Results: September 2024 General Election

Results: September 2024 General Election

The Election Commission has counted the votes in this general election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.
Summary: No one has been elected Delegate and nominations will reopen. Sil Dorsett has been elected Vice Delegate. AraFuttio has been elected Speaker.

TNP September 2024 General Election (Delegate) ~ Official Vote Count
This document reflects the official tally of all public and private votes cast in the General Election by legal voters.

Delegate (Rd. 1) | Valid Ballots: 76
Candidate Vote Count Percentage Elected?

Blue Wolf II 24 100% Nomination Re-Opened

Abstain 52
Reopen Noms. 62 81.58% Reopen Nominations
Vice Delegate | Valid Ballots: 76
Candidate Vote Count Percentage Elected?

Sil Dorsett 60 86.96% Yes
Neptune 9 13.04% No

Abstain 7
Reopen Noms. 11 14.47% Do Not Reopen

Speaker | Valid Ballots: 76
Candidate Vote Count Percentage Elected?

AraFuttio 55 85.94% Yes
Griddyland 9 14.06% No

Abstain 12
Reopen Noms. 8 10.53% Do Not Reopen


A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.

Election Commisioners: @Lord Dominator and @Chipoli