of the Alemaners​
Duke of Megenland​
Matthew II​
son of Matthew I​
King of the Alemaners​
Duke of Megenland​
Henry I​
cousin of Matthew II​
King of the Alemaners​
Duke of Megenland​
2nd Great-grandson of Matthew I​
King of the Alemaners​
Duke of Lieserburg​
Henry II "The Black"​
son of Conrad I​
King of the Alemaners​
Duke of Lieserburg​
King of the Argents​
Duke of Silesia​
Bolesław I "The Wrymouth"​
killed in battle​
son of Casimir​
King of the Argents​
Duke of Silesia​
Władysław I "The Fair"​
son of Casimir I​
King of the Argents​
Duke of Silesia​
William I​
deposed as a result of William's Rebellion​
King of the Alemaners​
Duke of Kesterburg​
Frederick I​
son of William I​
King of the Alemaners​
Duke of Kesterburg​
Reinhard VIII in Alemriche
King of Alemriche​
King of Tristain​
Armen "The Clockmaker"​
interregnum until 1187​
son of Reinhard​
King of Alemriche​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
King of Alemriche​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​

killed in battle​
deposed by the Peasant Revolt of Kraków​
King of the Argents​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Silesia​
Władysław II "Spindleshanks"​
usurped Mieszko​

deposed by the Alemaner Revolt​
son of Mieszko​
King of the Argents​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Silesia​
Matthew III​
descendant of Henry I​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Count of Reislingen​
King of the Argents
King of Tristain
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​
Mojmir I "The Iron Dominarz"​
son of Svatopluk I​
King of the Argents​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​
Mojmir II​
son of Mojmir I​
King of the Argents​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​

killed in battle​
cousin of Mojmir II​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​
Count of Rieselfeld​
Frederick II "The Good"​
son of Sigismund​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​
Count of Rieselfeld​
William II "The Blind"​
son of Frederick II​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​
Count of Rieselfeld​
Frederick III​
son of William II​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​
Count of Rieselfeld​
Frederick IV​
son of Frederick III​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​
Count of Rieselfeld​
Frederick V​
son of Frederick IV​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​
Count of Rieselfeld​
Frederick VI​
deposed by the 1st Szlavic Revolt​
son of Frederick V​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Duke of Moravia​
Count of Rieselfeld​
Matthew IV​
descendant of Sigric​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Jarl of Hołmogród​
Count of Uttingen-am-Kiel​
Matthew V​
son of Matthew IV​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Jarl of Hołmogród​
Margrave of Neuenwalde​
Count of Uttingen-am-Kiel​
son of Matthew V​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Jarl of Hołmogród​
Count of Uttingen-am-Kiel​
Maximilian I​
son of Charles​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Jarl of Hołmogród​
Count of Uttingen-am-Kiel​
Maximilian II​
son of Maximilian I​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Jarl of Hołmogród​
Count of Uttingen-am-Kiel​
Maximilian III​

son of Maximilian II​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Jarl of Hołmogród​
Count of Uttingen-am-Kiel​
Anna I​
elected as co-monarch with William III​
cousin of William III​
King of the Argents​
Queen of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Grand Prince of Volhynia​
William III​
elected as co-monarch with Anna​
cousin of Anna​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Count of Colonhac​
Alexei "The Great"
Alexei II in Khastenia
Emperor of Khastenia​
King of the Argents​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
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dynasty or house
relationship with predecessor
other title(s)
son of Alexei "The Great"​
Emperor of Khastenia​
King of the Argents​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
John I​

deposed by the 1st Partition of Krawiterska​
King of the Argents​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
King of Lechia​
Duke of Lesser Lechia​
Count of Kraków​
Count of Cieszyn​
Count of Racibórz​
Count of Bytom​
John II
Johannes VIII in the
United Kingdom of
Goyanes and Andrenne
usurped John I​

inaugurated as co-monarch with Elisa​
Grand Emperor of Goyanes​
Grand King of Andrenne​
King of the Argents​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Elisa II in UKAG
usurped John I​
inaugurated as co-monarch with Johannes VIII​
Grand Empress of Goyanes​
Grand Queen of Andrenne​
King of the Argents​
Queen of the Alemaners​
Queen of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Oslo III in UKAG
son of John II and Elisa​
Grand Emperor of Goyanes​
Grand King of Andrenne​
King of the Argents​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Otto "The Unsung Hero"
Otto III in UKAG

son of Oslo​
Grand Emperor of Goyanes​
Grand King of Andrenne​
King of the Argents​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Jonas "The Fool"
Jonas IV in UKAG
deposed by Shaktinatha​
nephew of Otto​
"The Unsung Hero"​
Grand Emperor of Goyanes​
Grand King of Andrenne​
King of the Argents​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Emperor of Syrixia​
King of the Argents​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​

deposed by the Second Commonwealth​
interregnum until 1827​
Emperor of Syrixia​
King of the Argents​
King of the Alemaners​
King of Tristain​
Grand Prince of Kraków​
Anna II​
King of Lechia​
Queen of Tristain​
Archduchess of Mittelreich​
daughter of Astrid​
King of Lechia​
Queen of Tristain​
Archduchess of Mittelreich​
Henry III​

son of Jerza​
King of Lechia​
King of Tristain​
Archduke of Mittelreich​
William IV​

son of Jerza​
King of Lechia​
King of Tristain​
Archduke of Mittelreich​

son of Henry III​
King of Lechia​
King of Tristain​
Archduke of Mittelreich​
William V​
son of Henry III​
King of Lechia​
King of Tristain​
Archduke of Mittelreich​
Matthew VI​
son of Henry III​
King of Lechia​
King of Tristain​
Archduke of Mittelreich​
Matthew VII​

son of Matthew VI​
King of Lechia​
King of Tristain​
Archduke of Mittelreich​
Henry IV​
legitimized son of Henry III​
King of Lechia​
King of Tristain​
Archduke of Mittelreich​
Matthew VIII​
son of Henry IV​
King of Lechia​
King of Tristain​
Archduke of Mittelreich​
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Declassified Report on "Government Structure of the United Commonwealth"
By Generaldirektoratet vrá Uttanundurrættilse
Distributed December 3, 1995

1. The formal basis of the new Krawiterski government structure is the Constitution of the UCK ratified on 1995-06-15, approved by the General Wiecze. It was mandated by the people on 1995-06-3, through individual referendas across all the 13 constituent Commonwealth States of Krawiterska. The ratification date of the constitution became a holiday in the UCK known as the "Day of the Bolkonsky Constitution."

2. The governing body in the UCK is the General Wiecze. Citizens can participate in elections and vote at the minimum age of 23. It consists of two chambers:
(a) The Senate of the UCK comprises of representatives from the 13 Commonwealth States. The Constitution allows each state to send 25 senators. The selection of a senator varies according to the local laws of a Commonwealth State.​
(b) Council of Craviter, which is elected by corporate bodies of an economic, cultural, social, trade, welfare, and other nature, each represented by one councilor.​
3. Formally, all decisions of the General Wiecze must have the approval of both Chambers. In the event of a disagreement between the two Chambers on the federal budget, the Krawiterski Dominarz or the State Chancellor mediates. If both Chambers still cannot reach an agreement, the Krawiterski Dominarz can dissolve the General Wiecze and call for new elections.
4. The General Wiecze is a legislative organ which forms and controls all higher organs of administration and justice and carries out supervision over adherence to the law.
5. The powers of the General Wiecze are as follows:
(a) Proposes bills for federal legislation, including the federal budget;​
(b) Forms the UCK Government, Council of State, which is the council of ministers of the country;​
(c) Elects the UCK Supreme Court;​
(d) Appoints the UCK Prosecutor-General;​
(e) Exercises control over the organs of power, which primarily consists of the right of the deputies to address questions to the Government, to appoint committees of investigation and audit, and to remove all officials of the UCK Government;​
(f) Exercises all other functions of the highest State power, ie., ratifies the most important treaties with foreign powers, declares a state of war, etc.;​
(g) Introduces amendments to the Constitution of the UCK by a two-thirds majority vote in each Chamber.​
(h) Each Chamber establishes the conduct of its business, elects its organs, etc.​
6. The Senate, dominated by the Krawiterski aristocracy, has distinct powers separate from the Council of Craviter, to protect ancient feudal privileges that formerly belonged to the whole Wiecze when it only represented the aristocracy. They are as follows:
(a) Ratifies and denounces treaties;​
(b) Proclaims a state of war;​
(c) Orders partial or general mobilization;​
(f) Impeaches deputies of the General Wiecze.​
7. The General Wiecze of the UCK convenes for sessions twice a year at the summons of the Krawiterski Dominarz. Extraordinary sessions may be convened by the Krawiterski Dominarz at his discretion or on the demand of a Commonwealth State. The sessions of both Chambers begin and terminate simultaneously.
8. Each Chamber establishes the conduct of its business. Upon decision of both Chambers, they may hold joint sessions which are presided over by the Lawspeaker of the Senate.
9. Elections of the Council of State and the appointment of the Prosecutor-General of the UCK take place at a joint session of both Chambers.
10. Each Chamber elects its Lawspeaker and two Deputy Lawspeakers, a Credentials Commission, which verifies the validity of the credentials of the deputies, a committee for drafting bills, the duty of which consists in a preliminary study and preparation of bills; a Budget Committee, and a Foreign Affairs Committee. In addition, each Chamber may also elect temporary editorial commissions for individual bills. The right to initiate legislation belongs to both Chambers in the persons of deputies, to the Committees of both Chambers, and to the Council of State of the UCK.

11. The executive and administrative organ of State power in the UCK is the Government of the UCK, the Council of State of the UCK. The Council is appointed by the General Wiecze of the UCK at its first session after elections, which remains in power until a newly elected General Wiecze elects a new Council of State. The Wiecze assigns to one of its deputies who is being considered for the post of State Chancellor, the pro-tempore president of the Council of State, the task of submitting the General Wiecze his suggestions on the composition of the Government. The General Wiecze of the UCK must confirm the appointment of each member of the Government individually, beginning with the State Chancellor. Members of the Government have to be members of the General Wiecze, except the Krawiterski Dominarz, who is the ex-officio chairman of the Council. The Council consists of:
(a) The State Chancellor, chairman pro-tempore of the Council;​
(b) The First Deputy State Chancellor;​
(c) The Deputy State Chancellor whose number equals the number of Commonwealth States;​
(d) The Ministers of the UCK;​
(e) The Chairman of the National Economic Planning Committee.​
(f) The Chief Executive Officer of the Krawiterski State Corporation.​
12. The Council of State of the UCK:
(a) Is accountable to the General Wiecze and carries full responsibility for the legality and expediency of its activities. Every member of the Council of State is at all times subject to dismissal by the General Wiecze of the UCK.​
(b) Is the cabinet [council of ministers] of the country.​
(c) Must consist of members of both Chambers of the General Wiecze of the UCK, with a provision ensuring the representation of all Commonwealth States.​
13. Attached to the Council of State of the UCK are main administrations, committees, councils, and other central departments.
14. The Ministries of the UCK are divided into all-Commonwealth Ministries, which are entirely within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, and Commonwealth State Ministries, which are within the joint jurisdiction of the Commonwealth and of the Commonwealth States. The first group consists chiefly of the Ministries controlling or regulating various branches of industry having a decisive influence on the national economy, while the second group consists of Ministries dealing with problems of general policies and administration.
15. The Government of the UCK is accountable to the General Wiecze of the UCK and reports to them. Specifically, the Government as a whole or a separate member of the Government is obligated to give an answer within three days to the question of a deputy.
16. The Decrees and regulations of the Government of the UCK are issued in accordance with and in execution of the law, and can be revoked by the Council of State of the UCK or by the General Wiecze of the UCK.

17. The Krawiterski Dominarz is the head of state. They exercise the highest executive power under the Constitution. The Krawiterski Dominarz is endowed with the following powers:
(a) In the field of foreign relations, he appoints and recalls political representatives of the UCK, receives letters of accreditation and recall of foreign diplomatic representatives, ratifies and denounces treaties. In the intervals between the sessions of the General Wiecze of the UCK, he proclaims a state of war, orders partial or general mobilization, proclaims martial law, appoints and removes the high command of the Armed Forces of the country.​
(b) In the conduct of business of the General Wiecze of the UCK, he orders elections, convenes regular and extraordinary sessions of the General Wiecze, signs laws in the persons of the president pro-tempore (State Chancellor) and Secretary of the Council of State of the UCK, dissolves the General Wiecze. In the intervals between the sessions of the General Wiecze, he grants its consent to the prosecution or arrest of a deputy of the General Wiecze of the UCK and, likewise, to the conduct of a referendum.​
(c) In the control over executive and administrative bodies, he exercises control over the actions of the Government, annuls orders of the Council of State of the UCK and of the Councils of Ministers of the Commonwealth States if they do not conform to the law, hears the reports of the Government and the individual departments, releases and appoints officials of the Government in the interval between sessions of the General Wiecze of the UCK.​
(d) Issues Imperial Decrees to establish general standards, regulate urgent problems in the life of the State, etc. Decrees specified in this paragraph ("d"), as well as Decrees dealing with the dismissals and appointments of government officials, are submitted by the Krawiterski Dominarz to the General Wiecze of the UCK for discussion and ratification.​
(e) In its capacity as the head of the state, the Krawiterski Dominarz interprets the laws of the UCK in operation; this interpretation is binding on all Krawiterski organs and on the citizens of the UCK.​
(f) The Krawiterski Dominarz institutes medals of the UCK, honorary titles of the UCK, military titles, diplomatic cranks, and other special titles.​
(g) The Krawiterski Dominarz is also endowed with the following rights; to grant citizenship, to grant permission to renounce citizenship, to award decorations, to grant pardons, etc.​

18. The organs of power and administration of the Commonwealth States are established in absolute conformity with the principles of the establishment of the organs of power in the UCK. Most organs, administrations, and central offices originated from medieval court positions. In 1979, main state and court offices, hierarchies, and competencies were merged and equalized in all Commonwealth States. Most organs have an equivalent body in every Commonwealth.
19. A unicameral legislature, a Wiecze in a Szlavic state and a Landtag in a Gotic state, elected by the entire population of a Commonwealth, is the highest organ of the State power in each Commonwealth State. All the citizens of the UCK, 21 years of age or over, having a right to vote, may be deputies to the legislature of a Commonwealth State. They advise the rulers of the 10 sovereign Commonwealth States of Krawiterska.
21. The legislature of a Commonwealth appoints the Government of the Commonwealth, the Council of Ministers of the Commonwealth, consisting of:
(a) Grand Chancellor of the Council of Ministers of the Commonwealth​
(b) Vice-Chancellor of the Council of Ministers of the Commonwealth​
(c) Ministers of the Commonwealth State​
(d) Chairman of the State Economic Planning Committee​
(e) Representative of the Krawiterski State Corporation​
22. The Ministries of the Commonwealth States have fall into two groups:
(a) The Federal-Commonwealth, and​
(b) Commonwealth.​
The Federal-Commonwealth Ministries of Commonwealth States have jurisdiction over the fields entrusted to them, and are subordinate both to the Government of the Commonwealth and to the corresponding Ministry of the UCK. The Commonwealth Ministries of Commonwealth States are subordinate only to the Governments of the Commonwealth States. Despite this division, there are still conflicts of interest due to the retention of the original functions of certain state and court offices that have always been subordinate to the Commonwealth State, the oldest of which originated from medieval times.
23. The central state offices or ministerial positions found in all Commonwealth States are the following:
(a) Vice Chancellor; corresponding ministry is the Collegium of State Finances of the UCK​
(b) Court Marshal; corresponding ministry is the Collegium of Justice of the UCK​
(c) Grand Chieftain; corresponding ministry is the Collegium of War of the UCK​
(d) Grand Marshal; corresponding ministry is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the UCK​
(e) Referendar; corresponding ministry is the Ministry of Agriculture of the UCK​
(f) Grand Scribe; corresponding ministry is the Ministry of Education of the UCK​
(g) Grand Ensign; corresponding ministry is the Ministry of Culture of the UCK​
(h) Equerry; corresponding ministry is the Ministry of Communications​
(i) Grand Huntmaster; corresponding ministry is the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the UCK​
(j) State Economic Planning Committee; corresponding ministry is the National Economic Planning Committee​
(a) Grand Chancellor, presides over the Council of Ministers of the Commonwealth​
(b) Court Treasurer, in charge of the state budget​
(c) Crown Custodian, chief fiscal officer of the Commonwealth​
(c) Instigator, the state prosecutor-general​
(d) Field Chieftain, commander of the local Territorial Defense Force​
(e) Grand Secretary, special state diplomat on federal affairs​

24. The organs of state power in the provinces (Szlavic: Thanatswo; Gotic: Chieftaincy), counties (Szlavic: Castellany; Gotic: Ritterschaft), cities, boroughs, and villages are the Public Assemblies (Szlavic: Wiecze; Gotic: Ting). Provincial and county Public Assemblies are elected by both resident aristocrats and magnates. Civic and borough Public Assemblies are elected by resident magnates and propertied citizens. Village public assemblies are elected by all residents. Often, the chairmen of both province and county public assemblies are appointed or elected as senators by a Commonwealth State. Before 1979, the chairmen of the provincial public assemblies were formerly entitled to a seat in the Senate.
25. The provincial and county Public Assembly hold four sessions a year; the civic and village Public Assemblies hold 12 sessions a year. They elect a chairman and a secretary at each session.
26. The executive and administrative organ of a Public Assembly is the Executive Committee elected by it, commonly consisting of, varying in the Szlavic and Gotic territories:
Thanatswo (Szlavic province)
(a) Than, chairman of the Committee​
(b) Deputy Than, deputy chairman of the Committee​
(c) Chamberlain, secretary of the Committee​
(d) Starosta, lieutenant rulers appointed by the Than​
Chieftaincy (Gotic province)
(a) Chieftain, chairman of the Committee​
(b) Deputy Chieftain, deputy chairman of the Committee​
(c) Chamberlain, secretary of the Committee​
Castellany (Szlavic county)
(a) Castellan, chairman of the Committee​
(b) Deputy Castellan, deputy chairman of the Committee​
Ritterschaft (Gotic county)
(a) Ritter, chairman of the Committee​
(b) Deputy Ritter, deputy chairman of the Committee​
City and borough
(a) Governor​
(b) Vice Governor​
(c) Burgrave​
(d) Notary​
(a) Mayor​
(b) Advocate-Mayor​
(c) Council Clerk​
(d) Clerk​
(e) Constable​
(f) Treasurer​
27. The executive organs of a Public Assembly are subordinate and accountable to the respective Public Assemblies. Various branches of the administration are set up as sections which are subordinate to an Executive Committee of the Public Assembly and to a Public Assembly itself on one hand, and to the sections of the higher Public Assemblies, including the respective Ministries, on the other
28. Correspondingly, Executive Committees of a Public Assembly are subordinate to the respective Public Assemblies on one hand and, on the other hand, to the Executive Committees of the higher Public Assembly, including the Council of State of the UCK or the Council of Ministers of the Commonwealth, the wo highest executive and administrative organs in the respective jurisdictions.

29. Formally, all judicial organs of the UCK are either elected by the General Wiecze of the UCK, or the legislature of a Commonwealth State; or appointed by the Council of Ministers of a Commonwealth State.
30. The Supreme Court of the UCK is elected by the General Wiecze of the UCK for a term of five years.
31. The Supreme Court of a Commonwealth State is elected by the respective legislature of a Commonwealth State.
32. The courts of thanatswa, chieftaincies, castellanies, ritterschaften, cities, boroughs, and villages are elected by the respective Public Assemblies for a term of five years.
33. Formally, all the courts of the UCK are independent of any organ of Government and are subordinate only to the law and to higher courts.
34. Supervision to ensure the strict observance of the law in the UCK is carried out by the public prosectors of the villages, boroughs, cities, counties, provinces, Commonwealth State, and the UCK.
35. The Prosecutor-General of the UCK is vested with the supreme supervisory power to ensure the strict observance of the law by all Ministries and institutions subordinated to them, as well as by individual officials. It is to be noted that the supervision over the observance of law by the Council of State of the UCK is carried out by the General Wiecze of the UCK. The Prosecutor-General of the UCK is appointed by the General Wiecze of the UCK for a term of seven years.
36. The Instigator-General of a Commonwealth State is appointed by the Prosecutor-General of the UCK for a term of five years.
37. The Instigators of provinces, counties, cities, boroughs, and villages are appointed by the Instigator-General for a term of five years, but such appointments are subject to confirmation by the Prosecutor-General of the UCK.
38. Formally, the public prosecutors of the UCK are independent of any organ of government and are subordinate only to the law and to higher offices.
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