National Analytics And Research Central Office, Queoriapolis


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National Analytics And Research Central Office, Queoriapolis


The National Analytics And Research Central Office (NARCO) of Queroquestan is the research and analytics central office of Queroquestan. It was founded on 25 November, 2023, inaugurated by the first and former president of Queroquestan, Neil M. Reagan.

The functions of the NARCO are :
  1. Research and analyse on the given appropriate topic from any source.
  2. Share the possible causes or reasons or predictions upon the given topic without any exceptions among the readers.
  3. Present a better opportunities to the other people to contribute in the writings.
  4. Credit those who contributed to the topic discussions.
  5. NARCO makes sure that the upcoming dispatches would reach to the interested (subscribed) nations as well as new readers.
  6. NARCO provides the right to request for any topic, and NARCO has the right to choose a topic which is in its range of knowledge, following the rules below.
  7. It also provides the right to people to correct the mistakes in the posted infos.

With so many benefits, now its time for some limitative rules.

  1. NARCO cannot share any sensitive secrets, although they can reveal with some exceptions.
  2. NARCO may add some points suggested by the people attending in the discussions.
  3. NARCO may not be answerable to the topics related with that of entertainment, but it is sure they would try its best.
  4. NARCO may be late in answering people. In that case, mention the name of Queroquestan.
  5. NARCO is impartial, i.e. it cannot take only one side in the topic. It has to present both the statements and predictions.
  6. NARCO has the right to update the dispatches. For that, mentioning that dispatch is yet to be updated is necessary for the office.
  7. The office must mention the names of subscribers.
  8. It does not and must not harm anyone's nationality or ethnicity.
  9. NARCO will not work on the topics that is related to sexual harrasment or abuse.

By following the rules, the NARCO works and serves for you. For regular posts and predictions and questions, please follow the thread. Followers of thread will be mentioned in the upcoming posts.

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Date : 16 June, 2024, Sunday

Name of the topic : Reasons For Joining NationStates Server
Release Date and Day : 16 June, 2024, Sunday
Requested By (if any) : No one has requested for it
Author and Co-Author(s) : queroquestan
First of all, what is NationStates? (Frequently asked by newcomers)
The author doesn't want to waste time in defining the whole history of NationStates.

Still the author will share the quotes from the FAQ site..

The NationStates FAQ site says:

NationStates is a free nation simulation game. You create your own country, fashioned after your own ideals, and care for its people. Either that or you deliberately torture them. It's really up to you

One can customize its nation's appearance, like changing display banner, flags, demonyms, names (except the nation's name, however the name can be capitalized).
It has amazing role-playing United Nations theme like, World Assembly, where one can vote in the resolution put forwarded by the approved delegates. It is possible when you have the WA membership. If you don't how to get that thing, then refer to FAQ page.
It's better to mention :
  1. If you have any email account, then write your email address in the nation's Settings.
  2. After saving the data, go to World Assembly and click on "Apply To Join".
  3. Then, you will receive a link in the email account from the authority of NationStates server, where it provides a link for the confirmation to join WA. Click on that.
  4. Then, click on "Confirm To Join". After that, you are admitted to World Assembly.
What is the use of this membership? Well, it allows you to vote on a resolutions reached on the voting floor in General Assembly and Security Council both. Further, you can even write a proposal for World Assembly, if you get atleast 2 endorsements from the region you reside in. One from a region cannot endorse another of a different region. Otherwise, one would get endorsements from, maybe 2/3 of the total nations in the server.
It also has the system of regular issues and dilemmas, which one had to solve. It can also be used as a display about what policies one believes and follows in. Not only limited to nations, various ideological policies can be seen in many regions.
Now, how people joins NationStates?


Many newcomers or experienced players often tell it's own personal story about how they joined the site, if asked. When they narrates, they mention all the history about his starting journey in NS. The history narration about joining NationStates can be called as narration of incidents. Now what type of incidents could it be possible for this topic? On the basis of this, it can be divided into three :
  1. Family or Relatives : Suppose you asked a guy about how he joined NS site, then he said, "It was my friend(s)/brother(s)/sister(s) who suggested me to play this interesting game." Then, this narration is categorized here.
    a. Suggestion by friend(s) or siblings or cousins is said to be something common in most narration of history.
    I am just scrolling through posts in any social network. Then suddenly, my friend jumped in my room. He/She tells me that he/she found an exciting site where we can communicate with each other and with new friends. Then, I said, "Oh, I am sure its a new app like Facebook, Insta, Twitch, etc. But denying any of my guesses by them, finally I came upon asking that what he/she was talking about. Then they said "NationStates, where you can create your own nation, region and communicate with new-friends including old-friends as I am." Then, I said, "I just want to be away of this damned politics!". My friend then added, "Of course, you can stay away with this. But, at least we can talk to each other." Then, I asked, "Why can't we do this in social media then?" Immediately he answered, "Because, NS requirement of email-address is very less, compared to Instas, FBs, etc." Then, I said, "OK! Lets try it out then."
    b. Suggestion by parents (own or other) is something an uncommon or rare case.
    I asked my mom and dad, "I wish I could rule my own nation with my rules. Is there any site where I can do this? Please tell me." Then, my dad (as a nerd of laws and politics) suggested, "You should play NS then, where you can play, create,....blah, blah, blah. Ignoring the good but boring lecture, I quickly searched about this.

    But, as an expert about parental behaviour, the author finds it unexpectable.
    c. Suggestion by [great] grandparents (own or other) is unexpectable.
  2. Personal Experience : Suppose, if you interview a guy about the same topic the author wrote on, then he may answer like this: "Once upon a time, I was watching an ideological debate on my device. It was about 'Dictatorship vs. Monarchy' I wished that it would be better if I rule my country. I quickly searched about it on my device and lo! I found this interesting site." This can be called as personal incident or personal experience.
    a. This can be also be related with the first point of this topic.
    b. Incidents which is related to the willingness to rule the nation or inspiration from various source, is common or uncommon.
    c. Incidents which is not even related with the joining of NationStates can be said as uncommon or rare.
  3. By-Mistake Incident : This is something related with the Point 2 (c). When one finds the server through any incident or source which is not even related with the ruling willingness or politics, it is called by-mistake incident.
    I was scrolling through the web. Suddenly, I found this thing, which seemed to be interesting. I entered in and confused what to do. I then looked for FAQ. And blah...blah...blah (author feels boring writing the whole example of experience)


As a 1-year experienced player, the author does not find any advertisements that recommends internet surfers like us. What the author finds the most is the bombardments of the advertisements, requesting to join a recommended region. But, the factor of advertisements is possible.
Now, why people joins NationStates?


Many NationStates players often have some opinions regarding on the existing ideologies and forms of government, or the leaders or any political objects or thinkings or any personality. This is called opinions about political thinkings and beliefs. This can be divided into five :
  1. Opinions Regarding Ideologies : When a user creates a nation/region with a definite ideology or creates a nation to boycott or oppose an/many ideology(ies), this act is called opinions regarding ideology. (If one doesn't know what is ideology, then let me tell you that ideology or simply, term "beliefs" means thought related with the idea. Ex: Communism, Fascism, Democracy, etc.)
    a. Supporting Ideology (Most)
    I. I created a nation/region where I support democracy. Why democracy? Simple because, it allows every citizen to vote for their leaders, take part in decision making process, protest against decision, etc.
    II. I support communism, because it is the rule of workers, not that of autocratic people. Workers will rule! Workers of the world, unite! Therefore, I created another communist nation.
    b. Boycotting Ideology (Averagely)
    Fascism is just like a b*llsh*t for me. I created a nation/region named "Fascism The Shtt" and its motto is "Fascism s*cks".

    Personally, I don't support fascism. But that doesn't mean that you cannot support fascism. Otherwise, this would be the "ideological genocide" of fascism, which is again equivalent to fascism. It depends upon their beliefs.
  2. Opinions Regarding Countries (Existing or Non-Existing) : When a user creates a nation/region on the name of the existing or former countries (regarding or disregarding latter's actual ideology), then we can say it as opinion regarding countries.
    a. Nations On The Name of Existing Countries [Supporting] (Mostly)
    I. [country name] is the home of democracy. People can live freely. That's why, my nation is named upon its various names.
    II. [country name] is wealthier than any other country in the continent. Additionally, I love money. That's why my nation name sounds like a coin.
    b. Nations On The Name of Existing Countries [Opposing] (More than average)
    Author doesn't want to harm anyone's nationality
    c. Nations On The Name of Non-Existing Countries [Supporting] (Fair enough)
    Soviet Union was a very nostalgic country for me. I still miss it. That's why, I love USSR.
    d. Nations On The Name of Non-Existing Countries [Opposing] (Uncommon)
    Filthy Fascists were just enemies of our glorious country. So, my nation name is "Natzi Free [country name]
  3. Opinions Regarding Forms of Government : When a user creates a nation and controls/boycotts by following the forms of government, it is called opinions regarding forms of government.
    a. Controlling According To The Ideas of Forms of Government (Almost everyone)
    I. Democracy means ruled by people. That means through elections, we can elect our new leaders.
    II. Authoritarian Government/Dictatorship means power in one hand. That's good. At least we are safe from those corrupted officials. Every decision will be taken by our glorious leader.
    b. Boycotting the Ideas of Forms of Government (Unsure about its frequency)
    I. Democracy leads to political instability, as leader changes from time to time.
    II. Dictatorship means there is a possibility that leader can also be corrupted, along with its ministers and officials.
  4. Opinions Regarding Religions : When a user creates a nation to (mostly) support a/many religion(s), then we can call it as opinions regarding religions.
    a. Supporting Religion (not on a large basis, but can be seen in region devoted to religion)
    No religion is superior than any religion. Learn to respect equally.
    b. Supporting Atheism [no religion] or Opposing Religion (mostly indirect supporters)
    Do not disrespect any religion. Its against one's beliefs. Learn to respect equally.
  5. Opinions Regarding Personalities : When a user creates a nation or region, devoted to any personality or boycotting any personality, it is called opinions regarding personalities.
    a. Supporting Personality(ies) (mostly)
    I. I support him because he was the brave commander of our country.
    II. I support her because she's cool.
    b. Opposing Personality(ies) (uncommon)
    I. Boycott him because he is toxic for our community.
    II. Boycott her because she goes against our wishes.
Interactions With People

Most people create nations and reside in random regions, just to talk with their already-existing-in-site friends or with newcomers. This is called interaction with people. This can be divided into many :
"Hello guys!"
"Hey yo! What's up, man?"
"Just roaming around."
"Okay! Just see what our friends are doing in this region."
"What's this links all about?"
"Its all about fictional government works and activities."
"You mean politics? You know, I hate this damned politics. I SAY JUST LEAVE THIS!"
"Why? You know me that I am interested in knowing these activities. Anyway, tell me one thing. Who came first here? You or me?"
"Of course, you."
"Yeah. Then you don't have any right to boycott us."
"What? Boy cut? I can't understand""
The guy who boycotted (uh, boy cutted) the server, just got kicked and banned by his fellow mates.

Cultural Exchanges

Some users (particularly less than average) create nations only to show its creations or arts in the server. This can be done through flags, banners, arts in dispatch and factbooks, arts and creations posted in the forum, storytelling, etc. It is called cultural exchanges.

Employment In Regional Offices

People in more than the average amount, often creates nations to find suitable regions for it to be employed in that regional offices. This habitual activity is called employment in regional offices. This can be divided into two :
  1. Non-Military Employment : As the term says, nations enroll in government works and staffs, i.e. no involvement of military activities.
    Regional Officers, Communication Officers (that's seperate thing that communication is needed among the soldiers during operation), Diplomatic Officers, Appearance Officer, etc.
  2. Military Employment : It is when nations enrolled in the regional military. This is in the form of on-site militia group or launchpads or jump-points.

Multiplied Nations

Many users often creates multiple nations at a time, only for testing and/or back-up purposes, which is listed below. This is also called as testing machine. Its great example is that of Testlandia. This can be divided into many :
  1. Issues Stat Test : More than average number of nations are concerned with the daily issues, some may feel satisfied or irritating.
    I. I should have clicked on the second option to ban protest, as protests often irritates me. I will leave this nation and create another one. Hehe.
    II. I am lucky enough to go with fourth option as it abolishes slavery.
  2. Card Farming Army : A user with multiple nations solves issues and gets a pack of 5 cards with random frequency (common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary). Then, these are sent to the main nation of the user in order to grow the latter's international artwork amount. These card farming armies are spread all over the other regions or settled in one region only.
  3. Spy : Strange, but it is the possible reason for multiplied nations. One nation to spy a region, second nation to spy another, and so on. Therefore, this method is used for collaboration between the puppet nations.
  4. Telegram Test : This will mostly occur when you have the permission or stamps to send telegrams to multiple nations in one time.
  5. Communicating With Itself : Less likely to occur, but its possible that one user may send message in the region and then reply that message in the same region.
    User 1 : Hey yo. How am I?
    User 1 : How will I know, how you are?
    User 1 : I am talking to you, that is myself. You should know how I am.
    User 1 : Oh, I forgor. Hehe!
  6. Military Operations : Multiple nations are made by a user to conduct regional military operations.
  7. Rise As A Recognized Region : With creating multiple nations, governer, i.e. the user can have more than 20 nations to be slightly recognized, according to what the author thinks. This can happen if the user had good or better memory power to remember passwords, multiple nations have different names,
  8. Puppet Storage In One Region: Mostly related with points "military operations", "card farming army", "rise as a recognized region".
Nothing To Do

Less than average or average amount of users creates a nation and just leave, without conducting any actions on it. This is known as "nothing to do" in the server. As a result, full of garbage of nations gets stuffed in the server.
2 hours ago : Queroquestan was founded
1 hour ago : Queroquestan ceased to exist

Part 2 of the topic is : Why people leaves NationStates? I mean, some drawbacks and way to counter it.

If there is any mistake or correction or addition of points, please contact the author.

If you want to request a topic, please telegram Queroquestan.

If you want upcoming research works on a particular topic, then subscribe the whole segment, by telegramming "I have subscribed your segment." to Queroquestan

Some updates maybe pending in this dispatch. Stay tune for updates and upcoming dispatches. Thanks for reading!
Dispatch :
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National Analytics And Research Central Office, Queoriapolis

Real-Life World Analysis || NationStates Analysis

Date : 20 June, 2024, Thursday

Name of the topic : Reasons For Leaving NationStates Server
Release Date and Day : 20 June, 2024, Thursday
Requested By (if any) : No one has requested for it
Author and Co-Author(s) : queroquestan
Before starting with the topic, have you written on why people join NationStates?

Looks like you haven't read that topic. Its link is :
Here's a small recap :
  • NationStates is an amazing game for amateur or advance in politics and something else.
  • This server can also be used as chatting server.
  • Incidents and advertisements are the factors through which people joins NationStates.
  • Opinions, Interaction, Cultural Exchange, Multiplied Nations, etc. are the reasons people join NationStates.
Okay, okay! Time for drawbacks. Why people leave NationStates?

As a big fan of NS, the author feels bad. But for the well-informed community, contribution is compulsory for them.
Basically, it has some reasons for which people get convinced to leave NationStates, which is written in tables.
Sl.No.Reason To LeaveWay To CounterExamples (if any)
1.Mentally Or Verbally Abused : While user interacting with the others, the latter one abuses verbally or in such a way that the former sets in its mind. With this, he becomes upset and depressed and due to this, they text to one that he will commit that incident that is an err for humanity.To counter this problem, the site needs to especially state that verbally abuse of a user shall not be tolerated and shall be punished. Also, if one feels depressed even though one doesn't harm the former, then international depression helpline or emergency care must be provided to that unfortunates.
User 1: "Hey bro!"
User 2 : "Yeah, hi!"
User 1 : "How you doin'?"
User 2 : "Just joined the server, trying to learn this web."
User 1 : "Hah! You are just a noob. You will not understand it easily. Just quit this site, you newbie."
User 2 depressed...
NationStates Mod : "This is NationStates Admin. A user complained that you abused him for being unable to learn the site. On the violation of site rule, your nation will be banned in the next 12 hours."
User 1 : "What the f***?"
2.Boring Site : When user feels annoying and bored about the game and graphics system of the site or nothing to do in the site, they tend to leave.Moderation Admin or Graphics Mod can enhance graphics and designs in the site. We, the NS lover, always wait for new updates, with no delay.
User A : "Its so boring..... I expect for something new."
NationStates News : "Feeling bored? Then, we are giving the opportunity to design your own cards and then sell, trade and earn some handful of money...... blah, blah, blah.

Honestly, the author also waits for creating cards of its own design.
3.Banned By Admins (regional or site): Obviously, the admins will ban those who violates the site the rules. What to say further more then?A user must never violate any one of the site rules. Also, mods must not ban those who didn't even broke the rules, i.e. unnecessary ban.
You are banned for messing with NationStates Mod.
4.State Of Offline : Many users (including the author) often get caught in a tight situation where we had to stay offline. Because of our long duration of offline, our nations get ceased to exist.A user must put his nation into vacation mode, where the days for CTE extends from 28 days to 60 days. If the duration is beyond the limit of CTE, then one can't do anything right know. But, it is known that by buying a premium-like thing, you will never CTE.
28 days ago : Following legislation in Queroquestan, being offline is illegal.
1 minute ago : Queroquestan ceased to exist.
5.Order of Person : When a relative or a person orders a user to leave the server, then it is called order of person. It is something similar to "Mentally or Verbally Abuse" and "Banned By Admins".Make sure you don't encounter with this situation. If encountered, then there is no way to decline the commander.
I was in a computer classroom with my mates. I was playing NationStates there in my seat, without being noticed. Suddenly, I got caught by the headmaster who was monitoring the whole class.
Headmaster : "Immediately, leave the room and the site."
Me : "I can leave the room, but how the site? Its my favourite."
Headmaster : "I don't know anything. Immediately do what I say."
Me : "But, sir?"
Headmaster : "Get out!!! (some spits fell on my face)"
6."I Don't Know" Reason : If you ask a user about why he had left the site, then he would say "I don't know, I can't say."If the user doesn't know why he left, then how the author will counter that.Refer to the definition of this point.
7.Situation Forces Us : Sometimes we come upon such a situation, where no option is left than leaving the site as the best option.Try not to encounter with that kind of situation.
I had to leave NationStates, because my all internet source are not in work, i.e. malfunctioned.
8.Protesting Against The Whole Server : Now this is something like one will get banned immediately. Similar to "Boring Site" point.If majority consider a user as toxic, then the latter must leave that community.
I was banned for going against the region.

If there is any mistake or correction or addition of points, please contact the author.

If you want to request a topic, please telegram Queroquestan.

If you want upcoming research works on a particular topic, then subscribe the whole segment, by telegramming "I have subscribed your segment." to Queroquestan

Some updates maybe pending in this dispatch. Stay tune for updates and upcoming dispatches. Thanks for reading!